Tuesday, 2025-01-21

hberaud[m]#startmeeting openstack-eventlet-removal15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Tue Jan 21 15:00:03 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is hberaud[m]. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.15:00
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'openstack_eventlet_removal'15:00
hberaud[m]Ping amorin, JayF, gouthamr, ralonsoh15:00
hberaud[m]#link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/epoxy-eventlet-tracking15:00
hberaud[m]We are at line 14015:00
hberaud[m]I'm waiting 1 or 2 minutes to allow folks to join15:01
hberaud[m]ok lets go15:03
ralonsohhello (I was in the Neutron meeting)15:03
hberaud[m]#topic review task completion15:03
hberaud[m]no tasks from previous weeks15:03
hberaud[m]#topic updates 15:04
hberaud[m]There is one great news, Neutron finished to implement their new socket server to replace the eventlet wsgi one https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/937545 Kudos ralonsoh 15:06
ralonsohyes but needs to be approved15:06
ralonsohat least we are replacing the metdata server15:06
ralonsohnow I'm trying to deal with the Neutron API issues since we migrate to wsgi15:06
hberaud[m]yes the base implementation seems already merged if I'm right15:06
ralonsohjust a heads-up15:07
hberaud[m]Great job Rodolfo15:07
ralonsohwe are running Neutron API without eventlet15:07
ralonsoh(but we have many problems with OVN)15:07
hberaud[m]oh nice15:07
hberaud[m]can we prefix all these series of patches with "eventlet-removal"?15:07
hberaud[m]as topic15:08
ralonsohsure, I'll do it15:08
hberaud[m]it will allow them to appear here https://review.opendev.org/q/prefixtopic:%22eventlet-removal%2215:08
hberaud[m]in parallel of that I started to deprecate more eventlet things in the oslo side by example futurist's green executor, oslo.utils's eventletutils etc...15:09
hberaud[m]And glance started to prepare some refactor of their functional tests without eventlet15:10
hberaud[m]We could also note that the requirements bump is now merged and openstack use the latest version of eventlet15:11
hberaud[m]this version land the support of python 3.13, so in theory OSP now support Python 3.1315:11
hberaud[m]takashi proposed to drop the support of python 3.8, is this version is now EOL15:12
hberaud[m]but for now the patch is stuck by our gates 15:13
hberaud[m]Do you have other updates that you want to share with us?15:13
ralonsohno, thanks15:13
hberaud[m]#topic oslo.service's migration15:15
hberaud[m]concerning the migration of oslo.service, Daniel, Takashi, and Mike recently had an interesting discussion concerning the fact to use or not a config option to implement the backend selector15:16
hberaud[m]and finally they agreed to move from a config option to an env var to setup the backend in use in oslo.service15:17
amorinan env var? This may be difficult to implement on operators side15:18
amorinam I wrong?15:18
hberaud[m]good question15:19
hberaud[m]apparently a couple of other deliverables already function this way15:19
hberaud[m]https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo.service/+/935783 15:19
hberaud[m]the discussion started around patch set 26-2715:20
hberaud[m]concerning operators, I first glance I do not see the difficulty to define an env var, but I'm far to be an expert deployer...15:21
amorinI'll take a look at the patchset15:22
hberaud[m]I think the development of this part of the migration of oslo.service is almost done, only remains cosmetic changes, I'll put a comment to see if we can address the remaining tiny changes into a follow-up patch15:23
hberaud[m]#topic open discussion15:24
hberaud[m]Anything else that you want to discuss today?15:24
amorinjust for the record, I have not been able to work further with mistral eventlet removal, topic is paused on my side15:25
hberaud[m]ack, thanks 15:25
hberaud[m]Then I think we are done15:27
hberaud[m]Thanks everyone15:27
opendevmeetMeeting ended Tue Jan 21 15:27:12 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)15:27
opendevmeetMinutes:        https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/openstack_eventlet_removal/2025/openstack_eventlet_removal.2025-01-21-15.00.html15:27
opendevmeetMinutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/openstack_eventlet_removal/2025/openstack_eventlet_removal.2025-01-21-15.00.txt15:27
opendevmeetLog:            https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/openstack_eventlet_removal/2025/openstack_eventlet_removal.2025-01-21-15.00.log.html15:27
amorinthansk, bye15:28
JayFhberaud[m]: amorin: I -1'd that patch, env vars for that use are just pain waiting to happen15:54
JayFI'm not a core so who knows if it'll be honored, but that seems like an operational headache I'd want no part of with either my Ironic dev or downstream operator hats on15:55
amorinI added a comment regarding this with exactly the same opinion15:55
amorinbefore -1 I'd like to know if some exemple exists somewhere15:55
JayFit shouldn't be configurable AT ALL15:55
JayFin CONF. or in env vars15:56
amorinthat was said in the comemnts15:56
amorinwhy not in conf?15:56
JayFit's not an operator decision; it's a project decision15:56
JayFif I ship an ironic that depends on eventlet, why should I give a CONF.break_everything?15:56
JayFsame from the post-migration perspective15:56
amorinso there is not point to have two backends then? Or maybe to let project switch on their own timeline15:56
JayFthe project has to be the one to trigger a switch15:57
JayFnot the operator15:57
amorinok, make sense15:57
JayFCONF / env vars are operator facing, not upstraem-of-library facing15:57
hberaud[m]can you put your arguments in a comment of the review?15:57
JayFI already did15:58
JayFif it's not clear let me know and I can elaborate, I try not to writte books on PRs :)15:59
hberaud[m]I was just thinking that your "project decision" arguments were well expressed and useful and your actual comment do not reflect that16:01
hberaud[m]actual comment = the one in the PR16:01
hberaud[m]but as you want16:01
JayFI'll go put that wording on the comment then :)16:02
JayFI tend to ramble and am not always good at figuring out the useful bits from the stream of conciousness :D 16:04
JayFso ty for the comment :)16:04
itamarsttoday in why eventlet needs to die: https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/issues/1020#issuecomment-260518174816:21
JayFwe are trying16:22
itamarstthat's how this issue came about, yes16:24
JayFdoes someone share a channel with Mike to share that issue link with him?16:25
JayFI can't remember his IRC name off the top of my head16:25
hberaud[m]Mike? Bayer?16:26
hberaud[m]yes Mike Bayer16:26
JayFyeah I was like 75% sure that was his last name so omitted it to avoid the 1/4 failure :P16:26
hberaud[m]his irc name is zzzeek16:27
hberaud[m]and you can reach him on #openstack-oslo16:27
itamarstdid someone share it, or should I?16:44
hberaud[m]itamarst: go ahead16:46
itamarstgonna do it privately, then16:58
JayFI linked it to him in the channel 16:59
JayFmore chat doesn't hurt :)16:59
itamarstah ok16:59
itamarstI'll wait a bit16:59

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