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openstackgerrit | Fabrizio Vanni proposed stackforge/freezer: job event requests use specific api endpoint https://review.openstack.org/217324 | 09:30 |
openstackgerrit | Fabrizio Vanni proposed stackforge/freezer: job event requests use specific api endpoint https://review.openstack.org/217324 | 09:31 |
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openstackgerrit | Memo Garcia proposed stackforge/freezer: Freezer-Scheduler port to Windows https://review.openstack.org/211949 | 12:20 |
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m3m0 | #startmeeting openstack-freezer 27-08-2015 | 15:02 |
openstack | Meeting started Thu Aug 27 15:02:42 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is m3m0. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 15:02 |
freezerBot | Meeting started Thu Aug 27 15:02:42 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is m3m0. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 15:02 |
freezerBot | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 15:02 |
freezerBot | The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_freezer_27_08_2015' | 15:02 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 15:02 |
openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_freezer_27_08_2015' | 15:02 |
daemontool_ | m3m0, I can go first if you want | 15:02 |
m3m0 | All: meetings notes available in real time at: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/freezer_meetings | 15:03 |
m3m0 | I'll go first | 15:03 |
daemontool_ | ok | 15:03 |
daemontool_ | :) | 15:03 |
m3m0 | I've been working on freezer documentation (freezer agent, freezer scheduler, freezer api, jobs, sessions, actions) | 15:04 |
m3m0 | I also been porting the scheduler on windows, I still need to fix something with the output of the subproccess running from a windows service because sometimes it gets waiting forever | 15:05 |
m3m0 | and I'm running tests for the freezer-dashboard repo | 15:05 |
m3m0 | now, will be a separate repo | 15:05 |
m3m0 | that's it for me this week | 15:06 |
daemontool_ | I can go next | 15:06 |
m3m0 | go ahead | 15:06 |
daemontool_ | have been working on the repo splits, also on the lvm auto snap improvement | 15:06 |
daemontool_ | done several code review, and working on improving the freezer-agent usability | 15:07 |
daemontool_ | sparse support for other engineers, this is all from me | 15:07 |
m3m0 | is the backup list option in the agent or scheduler critical for this sprint? | 15:07 |
daemontool_ | I think we need to create a freezerclient tool | 15:08 |
daemontool_ | that individually can query the api and the media storage | 15:08 |
daemontool_ | to we can get all the information using a single tool | 15:08 |
daemontool_ | now it's very confusing | 15:08 |
daemontool_ | I think we should define that this sprint | 15:08 |
m3m0 | I'll say its better if the scheduler handles that | 15:09 |
daemontool_ | and start at least moving some code | 15:09 |
daemontool_ | we need to have an architecture meeting probably about that | 15:09 |
m3m0 | #agreed | 15:09 |
daemontool_ | but probably having the scheduler doing only the scheduling job, make sense to me | 15:09 |
daemontool_ | anyway we can talk about this as soon as we want | 15:10 |
daemontool_ | most probably next week | 15:10 |
m3m0 | perfect | 15:10 |
m3m0 | that sounds great | 15:10 |
m3m0 | do you have anything more to add? | 15:10 |
daemontool_ | nope ty | 15:10 |
daemontool_ | anyway, | 15:11 |
daemontool_ | to asnwer to your question, probably we can implement some code to retrieve the backups on the storage media | 15:11 |
daemontool_ | and then move that code in case we want to | 15:11 |
daemontool_ | just thinking loud | 15:11 |
daemontool_ | thinking cloud :) | 15:11 |
m3m0 | yeah at least we need to have the functionality | 15:12 |
daemontool_ | yep... | 15:12 |
daemontool_ | nothing more to add | 15:12 |
