Thursday, 2024-02-29

ianychoi(Seeing template error: )00:00
opendevreviewwu.chunyang proposed openstack/election master: Adding chunyang wu candidacy for Trove
tonybianychoi: I sent you a calendar block for generating the rolls.  I hope the time works for you.  if not move it to accomodate.  01:44
opendevreviewIan Y. Choi proposed openstack/election master: Fix minor election tool bugs
opendevreviewIan Y. Choi proposed openstack/election master: Election template fix: combined end nominations
ianychoitonyb: Thank you for the calendar invitation. I have fixed generate roll tool and proposed like ^ ^, and am executing based on the code and SHA. I will be back if I can generate it earlier than your proposed schedule :)03:57
ianychoiAnd.. tonyb any chance for you to investigate in review which is still pending?04:11
tonybthanks ianychoi I'll check that out this evening 06:56
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Fix minor election tool bugs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Election template fix: combined end nominations

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