Friday, 2023-09-01

gmannianychoi[m]: tonyb : frickler mentioned a good point of sending another explicit email about CIVS opt-in email for election. can either of you do that?17:44
fricklerhi there, was discussing in the tc channel about how many of our voters might or might not have registered their email on civs19:13
fricklerI was told that civs reports back the unregistered addresses when a poll is submitted, would it be possible for you to report the count of those addresses afterwards?19:14
gmannianychoi[m]: tonyb ^^19:15
gmannand encouraging electorate on ML so that we can improve the total actual votes19:16
gmannAFAIK, when I did election in past and in TC for release name, voting organizers get to know that who all have not opt-in in CIVS. and I used to ask them to do so and sent poll again 19:17
gmannbut that was just a very small number of electorate 19:17
gmannso it was easy to do so19:18
fricklersending individual reminders to 300+ people is not something I'd expect anyone to do. might also result in flagging yourself as spammer19:20
ianychoi[m]gmann: Might mentioning on voting kickoff e-mail would be better, since opt-in e-mails are sent around voting starts, like ?23:27
ianychoi[m]The commit I added is based on such an e-mail:
ianychoi[m]Yep, I agree that reporting the count of those addresses is possible - tonyb: thoughts? 23:28
ianychoi[m]And gmann: there was a case of discussions on changing a list of target election projects regarding the non-reflection of distributed leadership models, but ideally target projects should be decided before an election starts. So, tagging to governance before election starts and reflecting tag number on election repo's configuration.yaml would be better?23:31

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