Friday, 2017-04-14

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vks1reedip_here: hi05:44
vks1 you are comment05:45
vks1sorry your comment05:45
reedip_hereThe closes-bug was not there, nor was the partial bug05:45
reedip_hereso , we didnt get to know if the patch closed an issue or not , as Launchpad didnt have the patch associatyed to it05:46
reedip_herefor future reference, please do put the bug information, it helps in tracking vks1 :)05:46
vks1reedip_here: since there was same bug associated with 3patch didn't do it :)05:47
reedip_herevks1 : no, infact you should always link the Patch set to the bug it closes/resolves05:47
vks1reedip_here: my mistake05:47
reedip_hereyou can put Related-Bug, Closes-Bug, Partially-Closes/Partial-Bug05:47
reedip_herevks1 : naah, its not a mistake, just a learning :)05:48
vks1reedip_here: :)05:48
vks1reedip_here: in last meeting sridarK wanted me to fix this :
vks1reedip_here: I thought you did this somewhere05:52
reedip_herevks1 : I already pushed a patch for that05:52
vks1reedip_here: oh I was about to push :)05:54
reedip_heregood that you asked :D05:54
reedip_hereactually in the last meeting I asked Sridar and decided thatI push it, but maybe I was a but late in the meeting so he might have assigned it to you earlier . Dont know05:55
vks1reedip_here: anyways05:55
reedip_hereyeah, anyways ...05:57
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