Thursday, 2024-03-07

ianychoiSharing as a note that 207 out of 298 authorized voters were without e-mail opt-in for this round (2024.2).00:20
ianychoiPreviously (2024.1), 218 out of 309 vouters were without e-mail opt-in.00:20
fungiso still around 2/300:20
fungireceived and voted. seems to be working great. thanks!00:23
fricklerthat looks like it still might be the same 91 voters with opt-in05:34
JayFI suspect I need to update my internal gr-oss onboarding, I should've had at least a +1 from my end, I have them opting in now, thanks for the heads up16:07
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Jobs that fail due to being unable to resolve can be rechecked. This error was an unexpected side effect of some nodepool configuration changes which have been reverted.16:54

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