Friday, 2017-01-20

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xgermanyushiro I have respun the policy patch without using the private stuff - let’s hope that will make it good-ish00:54
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yushiroxgerman, sorry for late.  OK.  will take a look.01:34
yushiroxgerman, thank for your update.01:34
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reedipyushiro , xgerman( in case you are still there ): done04:48
reedipReedip proposed openstack/neutron-fwaas: TrivialFix : Fix Port Error Message
yushiroreedip, Thanks.  will check :)04:50
yushiroxgerman, njohnston : ping05:07
xgermanreedip done&adobe05:23
reedipxgerman :) thanks ...05:23
njohnstonyushiro: pong05:34
yushironjohnston, Hi.  I'll upload PS for within 30 minutes.  Please take a look after jenkins+1. :)05:37
openstackLaunchpad bug 1640395 in neutron "Missing 'ports' attribute when GET firewall-groups" [Low,Confirmed] - Assigned to Sridar Kandaswamy (skandasw)05:37
njohnstonGreat, thanks yushiro!05:37
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yushironjohnston, xgerman : I've just uploaded PS
yushironjohnston: I have a 1 question about agent_extension.06:04
yushiroAh! sorry. I missed.  Please forget , njohnston :)06:06
yushirochandan, ... is not here.06:06
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reedip_hi guys17:28
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reedip_Has anyone looked into
openstackLaunchpad bug 1658060 in neutron "FirewallNotFound exceptions when deleting the firewall in FWaaS-DVR" [Undecided,New]17:31
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njohnstonreedip_: I have not, no17:52
reedip_seems like an interesting one17:56
reedip_SridarK, njohnston : question17:59
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njohnstonwhat can we do for you reedip_?18:06
reedip_why are we limiting FWaaS only to ICMP, TCP and UDP ?18:08
njohnstonI don't think we should18:08
njohnstonsecurity groups doesn't18:08
reedip_I tried sudo iptables -I INPUT -p igmp -j ACCEPT , and it works :)18:08
reedip_I mean it adds the rule succesfully for Centos18:08
reedip_can we add more protocols  ?18:08
reedip_I mean as a feature for next version ?18:09
reedip_We can discuss it in the PTG/Etherpad18:09
reedip_if it is required ( and I think it is )18:09
reedip_thanks njohnston :)18:21
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SridarK_reedip: sorry been on a customer issue all day and missed this. Thx for bringing up 1658060 - this seems fairly normal operation - the presence of DVR should not impact22:49
SridarK_reedip: we do handle the presence of DVR to ensure that we only add rules for the N - S use case22:49
SridarK_reedip: and on the protocols - agree that we should look at this for P - should be fairly easy to support22:50
SridarK_reedip: so agree with njohnston and we can discuss more in our mutual waking hours:-)22:51
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