Saturday, 2025-02-22

ianychoi(Oops sorry)00:25
ianychoiThank you fungi, while it is something which election officials are not viewing00:26
ianychoiFor me, long time ago, I could get advise from previous PTL once I was elected, and could officially start from the release00:27
ianychoi(from my i18n PTL experience)00:27
opendevreviewIan Y. Choi proposed openstack/election master: Tag value handling for governance repo with note
opendevreviewIan Y. Choi proposed openstack/election master: Close 2025.2 Election Results (TC/PTL)
ianychoislaweq gouthamr: Your review for ^ will be appreciated. And, slaweq: Would you send election results to openstack-discuss and openstack-announce mailing lists? Note that I will be on leave from Tuesday afternoon next week so I am trying to help as much as possible before my leave starts07:03

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