Thursday, 2022-09-08

spotzOk sending a nominations end email and noting we are working on the patch and that voting will start next week. Also have that candidates can answer any questions and we cn get everyone to opt-in00:14
opendevreviewAmy Marrich proposed openstack/election master: Adding a campaigning period for TC
spotzHrm all the repos I commit to aren't in the rolls for election00:20
fungigo figure00:21
fungiif you commit to project team deliverable repos or sig repos that should count00:22
spotzThat does mean we're missing all the UCs from the lists probably, it's been so long since e needed to gather that list00:42
fungithat requires manual adding/updating01:08
opendevreviewAmy Marrich proposed openstack/election master: Adding a campaigning period for TC
spotzgood catch knikolla!01:39
ianychoi[m]Thank u knikolla !01:40
ianychoi[m]spotz: knikolla nomination period was ended but would it be worth approving this ?02:42
ianychoi[m]spotz: Note that I just copied & pasted candidate information with IRC nicks from and it looks like that Dan did not put IRC nick on Foundation member profile.03:09
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Adding a campaigning period for TC
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Add Grzegorz Grasza candidacy for Barbican
knikollamerged both :) going to sleep now03:42
ianychoi[m]Good night! :)03:42
spotzthanks ianychoi[m] and knikolla!13:36
spotzI don't want to complicate this election any more and I'll make sure I get a commit not just patches in regular repos for next election but by not generating the AUCs and making that the check pass for them we're failing th merger of the 2 committees13:37
spotzpass the checks13:38
opendevreviewArtem Goncharov proposed openstack/election master: Put Artem Goncharov candidacy (SDK) to the correct cycle
spotzianychoi[m]: knikolla jungleboyj ^ I'm not sure it officially matters as we can appoint hi from the TC but I thought it'd be good if he moved his nomination to the correct release13:59
ianychoi[m]spotz:  waiting for Zuul while 1) i am fine assuming this does not affect on overall election procedure with fairness and 2) we might need to draft and post via openstack-discuss for some corrections including this and some additional (e.g., TC election is not Ironic, Barbican nominee was merged after election nomination period)14:02
spotzYeah we all merged it into Zed, we should have caught it and he was the only candidate14:03
spotzLike I said we can always just TC appoint if needed14:03
fungicandidacies proposed before the deadline but confirmed after the deadline are generally okay, or we've treated them as such in the past14:03
fungias long as the nominee meets the confirmation requirements, of course14:04
knikollaI'd try to minimize TC appointments unless absolutely necessary, even just for stats reasons. As fungi says, the nomination was done ahead of the deadline so it's fine.14:04
jungleboyjI agree that it should be fine.14:05
spotzI think Keystone, Zun, and maybe one other will need appointing. Adjunctant had just volunteered for Zed but we hadn't heard from him here14:05
fungieven best case, if someone submits their nomination moments before the deadline, there's no way for the validation checks to run and officials to confirm before the deadline too, so a little delay is expected14:05
ianychoi[m]Yeah, we can improve tool chain. I don’t think such change merging affects on fairness of election14:05
fungiin the past, i always favored process which did not put unnecessary time pressure on the election officials, so we did not assume all nominees would be confirmed before the end of the nomination period they merely needed to be proposed before the deadline14:06
spotzI do think we need a solution for AUC though but like I said lets just finish this one and then address it14:07
fungihowever, we did always encourage prospective candidates to nominate early, in case there was a problem they needed to resolve with their nomination14:07
spotzI was just happy to get noms which is why we accidently merged into zed14:08
fungispotz: the current solution for auc is that they're added by the tc as extra atcs (someone just needs to decide who should be added and provide that updated list)14:08
fungithat should be done before the extra atcs deadline, like with any other extra atcs updates14:08
fungithat way they'll be reflected in the tagged state of the governance repo14:09
spotzfungi: Ok that's easy enough. Maybe 5 people or so that I can think of plus asking the SiGs14:09
ianychoi[m]spotz: i admit that it was fine with system log for osf membership and the patch for eligibility regardless of the folder location..14:09
spotzianychoi[m]: I +2d it too:)14:10
ianychoi[m]I remember that prev TC helped to include AUCs on some script while I can’t recall exact point where AUCs are included on the script14:11
fungiit wasn't the tc. the foundation staff used to run some very convoluted scripts to build lists of aucs for the uc elections, but those scripts relied on privileged access to multiple systems which tc members and election officials generally aren't going to have, so that's why the process was simplified to a proposal-based one when the uc was subsumed into the tc14:16
fungion the premise that the openstack community should be able to run its own elections without foundation staff involvement, and the results should be verifiable by anyone in the community as well, which really isn't possible if it's based on private data14:17
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Put Artem Goncharov candidacy (SDK) to the correct cycle
spotzYeah I remember giving names to Tom back in the day14:33
fungiright, and they'd poll the groups/meetup api to get user group presenters and hosts, stuff like that14:34
spotzianychoi[m]: We have an Ironic election too!15:33

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