Wednesday, 2024-08-14

opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/election master: Add Michal Nasiadka candidacy for Kolla 2024.1 PTL
slaweqhi ianychoi 17:42
slaweqwill you send email about nomination period start or do you want me to do it later today?17:43
slaweqok, I will schedule it to be send later today17:50
slaweqschedule done, mail should be send in the night, at 23:45 UTC17:53
fungii'll try to keep an eye out for it since that's still reasonably early in my day18:09
ianychoislaweq: thank u - will check the mail scheduled!21:30
ianychoiI can see - thank u again23:46
fungiyes, i also received a copy, right on schedule. thanks!!!23:59

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