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trinaths | any one around who tried on iscsi ? | 07:00 |
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trinaths | jiaopengju: ping | 09:43 |
jiaopengju | hi trinaths | 09:44 |
trinaths | jiaopengju: can you please share working job and action json suitable for freezer-ocata, for remote back up and mysql backup. | 09:46 |
jiaopengju | trinaths: I'm so sorry, I do not have these now | 09:47 |
jiaopengju | trinaths: But you can get it this way: Create job or action in dashboard, then you can get from the freezer-scheduler node in '/etc/freezer/scheduler/conf.d/' | 09:49 |
trinaths | jiaopengju: in ocata horizon DB, I get loading... page. it hangs there. | 09:50 |
jiaopengju | horizon DB? | 09:50 |
trinaths | jiaopengju: dashboard | 09:52 |
jiaopengju | trinaths: oh, I know. I thought it was database | 09:52 |
trinaths | jiaopengju: when I click actions, its shows me a "LOADING....." wheel and hangs. | 09:52 |
trinaths | jiaopengju: or are there any sample json for session, job and action for this? with all applicable options. Freezer-Ocata | 09:53 |
jiaopengju | trinaths: maybe you can merge this patch in ocata https://review.openstack.org/#/c/462458/1/disaster_recovery/api/api.py | 09:56 |
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jiaopengju | trinaths: I think it is the reason why always loading | 09:57 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/python-freezerclient master: Update reno for stable/pike https://review.openstack.org/488766 | 09:58 |
trinaths | jiaopengju: oh okay. | 09:58 |
jiaopengju | trinaths: I remember someone has given you some examples from github? | 09:58 |
trinaths | jiaopengju: I have doubt with freezer | 09:58 |
jiaopengju | trinaths: few weeks ago? | 09:58 |
trinaths | jiaopengju: let me check the conversation logs | 09:58 |
jiaopengju | trinaths: it's a github link | 09:59 |
trinaths | jiaopengju: when I take back up, how can I verify that the restore has worked ? | 09:59 |
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jiaopengju | trinaths: you have asked this question few days ago. For nova or cinder backup, just check the job result or launch the nova instance | 10:00 |
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trinaths | jiaopengju: ok let me check it. yes I asked. But I did'nt understand it well. everytime this doubt kill me to understand | 10:01 |
trinaths | jiaopengju: what should I do to verify RESTORE worked well | 10:02 |
trinaths | jiaopengju: foud the JSON formats.http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-freezer/%23openstack-freezer.2017-07-05.log.html | 10:11 |
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jiaopengju | trinaths: freezer job result will tell you the backup or restore result, just see that | 10:13 |
jiaopengju | trinaths: I must go home now, see you next time. | 10:14 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/freezer master: Updated from global requirements https://review.openstack.org/489602 | 10:29 |
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jiaopengju | no meeting today? | 14:02 |
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vnogin | do we have meeting today? | 14:18 |
jiaopengju | seems not | 14:19 |
yangyapeng | szaher: | 14:19 |
jiaopengju | szaher will leave for couple of weeks | 14:20 |
jiaopengju | I will be on leave starting from this week till a couple of weeks as I need to do a surgery. | 14:21 |
jiaopengju | Pierre-Arthur Mathieu (core developer) will be replacing me during my leave. | 14:21 |
jiaopengju | This is the email | 14:21 |
vnogin | @slashme do we have a meeting? :) | 14:26 |
slashme | Hi everyone. If you have topics to discuss we can have a meeting | 14:26 |
slashme | Otherwise we can just skip it. | 14:27 |
slashme | Just tell me :-) | 14:27 |
vnogin | do we have any topic for PTG? | 14:27 |
slashme | Do we have any Freezer team members going to the PTG ? | 14:28 |
slashme | I know szaher is not going this time. | 14:28 |
vnogin | I'll be there and can join freezer workshop | 14:36 |
slashme | I don't think there will be a Freezer workshop if you are the only one there. | 14:43 |
slashme | Do you want to organize something there ? | 14:43 |
slashme | I'm not sure if szaher booked the rooms and things like that | 14:43 |
jiaopengju | can we try to update and merge this patch before pike release? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/458379/ | 14:46 |
slashme | We already hit the feature freezer for pike. | 14:52 |
slashme | And this is more a feature than a bugfix | 14:53 |
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yangyapeng | jiaopengju: I will update it quickly about the patch | 15:01 |
jiaopengju | yangyapeng: thank you very much | 15:01 |
yangyapeng | Some time ago I spent more time on kolla ansible, I will be back in the freezer as soon as possible。 | 15:03 |
trinaths1 | hi | 15:03 |
