Friday, 2024-12-13

itamarstnew eventlet makes my new asyncio-compatible pipemutex replacement lock for oslo.log work... except I'm still seeing issues on 3.9. hopefully it's the lock, not eventlet :(18:35
itamarstis it reasonable to assume any code using asyncio hub will be on python 3.10 or later, or should I spend some time investigating?18:38
itamarstnever mind, figured it out18:45
itamarst is next patch, presumes that the requirements dependency patch gets changed to eventlet 0.38.218:52
itamarstit allows oslo.log 's patching of stdlib logging rlock to work with asyncio hub18:54
JayF we support 3.9 18:54
JayFfor the next two releases since this is a slurp18:54
JayFso 2025.1/2025.2 will have 3.918:54
itamarstthis may end up being a requirement for updating eventlet in `requirements` ( in which case this is a circular dependency18:54
itamarstsince I see some comments in the latter about logging rlock18:54
itamarstin which case this can be tweaked so it doesn't run asyncio hub tests, get merged, do oslo.log release, then update eventlet in `requirements`, then re-enable oslo.log testing with asyncio hub18:55
itamarstoslo.log currently doesn't support 3.13, btw, but that's a different issue19:03

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