Monday, 2021-10-25

opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/contributor-guide master: Imported Translations from Zanata
opendevreviewMarcelo Neppel proposed openstack/openstack-manuals master: Fix wget output-document flag from -o (log) to -O
pmatuliscan anyone help with a docs publication problem?21:26
pmatulisand is this the best docs channel? not many people here21:27
pmatulisfungi, ? ^^^21:27
fungipmatulis: sure, what's the question?21:35
pmatulisfungi, ah good. so i have a couple of PRs that got promoted but the build isn't showing up on docs.o.o21:38
pmatulisthe actual source file looks fine:21:38
pmatulisbut the built one does not:21:38
fungii'll see if the read-write volume updated21:40
fungiif so, then read-only replicas are probably stuck21:41
pmatulissounds good, thanks21:41
fungiokay, looks like it is indeed stale, the read-only replicas started failing to sync at 15:00 utc today21:52
fungiserver partition /vicepa RO Site  -- Old release21:54
fungiVolume is locked for a release operation21:54
fungidefinitely unusual, that shouldn't normally hang if the server is up21:56
fungiif i'm mathing correctly, it should complete in roughly 4 hours:
fungiwe have roughly 21GiB of data in the volume22:22
fungiand i have asked it to perform a full re-replication22:23
pmatulisfungi, thanks again for the investigation22:27
fungiwell, i'm still a bit baffled how it ended up stuck22:29

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