Tuesday, 2020-03-24

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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/election master: Remove Jeremy Stanley from election officials  https://review.opendev.org/71467815:20
fungiandymccr: ianychoi: ^ can we try to get that merged in the next 8 hours, before nominations open?15:30
andymccrtakinga  look now15:30
andymccrah no i refuse that one15:31
fungidoesn't look like persia or diablo_rojo are in here at the moment15:31
andymccryeah just need 1 more then.15:36
fungii can probably rustle up a diablo_rojo later today. thanks again!15:37
andymccrwe should introduce a 1 in 1 out rule you cant leave unless you find a replacement :D15:37
fungii have a rubber ducky who's willing to serve15:38
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openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack/election master: Update event table to work with simulateneous events  https://review.opendev.org/71473018:05
openstackgerritLance Albertson proposed openstack/election master: Add Lance Albertson candidancy for Openstack Chef PTL  https://review.opendev.org/71473718:31
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openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack/election master: Update event table to work with simulateneous events  https://review.opendev.org/71473018:45
fungidiablo_rojo: you're back! care to review https://review.opendev.org/714678 ? ideally it should be merged in the next few hours. we've already got nomination changes coming in which i've been purposefully not touching19:04
diablo_rojofungi, I'm on it!19:04
diablo_rojofungi, done :)19:05
diablo_rojoandymccr, fungi tonyb who is sending the kickoff?19:12
diablo_rojoianychoi, ^19:12
fungithanks diablo_rojo! also, not me! (since i'm no longer an election official once that merges)19:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack/election master: Remove Jeremy Stanley from election officials  https://review.opendev.org/71467819:18
diablo_rojofungi, lol right force of habit including you in the list19:21
fungiyou can include me again in a few weeks' time19:22
tonyb[m]diablo_rojo: it looks like I forgot to add myself as an official so I need do that first19:36
diablo_rojotonyb[m], happy to +w the patch once you get it posted.19:56
tonyb[m]Step One .... Get out of bed19:56
* tonyb[m] doesn't yet have the elections repo on his phone19:57
* diablo_rojo is disappointed tonyb[m] doesn't love his elections repo more19:58
fungiandymccr: see, i found a replacement! ;)20:01
* tonyb[m] feels Gerrit needs a "create new change" or similar button20:04
fungitonyb[m]: i think new gerrit is growing that20:06
fungiand has already gained the ability to upload new files to an existing change as a revision through the webui20:07
diablo_rojoThey already have the edit in browser. If you could just like.. copy a different patch..20:07
fungiyeah, basically they're very close to having the ability to do everything without ever touching a git command line yoursef20:07
fungi(still all git under the covers though, more than ever with the notedb transition)20:08
diablo_rojoYeah that would make sense.20:09
diablo_rojoSome people are just scared of git/gerrit commands for whatever reason.20:09
tonyb[m]Can you imagine doing anything more than a few lines of text without a laptop20:14
fungimy thumbs would fall off20:17
fungiscience fiction authors who have tried to predict the far future physical evolution of humanity all got it wrong. we'll be "all thumbs"20:18

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