Tuesday, 2019-09-10

tojuvonehyunsikyang, hi06:03
hyunsikyangare you there?06:03
hyunsikyangAh hi06:03
hyunsikyanglong time no see:)06:03
tojuvoneyep :)06:03
hyunsikyangwe uploaded first version of tacker- fenix integration06:03
hyunsikyangBut, we have some issue.06:03
tojuvoneok, what kind of issue06:04
hyunsikyangWhen we made a blueprint, we don't think about multi VDU.  Basically, tacker use VNFD and VNFD includes at least one VDU.06:04
hyunsikyangHowever, we think that we'd better make a alarm url for each VDU.06:05
tojuvoneIs VDU something that maps to VNF (nova project_id)?06:06
hyunsikyangSo, current implementation, it creates url for each VDU.06:06
hyunsikyangVNF includes several VDU in one VNF.06:08
hyunsikyangActually, it is a kinds of VNFC as a logical view.06:08
tojuvoneSorry, I am not that aware of the "VNF" side terminology06:09
tojuvonejust opened the page: https://docs.openstack.org/tacker/ocata/devref/vnfd_template_description.html06:10
hyunsikyanganyway, multi VDU means that we have several instance as a view of nova06:11
tojuvoneWhat should matter here is that in OpenStakc spacew there is only project_id/tenant_id06:11
hyunsikyangBut it only show one VNF as a tacker view.06:11
tojuvonethat is the only unit that can be used in mapping then06:12
tojuvoneso if that do not have exact mapping to single VDU, then this is a big problem06:12
hyunsikyangBut, when we think about later, we should consider each instance. I think..06:12
hyunsikyangit mapped with ecah VDU.06:13
hyunsikyangbecause we created alarm url based on VDU.06:13
tojuvoneOpenStack side shouldn't know about VDU if it does not have any means to map it06:13
tojuvoneSurely if one VDU could map to heat stack instance, then there could be a mapping06:14
tojuvoneOne way or the other this needs to be solved later on06:16
tojuvoneThe question remains:  What is the relation of OpenStack: project_id/tenant_id and stack_id (heat), to vnfd or the VDUs06:18
tojuvoneAnd does tacker even use heat to deploy06:18
hyunsikyangyes tacker use heat stack. heat stack id = VNF id.06:22
tojuvoneso that is still just mapping to "vnfd" not "VDU"07:25
hyunsikyangPart of it. When you create VNF with one VDU, it is mapping to 1 VNF.08:02
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tojuvonehyunsikyang, Need to look into this. At the same time I am now finalizing demo for ONS Europe and preparing to start spec for ETSI FEAT03 in Fenix12:03
hyunsikyangI will looj at it.12:04
tojuvonehyunsikyang, thx :)12:04
hyunsikyangToday, I talked with tacker PTL, They also aggreed with each VDU have each url for maintenance. but, we also make a another url for VNF level maintenance.12:05
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