Monday, 2024-08-05

slaweqhi election-officials team, if I am not mistaken next week nomination period should be opened for PTL and TC candidates, do we have anything to do this week to prepare for that?08:06
fungiusually there's a reminder sent ahead of the start of nominations so people can start thinking about whether they intend to stand for election13:12
fungiand for people currently in leadership roles whose terms are coming to an end to let their constituents know if they won't run again13:13
slaweqfungi thx13:43
slaweqianychoi spotz gouthamr do you know who and when is going to send such reminder(s)?13:44
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/election master: Create candidates/2025.1 placeholder directories
slaweqianychoi I hope I did not jumped ahead too much with ^^ but according to the it should be already done14:07
gouthamrslaweq: do you want to send the nomination email as well?  15:27
gouthamri checked the o/p of "tox -e venv -- template-emails election_season" - it looks good to me.. we're ~9 days away, and within the 2-week timeframe15:27
slaweqgouthamr: sure. I will be happy to send it. I will do it tomorrow morning my time18:23
gouthamrslaweq thank you18:23
spotz[m]I’m at Flock this week but can send emails if needed20:18
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Create candidates/2025.1 placeholder directories
ianychoiThank you slaweq. I also checked "tox -e venv -- template-emails election_season" result and it looks good as gouthamr did. Yep will be great if slaweq sends it. Thank you too23:52

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