daemontool | SamYaple, have a chat also with frescof Slashme vannif szaher m3m0 and reldan | 00:00 |
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ddieterly | #startmeeting openstack-freezer | 16:04 |
openstack | Meeting started Thu Jan 28 16:04:29 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ddieterly. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 16:04 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 16:04 |
openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_freezer' | 16:04 |
ddieterly | roll call | 16:05 |
ddieterly | o/ | 16:05 |
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ddieterly | ok, looks like nobody is attending | 16:09 |
ddieterly | i'll go ahead and give an update on the elastic search backup | 16:09 |
ddieterly | there is a plugin that was donated by the OpenStack Community | 16:09 |
pennerc | Hey I am here | 16:09 |
ddieterly | cool | 16:10 |
ddieterly | the plugin lives at https://github.com/wikimedia/search-repository-swift | 16:10 |
ddieterly | tsv and myself played with this for a while | 16:10 |
ddieterly | got it working, but the config is finicky | 16:10 |
ddieterly | looks like there has not been any commit since july last year | 16:10 |
ddieterly | so, we did not think that this would be a good choice | 16:11 |
ddieterly | es supports a plugin that backs up to a shared disk | 16:11 |
ddieterly | this is an option in some cases, but it is not foolproof | 16:11 |
ddieterly | i would prefer to backup to swift | 16:12 |
ddieterly | so, we might try looking into developing our own plugin | 16:12 |
pennerc | After some discuss with others here, it was quickly decided that the size would not work well with swift. | 16:12 |
ddieterly | for now this has been deprioritized | 16:12 |
ddieterly | the size of the backup of es? | 16:13 |
pennerc | It would be necessary to have shared storage across the control planes | 16:13 |
pennerc | I heard mention it to be 5GB | 16:13 |
ddieterly | ok, right | 16:13 |
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pennerc | that is each day. | 16:13 |
ddieterly | so, the shared storage is the preferred option | 16:14 |
ddieterly | so, freezer would need to be modified to talk to es to start a snapshot backup | 16:15 |
pennerc | Yes. This was from a discussion with Michey Mehta who is doing the large system testing. | 16:15 |
ddieterly | ok, so the next steps are looking into modifying freezer to invoke the backup | 16:15 |
ddieterly | #topic deklan's status | 16:16 |
ddieterly | so, i'm currently working on monasca/cassandra | 16:17 |
ddieterly | hope to be done in 2 weeks | 16:17 |
ddieterly | then back to freezer full-time | 16:17 |
ddieterly | that is the plan | 16:17 |
ddieterly | is this topic thing working? | 16:17 |
pennerc | that will be good. | 16:17 |
ddieterly | #topic | 16:17 |
ddieterly | #topic blah | 16:17 |
pennerc | :) | 16:17 |
ddieterly | not sure it does anything | 16:17 |
frescof | hello guys... | 16:18 |
ddieterly | looks like no updates/movement from the rest of the freezer guys | 16:18 |
ddieterly | frescof: hello | 16:18 |
pennerc | I have never been a frequent user of irc so anything you say -- yes. | 16:18 |
ddieterly | frescof: any updates? | 16:18 |
frescof | nothing critical | 16:19 |
ddieterly | ok | 16:20 |
frescof | I'm working on having freezer be able to take care of real DR | 16:20 |
ddieterly | cool | 16:20 |
ddieterly | anything else from anybody? | 16:21 |
frescof | drafting a blueprint | 16:21 |
ddieterly | if not, then we can end this meeting | 16:21 |
ddieterly | any objections to ending? | 16:21 |
frescof | ok for me | 16:22 |
frescof | ill share when the BP is ready | 16:22 |
ddieterly | cool | 16:22 |
ddieterly | ok | 16:22 |
ddieterly | ciao everybody | 16:22 |
frescof | ciao :D | 16:22 |
ddieterly | #endmeeting | 16:22 |
openstack | Meeting ended Thu Jan 28 16:22:56 2016 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 16:23 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack_freezer/2016/openstack_freezer.2016-01-28-16.04.html | 16:23 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack_freezer/2016/openstack_freezer.2016-01-28-16.04.txt | 16:23 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack_freezer/2016/openstack_freezer.2016-01-28-16.04.log.html | 16:23 |
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SamYaple | frescof: "having freezer be able to take care of real DR" can you expand on this? | 16:31 |
frescof | Hello Sam | 16:49 |
frescof | in Freezer we always had the "ambition" to provide a DR solution | 16:49 |
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frescof | and as you probably know better than me the, DR means a lot of different things | 16:50 |
frescof | what I'm thinking at the moment is to have freezer able to orchestrate nova evacuation and/or live migration | 16:51 |
SamYaple | ok frescof | 16:58 |
frescof | I was reading the discussion on openstack ml | 17:18 |
frescof | about ekko and freezer | 17:18 |
SamYaple | frescof: yea thats why i was curious about DR | 17:29 |
SamYaple | it seems like you are suggesting freezer become a manager for nova for evac/live migration | 17:29 |
frescof | yes that's myu dream at the moment :) | 17:30 |
SamYaple | alright were on the same page now | 17:32 |
frescof | yep, I think we have a lot of common ideas, and IMHO the 2 project have lot in common | 17:50 |
frescof | it would be a pity to not join the efforts | 18:04 |
SamYaple | frescof: yea we have been conversations about how that would look | 18:10 |
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