m3m0 | thanks :) | 15:12 |
m3m0 | fabriziov_ you're next | 15:12 |
daemontool_ | probably fabriziov_ is not avail atm? | 15:14 |
m3m0 | could be, | 15:17 |
m3m0 | reldan, are you herE? | 15:18 |
reldan | Yes, I am | 15:18 |
m3m0 | you're next then | 15:18 |
reldan | I sent a pull request about ParallelBackups (please review anyone, who has time). Now I’m writing tests and do some code improvements. | 15:19 |
reldan | After merging that, I can continue to work on ParallelBackups | 15:19 |
reldan | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/214596/ | 15:20 |
reldan | Have nothing to add | 15:20 |
daemontool_ | reldan, I see the overall coverage fall down to 51% from here: http://logs.openstack.org/96/214596/10/check/gate-freezer-python27/29da8c5/console.html | 15:21 |
daemontool_ | there are files with very low coverage like freezer/engine/tar_engine 76 52 20 18 27% 55, 58, 62-97, 100, 111-143, 146 | 15:21 |
daemontool_ | or freezer/local 68 43 12 12 31% 48-58, 61-63, 69-77, 80, 88, 93, 102, 113, 116-118, 126-137 | 15:21 |
daemontool_ | when you get the chance can we improve that? | 15:22 |
daemontool_ | at least for the last changes recently made | 15:22 |
reldan | I’m doing it now, while I’m waiting for review. | 15:22 |
daemontool_ | brilliant, ty | 15:22 |
m3m0 | thanks a lot reldan | 15:23 |
reldan | I know, yes I should spend more time on testing and coverage | 15:23 |
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pennerc | o/ | 15:23 |
daemontool_ | Hi pennerc | 15:24 |
daemontool_ | \o | 15:24 |
pennerc | hi | 15:24 |
m3m0 | is there anyone who wants to say updates? | 15:25 |
daemontool_ | perfect timing : ) would you like to add anything from testing side? | 15:25 |
daemontool_ | any feedback, things to improve | 15:25 |
daemontool_ | pennerc, ^^ or nothing if you don't have anything to add at this stage :) | 15:26 |
pennerc | Testing here at hp has started. | 15:27 |
daemontool_ | Houston, brilliant :) | 15:27 |
pennerc | We have covered the simple filesystem testing on local and swift. | 15:27 |
pennerc | We have backed up and somewhat restored the databases and am looking forward to doing ssh. | 15:28 |
m3m0 | are the testing only covering linux at the moment? | 15:32 |
pennerc | Yes. Taking care of basics. The future will have other platforms. | 15:32 |
m3m0 | perfect | 15:33 |
m3m0 | do you have anything that you would like to share or adD? | 15:34 |
pennerc | The focus has been on the agent side. The results have been very good so far. And that is my expectation going forward. | 15:35 |
m3m0 | thank you very much | 15:35 |
pennerc | By very good I mean it works :D | 15:35 |
m3m0 | does anyone have anything to add? | 15:41 |
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m3m0 | thank guys | 15:46 |
m3m0 | #endmeeting | 15:46 |
freezerBot | Meeting ended Thu Aug 27 15:46:22 2015 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 15:46 |
freezerBot | Minutes: http://meetbot.stefanocanepa.it/freezer/openstack-freezer/2015/openstack-freezer.2015-08-27-15.02.html | 15:46 |
freezerBot | Minutes (text): http://meetbot.stefanocanepa.it/freezer/openstack-freezer/2015/openstack-freezer.2015-08-27-15.02.txt | 15:46 |
freezerBot | Log: http://meetbot.stefanocanepa.it/freezer/openstack-freezer/2015/openstack-freezer.2015-08-27-15.02.log.html | 15:46 |
openstack | Meeting ended Thu Aug 27 15:46:23 2015 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 15:46 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack_freezer_27_08_2015/2015/openstack_freezer_27_08_2015.2015-08-27-15.02.html | 15:46 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack_freezer_27_08_2015/2015/openstack_freezer_27_08_2015.2015-08-27-15.02.txt | 15:46 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack_freezer_27_08_2015/2015/openstack_freezer_27_08_2015.2015-08-27-15.02.log.html | 15:46 |
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