Tuesday, 2017-08-01

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trinathsHi all, Good Afternoon07:20
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trinathsjiaopengju: ping08:48
jiaopengjuhi trinaths08:49
trinathsjiaopengju: I have bring up the devstack ocata setup controller and now able to bring up the compute node. (devstack - multi node) Can you share freezer enablement into devstack for compute node.08:50
jiaopengjutrinaths: please see this https://github.com/openstack/freezer/blob/master/devstack/local.conf.example08:54
jiaopengjutrinaths: and this https://github.com/openstack/freezer-api/blob/master/devstack/local.conf.example08:55
trinathsjiaopengju: ok. thanks a lot for the help.08:58
jiaopengjutrinaths: :) you are welcome08:58
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trinathsjiaopengju: freezer-scheduler or agent did not start with the above devstack config09:19
trinathsjiaopengju: i think we need to start them manually?09:20
jiaopengjutrinaths: I will give you my local.conf09:22
trinathsjiaopengju: ok for compute node?09:23
jiaopengjutrinaths: I use it all in one09:24
trinathsjiaopengju: oh ok. for controller I got worked.09:25
trinathsjiaopengju: in my devstack controller setup, I get freezer-api running09:25
trinathsjiaopengju: i'm using multinode devstack setup. so when the setup is completed, I see nova and neutron agents running not freezer-scheduler.09:26
yangyapengtrinaths:  devstack mutinode ?09:26
trinathsjiaopengju: yes. https://docs.openstack.org/devstack/latest/guides/multinode-lab.html09:27
yangyapengtrinaths: it maybe not runnig, it should add some config,as freezer-api-server and so on ,09:27
trinathsyangyapeng: okay.09:29
yangyapengtrinaths: for multi-node, it is more usefully nova compute and neutron-ovs-agent, https://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack/blob/master/lib/nova09:33
yangyapengtrinaths: if we install freezer-scheduler in nova-compute, i think should enable freezer in local.conf, but freezer-scheduler and freezer-api interaction,maybe it need do it manually09:35
trinathsyangyapeng: yes. true said. i found the same now in my setup now.09:36
yangyapengtrinaths:  have a try add enable freezer in nova-compute-node local.conf , and register freezer client in compute-node09:40
trinathsyangyapeng: yes. but dont know how to register freezer client in compute-node.09:42
yangyapengtrinaths: first, you should add a adminrc and source adminrc, and freezer client-register so freezer should fetch token to connection freezer-api 929209:44
trinathsyangyapeng: here is the localrc file i'm using for compute node. http://paste.openstack.org/show/617100/09:45
trinathsyangyapeng: agree.09:45
trinathsyangyapeng: can you share the scehduler.conf required for freezer09:46
yangyapengtrinaths: i install freezer-scheduler devstack :( ,09:51
trinathsyangyapeng: confused ?09:53
yangyapengtrinaths: https://github.com/openstack/freezer/blob/master/etc/scheduler.conf.sample      it is a example config.09:55
yangyapengtrinaths:  if you have not config some value, it should have default09:56
trinathsyangyapeng: oh! ok. thank you09:56
yangyapengtrinaths: freezer-scheduler have some oslo_config config in arguments.py. :)09:57
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trinathsyangyapeng: ok10:18
trinathsyangyapeng: let me check that10:18
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trinathsmod_wsgi (pid=12696): Target WSGI script '/opt/stack/freezer-api/freezer_api/cmd/wsgi.py' cannot be loaded as Python module.10:45
trinathsmod_wsgi (pid=12696): Exception occurred processing WSGI script '/opt/stack/freezer-api/freezer_api/cmd/wsgi.py'.10:45
trinathsTraceback (most recent call last):10:45
trinaths  File "/opt/stack/freezer-api/freezer_api/cmd/wsgi.py", line 19, in <module>10:45
trinaths    app = application = service.initialize_app()10:45
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trinathsjiaopengju: I get this error when I acccess the horizon pages of Freezer. http://paste.openstack.org/show/617107/10:48
jiaopengjutrinaths: NoSuchOptError: no such option None in group [DEFAULT]10:59
jiaopengjutrinaths: It seems your configuration file is not right10:59
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/freezer master: Updated from global requirements  https://review.openstack.org/48960213:27
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trinathshi freezer devs, I have this issues from Devstack Ocata. I'm unable start freezer-api.15:33
trinathsthe following is the error: http://paste.openstack.org/show/617135/15:33
trinathsfreezer-api.conf file: http://paste.openstack.org/show/617136/15:34
trinathsplease help me resovle this issue.15:34
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