Tuesday, 2024-07-02

d1nuc0mHi all, anyone to have a look at https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/922584 ? Thanks06:34
fricklerd1nuc0m: for project-specific documentation it is in the responsibility of the project team to review these. (and I know that getting reviews from the horizon team isn't that easy, either, but that's another issue)07:32
frickleralso for changes to the global documentation (repo openstack/openstack-manuals or similar), the TC has taken over taking care of those, so best directly ping "tc-members" in the #openstack-tc channel if you have more of those07:33
d1nuc0mfrickler, thanks, I'll try on #openstack-horizon. If global docs are taken care by the technical committee, what are the cases to use #openstack-docs?07:36
fricklerd1nuc0m: actually none anymore, it might be a good idea to actually shut it down and redirect to the tc channel07:38
d1nuc0mfrickler, understood, thank you07:40
fungithis channel has still been used somewhat, after the demise of the technical writing sig, to coordinate changes to documentation. but yes, it also can result in a bit of a black hole because not many of the people who review docs changes these days are paying attention in here, so it could be a bit of an attractive nuisance for newcomers12:24

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