Tuesday, 2021-03-23

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spotzok patch coming with fixed svg and calling the svg, not removing the png file from the repo though00:14
openstackgerritAmy Marrich (spotz) proposed openstack/openstack-manuals master: Cleaned up issues with network1-services.svg  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstack-manuals/+/78234100:17
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pmatulis1johnsom, hi, taking you up on your offer to assist with pdf generation for my project. this is where i'm at: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/yXYpHQXfJ4/14:33
johnsompmatulis1: I can help in 30 minutes14:34
johnsomOk, looking15:00
johnsompmatulis1 https://github.com/openstack/octavia/blob/master/bindep.txt15:02
johnsomYou are going to need to update your bindep for some of the tools the PDF job requires15:02
pmatulis1johnsom, ok, i'm not familiar with such a file15:04
johnsomIt is how OpenStack signals that binary packages (deb or rpm) are required for a project.15:05
johnsomThat page has some backgroup and details15:06
pmatulis1interesting. your project has many. including one for 'svg2pdfconverter' that i have in requirements.txt. does it matter which i use (pip/python or deb/packages)?15:09
johnsomIn the case of svg2pdfconverter (Only if your project has svg graphics files), the python package requires the binary in addition to run.15:11
johnsomUntil the PDF need, we didn't have much of a binary requirement in Octavia, but the PDF rendering requires a bunch of latex dependencies.15:11
pmatulis1hm, i don't have any svg files but i guess it's good to be ready15:12
pmatulis1johnsom, so for bindep.txt, would i start by just adding 'python3-sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter-common [doc platform:dpkg]' ?15:20
johnsomI would copy the whole bindep "PDF" section from my bindep. Obviously for charms you may not need the RPM packages, but you are going to end up needing the other latex related packages.15:22
johnsomThe PDF build process we put in place for OpenStack takes the RST converts it to Latex and then renders it to PDF15:23
pmatulis1i see. i need to use the corresponding ubuntu/dpkg package names (not rpm)?15:23
johnsomThat is already handled there in the bindep. So, if you have an Ubuntu only project, that snippet would have the list you need in your bindep15:24
johnsomOr you can leave them all for future RPM support. Grin15:25
johnsomThe platform tag is how it handles the different packaging.15:25
pmatulis1i'll try it out15:30
johnsom+1, feel free to ping me again if you hit another issue. Also note, there are some changes we made in the conf.py as well, so you might compare with https://github.com/openstack/octavia/blob/master/doc/source/conf.py15:31
pmatulis1got it, and thanks!15:32
johnsomNo problem15:33
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pmatulis1johnsom, so no change in result: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/7T4jgW4qt3/ - i tried adding that last line in requirements.txt but it didn't help15:52
johnsompmatulis1 Did you run the bindep tool?  "sudo apt-get install $(bindep -b)" ?15:54
johnsomThe gate jobs will run that for you, but on a local dev box you need to run it to install the needed packages15:55
pmatulis1no, i didn't do that16:02
johnsomThat should install the packages in the list16:02
pmatulis1need to look for the package that gives me bindep...16:03
johnsompip if not in deb16:06
pmatulis1got it but i don't get any output at all, even with 'bindep --file bindep.txt'16:10
johnsomHmm, I would expect that to not return anything if they are already installed. Is "librsvg2-bin" installed? Does tox run now?16:13
pmatulis1nope, no change16:16
pmatulis1librsvg2-bin is not installed16:17
johnsomHmm, well, maybe for now just install the packages in the list16:17
pmatulis1in these two lines 1. why doesn't the first one have "platform" and 2. what is the "doc" keyword for?16:34
pmatulis1make [doc]16:34
pmatulis1fonts-freefont-otf [doc platform:dpkg]16:34
johnsomOh, ha, forgot about the "doc" profile, that is why bindep isn't working.16:35
johnsomSo make only has "doc" as the package is the same across Ubuntu and RHEL.16:35
johnsom"sudo apt-get install $(bindep -b) doc"16:36
pmatulis1ok, just 'librsvg2-bin' popped out16:36
pmatulis1got a lot further but now 'tox' is stalled at a '?' mark. is that where the fun begins?16:40
johnsommaybe, lol. paste if it's not clear what is going on16:41
johnsomHmmm, I haven't seen that before16:44
johnsompmatulis1 Well, poke at it for a bit, if you get stuck, post a patch with your changes and I will pull it down and see if I can see why.16:48
johnsompmatulis1 Just ping me with the link to the patch.16:49
pmatulis1johnsom, thanks a lot for your help17:04
johnsompmatulis1 Sure, no problem17:05
openstackgerritGhanshyam proposed openstack/contributor-guide master: Add Structural split of changes in best practices  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/contributor-guide/+/78257217:24
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openstackgerritAmy Marrich (spotz) proposed openstack/openstack-manuals master: Cleaned up issues with network1-services.svg  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstack-manuals/+/78234120:08
spotzfungi - FYI it doesn't look like the process to make docs into PDFs likes svg files. I went ahead and made a new png and the patch passed20:18
fungiyeah, there might be a solution for converting svg to (e)ps, since pdf is really just eps with adobe juice drizzled over it20:21
fungiit's unfortunate that the solution to getting a vector image into a larger vector file is to embed a rasterization20:21
fungibut i agree right now we already have a solution for embedding raster files in pdf, that's the quickest way20:22
spotzYeah and it passed so we can get that fixed once merged20:35
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