Thursday, 2019-03-28

tojuvoneGood morning05:10
tojuvonegood afternoon :)05:11
tojuvoneAbout Fenix versions05:11
tojuvoneWe are surely not releasing as Fenix is not in that kind of shape05:11
tojuvoneHow ever Fenix is tested by the OPNFV Doctor05:11
tojuvoneAnd that makes releases05:12
tojuvoneMaybe we should have some tag, so the Doctor release will have compatibility to test Fenix05:12
tojuvoneI mean as Doctor now clones Fenix master, it should use the tag at least in release05:13
dangtrinhntcan we do something like
tojuvoneyes, I think the tag needs to use convention in OpenStack so what happened to Cinder doesn't happen to us05:17
dangtrinhntwhat did happen with Cinder?05:18
tojuvoneThey have tag like: 2012.2. Cause problem when want to have last tag that should be the latest in order05:19
tojuvoneso the first is the latest. Biggest number05:20
dangtrinhntso let's do and we can move on whenever we are ready without problem I guess05:21
tojuvoneThat sounds good :)05:23
dangtrinhntOk, so you want me to help doing a release now?05:30
dangtrinhntthan we can move on at Doctor side?05:31
dangtrinhntbtw, I failed the US visa interview this morning :( so... couldn't attend the PTG with you05:44
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tojuvoneI am getting "403" when trying to push the tag06:58
dangtrinhntokie, maybe we cannot do it manually. Maybe we should go through the release process :)07:06
tojuvoneone solution is to clone first and then separately get certain commit07:06
tojuvoneyes, I can see that is the problem. Anyhow l do not find it so tempting at the moment07:08
tojuvoneOPNFV is also using Rocky, but we want to use "Stein" for Fenix07:08
tojuvoneHunter in OPNFV is OpenStack Rocky. Surely Fenix point of view it does not make sense07:10
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