trinaths1 | jiaopengju: thanks for the help, now horizon pages for freezer are working fine. | 15:04 |
jiaopengju | trinaths1: :) | 15:05 |
trinaths1 | jiaopengju: while I create actions, What is the significance of "Nova Network ID" ? it must be neutron Network ID ?? | 15:05 |
trinaths1 | jiaopengju: since I'm not using nova-network at all. Or does that mean, Network ID of the Nova Instance ? | 15:07 |
jiaopengju | trinaths1: I don't remember this on horizon. But I think you can keep it empty | 15:08 |
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trinaths1 | jiaopengju: in IRC i dont know How to share screen shots | 15:09 |
jiaopengju | trinaths1: you can send email | 15:10 |
jiaopengju | trinaths1: I will see it tomorrow. It's too late in China now. | 15:11 |
trinaths1 | jiaopengju: its a * required param | 15:12 |
trinaths1 | jiaopengju: ok | 15:12 |
trinaths1 | jiaopengju: Good Night | 15:13 |
jiaopengju | trinaths1: see you tommorrow | 15:13 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_freezer master: Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests https://review.openstack.org/476568 | 15:26 |
trinaths1 | yangyapeng: hi | 15:31 |
yangyapeng | trinaths1: hi | 15:33 |
yangyapeng | trinaths1: about nova network https://github.com/openstack/freezer-web-ui/blob/master/disaster_recovery/actions/workflows/action.py#L104 | 15:35 |
trinaths1 | yangyapeng: i was confused there | 15:36 |
trinaths1 | yangyapeng: its neutron network ID of nova instance ? | 15:36 |
yangyapeng | if you have a backup action the param network id may be empty | 15:36 |
trinaths1 | yangyapeng: but for restore, what it will be? | 15:37 |
yangyapeng | the network id only be used in restore instance | 15:37 |
trinaths1 | yangyapeng: ok.its neutron network id right ? | 15:37 |
yangyapeng | if you have a restore action ,the param you can specified a network id neutron | 15:38 |
yangyapeng | trinaths1: yeah | 15:38 |
trinaths1 | yangyapeng: do I need to be non-root user to run freezer-scheduler in compute nodes? | 15:38 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/freezer master: [Trivialfix]Fix typos in freezer https://review.openstack.org/489928 | 15:39 |
yangyapeng | trinaths1: non-root or not, it is ok, and it use the openstack keystone token | 15:39 |
trinaths1 | yangyapeng: agree. | 15:40 |
trinaths1 | yangyapeng: http://paste.openstack.org/show/617453/ | 15:40 |
trinaths1 | yangyapeng: with that OS info, freezer-scheduler worked well in one compute node | 15:40 |
trinaths1 | yangyapeng: but in another compute node it failed | 15:40 |
yangyapeng | https://github.com/openstack/freezer/blob/master/freezer/scheduler/arguments.py#L139 | 15:43 |
yangyapeng | trinaths1: Seems to be missing some parameters OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME or OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID | 15:44 |
trinaths1 | yangyapeng: but the same worked on other compute node. | 15:46 |
yangyapeng | trinaths1: What's the difference between the two nodes | 15:47 |
trinaths1 | yangyapeng: if u see the log I posted above, OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID is present. | 15:47 |
trinaths1 | yangyapeng: once is devstack other is manually installed | 15:48 |
yangyapeng | trinaths1: I see it, manually installed , it is not work ? | 15:50 |
trinaths1 | yangyapeng: yes. | 15:51 |
trinaths1 | devstack installed also gave the same errors before for after couple of trials it started. | 15:51 |
yangyapeng | trinaths1: freezer-scheduler -d -v --no-daemon start view the output | 15:52 |
trinaths1 | yangyapeng: [anaconda root@node-1046 ~]# freezer-scheduler -d --v --no-daemon start | 15:54 |
trinaths1 | 3.0.1 | 15:54 |
trinaths1 | yangyapeng: got the mistake. | 15:56 |
trinaths1 | one is 4.0.1 and the other is 3.0.1 | 15:56 |
yangyapeng | trinaths1: the version ? | 15:56 |
trinaths1 | yangyapeng: i think so | 15:56 |
yangyapeng | trinaths1: manually installed , how to install it , pip or code source? | 15:57 |
trinaths1 | source code. | 15:58 |
yangyapeng | i suggest you that check these version 1. freezer 2. keystoneauth 3. request. Previous experience | 16:02 |
yangyapeng | seems as it have a version problem. | 16:03 |
trinaths1 | yangyapeng: yes. | 16:04 |
yangyapeng | trinaths1: https://github.com/openstack/freezer/blob/master/doc/source/user/installation.rst it is a simple documentation. :) | 16:05 |
trinaths1 | yangyapeng: thats freezer-agent | 16:07 |
trinaths1 | i am working on freezer-scheduler | 16:08 |
trinaths1 | https://github.com/openstack/freezer/blob/master/doc/source/user/freezer-scheduler.rst | 16:08 |
trinaths1 | yangyapeng: success | 16:09 |
trinaths1 | yangyapeng: just I need to set OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME | 16:09 |
trinaths1 | yangyapeng: thanks for the help. :) | 16:16 |
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trinaths1 | yangyapeng: ping | 16:52 |
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