Thursday, 2025-02-06

opendevreviewWenping Song proposed openstack/election master: Adding songwenping candidacy for Cyborg
slaweqhi, election nomination period is officially kicked off now :)08:07
opendevreviewAxel Vanzaghi proposed openstack/election master: Adding Axel Vanzaghi candidacy for Mistral
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Render election schedule to releases properly
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Clarify preference on election official neutrality
fricklerslaweq: ianychoi: do you think it would make sense to also send a #status notice to all IRC channels? IMO it could maybe help in getting a bit more attention from those few people that only dwell in some project channels09:23
frickler(I think some infra-root would need to actually perform the command, but I'd be happy to volunteer for that)09:23
slaweqfrickler: hi, sounds great for me. Thx a lot10:17
fricklerhow does that sound? "nominations for the PTL and TC positions are now open, for details see" - I know the URL looks a bit spammy though, rather point to the governance pages instead?10:21
fricklerfungi: Clark[m]: tonyb: ^^ wdyt from an infra perspective?10:21
slaweqfor me this looks good, link is to the ML archives and is not "hidden" so IMO should be good11:11
ianychoi+1 Governance - Election page will be great:
fricklerso: "nominations for the PTL and TC positions are now open, for details see" I'll send that later today unless some other infra-root objects ... or is faster ;)12:53
fungifrickler: i'm not strongly against he idea, but there are quite a few non-openstack irc channels our statusbot hangs out in too13:01
fricklerfungi: well I'd say the collateral damage should be acceptable, but I'll add "OpenStack" in the message to make it clearer13:02
fungifor the record, this is the list of channels that would be notified:
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: nominations for the OpenStack PTL and TC positions are now open, for details see
fungipointing to the ml archive for the official announcement would have done a better job of subtly reminding people to pay attention to the mailing list16:08
fungisuggestion for next time16:09
fricklerfungi: see the above discussion, to me, that URL looked too long and spammy. maybe I need to revive my link-shortener project16:15
fungiaha, sorry, for some reason i got distracted and missed the subsequent discussion16:19
fungii don't personally mind long urls as long as the full message fits within the irc message length limit16:21
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: 2025.2: Add Michal Nasiadka candidacy for Kolla
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Adding songwenping candidacy for Cyborg
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Adding RenĂ© Ribaud candidacy for Nova 2025.2 PTL
opendevreviewOmer Schwartz proposed openstack/election master: Adding Omer Schwartz for Designate 2025.2 PTL
ianychoiElection kick off mailing list URL has 126 characters and wow.. seems irc message length limit is more than the number according to RFC :p18:09
fungiyeah, i mean, i embed links to hyperkitty messages/threads in statusbot notice messages all the time and there's plenty of room for a sentence to go along with them18:10
gouthamryay, i really liked seeing this fire off on all the channels! great thought, frickler!18:25
gmannseems msg going on retired channel also for example tripleo18:44
gmann*retired projects18:44
fungisuch channels are possibly worth removing from statusbot, gerritbot and meetbot configs (the only one we don't remove them from is accessbot, in case we need to resurrect them)18:45
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on will be offline momentarily while we upgrade for a new jeepyb feature and switch our database container image source repository18:51

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