Wednesday, 2025-01-22

slaweqbauzas I am there, just ping me if you want to talk11:01
bauzasslaweq: ianychoi: hey folks13:11
bauzasso I created the 2025.2 directories patch13:12
bauzasbut given we also need to send an email13:12
bauzasianychoi: slaweq: so, who for you could create the email ? 13:13
bauzaswe discussed this yesterday during the TC meetign13:13
slaweqbauzas I can send it or you can if you want :)14:20
slaweqlast time I was sending most emails so this time it can be you if you want14:21
slaweqbauzas but are You election official now? I though you wanted to be, right? But I don't see you in
bauzasno, I'm just the TC liaison :)14:22
bauzasso I liaise here our concerns :)14:22
slaweqahh, ok14:22
slaweqso I will send it14:22
slaweqit's still 2 weeks to the nomination period start14:23
slaweqI will send it today or tomorrow morning14:23
bauzasslaweq: could you please read yesterday's TC meeting minutes ? you'll find our concerns about opening the candidacy nominations earlier14:23
bauzasbut that sounds important to signal that candidates can bring their nominations in advance, particularly if they're off during the nomination period14:24
slaweqsure, I will read it after meeting I am in now14:25
bauzasI guess I can guess which one :)14:28
slaweqmost likely :)14:35
slaweqianychoi I already +2 - please check and approve it15:07
slaweqbauzas I just read the log from the tc meeting but I'm not sure I understand the issue there, is there any potential AI on the election officials now? I think users can always send patch with their candidacy before nomination period will officially start but we can review it later, right?15:32
fungias long as the directories are created, e.g. with 93975015:34
slaweqyes, correct15:34
slaweqI already +2 that patch, now ianychoi has to check it too15:35
bauzasslaweq: yeah, that's what we eventually agreed : nominates can provide their patches in advance, CI will fail until election officially starts but then election officials can start reviewing the nominations once the election starts and then rechecks if needed16:58
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Create candidates/2025.2 placeholder directories
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on will be offline momentarily for a restart to put some database compaction config changes into effect, and will return within a few minutes22:53
ianychoibauzas: thank you the detailed sharing and I have read TC meeting minutes. Three things I can add: 1/ Election officials might need to rebase and review the proposed patch(es) which are rather old: typically I asked candidates to rebase as much as possible but I believe it is definitely okay to do as election officials 2/ Lunar new year holidays are coming on the next week. Which dates would you think to start soon? 3/ If you have23:35
ianychoidrafts on election_season e-mail template considering early start election, would you share with us?23:35
ianychoislaweq: I added my availability on Etherpad: . I will be offline during around Feb 25 - Mar 02 for my vacation - would it be fine for you to lead the actions? Also, updated the merged direction creation patch and my additional patch on release repo:

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