Wednesday, 2021-03-10

fungiheh, just read the close of nominations e-,ao00:00
fungihaving a campaign period when there won't be a poll is kinda funny00:00
openstackgerritMerged openstack/election master: Add Lance Albertson candidancy for Openstack Chef PTL
diablo_rojofungi,  we can do it tomorrow00:04
diablo_rojoI might just run it tonight because I am curious.00:04
diablo_rojoI have a pole class in an hour I need to change and warm up for anyway.00:04
fungiyeah, there's no rush. we would normally have had 10 days00:05
diablo_rojoLooks like close election ran with no issues.00:09
diablo_rojoFor the record.00:09
diablo_rojoNot gonna push it today though because I don't want to do all the other stuff that goes with it right now lol00:09
diablo_rojoTomorrow we can.00:09
openstackgerritMartin Chacon Piza proposed openstack/election master: Adding Martin Chacon Piza candidacy for Monasca PTL for X
openstackgerritAmy Marrich proposed openstack/election master: TC Candidacy - Amy Marrich
openstackgerrit刘雪峰 proposed openstack/election master: Add XueFeng Liu candidacy for Senlin PTL in Xena
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diablo_rojoCreating an etherpad to help with TC discussion of results/leaderless projects etc:
diablo_rojoWill have the patches up shortly fungi if you want to send the email closing the election?18:25
openstackgerritKendall Nelson proposed openstack/election master: Close Xena Elections
diablo_rojoI guess things are being tracked in this etherpad, so nevermind the one I created:
fungithanks, i'll take a look in a sec, need to eat something first18:31
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/election master: Omit leaderless list from TC election results
openstackgerritKendall Nelson proposed openstack/election master: Close Xena Elections

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