Wednesday, 2018-10-24

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openstackgerritiain MacDonnell proposed openstack/python-glanceclient master: Embed validation data when adding location
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Liang__smcginnis: sean, about, as you said openstack client may don't have equivalent option with -vv. How do you think adding an option e.g. --include-stores? In this way, store id is just an specific info for glance client to show, lower impact with openstack client02:01
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pkaralisHi guys, I'm looking for a volunteer for a quick question about a strange behavior of glance? Anyone??07:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack/glance master: Refactor periodic "tips" jobs
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smcginnispkaralis: Chances are I can't answer your question, but if you describe your strange behavior then someone might come along here and have an answer.12:51
pkaralissmcginnis, ok I will! thanks12:56
rosmaitajokke_: some glance-spec repo maintenance patches for you to merge (let's clear out the backlog!):13:17
rosmaitajokke_: ^^13:17
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pkaralisI have deployed the os-odl-sfc-ha scenario using the XCI. I have noticed in the glance container of the controller0 that the mount had a timeout and permission denied about the filesystem folder.
pkaralisTherefore, when I'm trying to create an instance...this fail with the following error.
smcginnisYep, I definitely can't answer that one.13:21
smcginnispkaralis: Is this kolla or something? Container deployment issues might be better answered by them.13:22
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pkaralisMoreover, sometimes the first instance is deployed successfully and the second one fail for the same reason [also I've added a printout after image registration] .
smcginnisUsually when I've seen one request work and the next fail it's been some sort of load balancer issue.13:23
rosmaitapkaralis: when you see that error message in the log about "failed to configure store", that is game over for glance ... it will refuse to use that store until you restart and it tests the store connection again13:26
rosmaitasometimes we see this when NFS is being used as the backing for the filesystem store, if glance comes up before NFS is ready for writing, you get this failure13:26
rosmaitacould be what's happening here13:26
pkaralisrosmaita, do you believe that this is configuration problem?13:28
pkaralisrosmaita, also this is happening only for controller0. The controller01 and controller02 has not any permission problem13:29
rosmaitai think it's worth looking into, give me a minute, we had a bug about this with some info about how to configure13:29
pkaralisrosmaita, ok thx13:29
pkaralisrosmaita, also if you see on the bottom on the link
pkaralisyou will see the show printout after the image registration....if you see,  int the the path there is the 'v2' subfolder. But the filesystem has not this subfolder into the filesystem path13:31
pkaralisrosmaita, do you believe that this is something related to? I'm trying to change the glance role supporting the 'v2'. Am I going to the right direction?13:32
pkaralisrosmaita, it seems that something is goig wrong with the mount directory or something and I'm not sure what is the wrong on this...13:33
rosmaitapossibly ... check your glance-api.conf for 'filesystem_store_datadir' ... make sure it's what you expect13:35
rosmaitabut glance will create that directory (if it can write to the filesystem) when it starts up13:36
pkaralisrosmaita, I will! Thanks! If you faced any similar situation or there is any patch in progress for something similar or a ticket or something, please let me know!13:40
pkaralisrosmaita, I also believe that my problem is related to the NFS server and the mount accesses or something like that...13:41
rosmaitapkaralis: still looking for that reference for you13:43
pkaralisrosmaita, ok, thanks again! :)13:50
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rosmaitapkaralis: finally found it! there's some discussion of it here:
rosmaitaand i think this is what you'll want to look at:
pkaralisrosmaita, great! I will check it!13:54
rosmaitapkaralis: good luck!13:54
pkaralisrosmaita, thx!13:55
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/glance master: Document os_shutdown_timeout image property
imacdonnjokke_: around?14:35
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openstackgerritLiang Fang proposed openstack/glance-specs master: Spec Lite: Show Store Info
jokke_imacdonn: now I am15:30
imacdonnjokke_: hi ... maybe we can discuss some of the open questions, if you have some time? hopefully rosmaita is around too15:31
* rosmaita hides15:31
jokke_imacdonn: if you can, please give me few min15:31
imacdonnI'll be here all day ;)15:32
imacdonnI dumped a few questions at the bottom of
jokke_cool ... I'm having quick chat with Lance and get some coffee and will get into that :)15:42
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jokke_imacdonn: thanks for digging into the checksum replacement16:26
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jokke_imacdonn: like mentioned in my comment I assumed it was one of these fields that were protected in multiple layers of the domain model, good to hear that it was not the case16:27
imacdonnSeems that rosmaita would prefer it it was :) See etherpad discussion if you're not already there16:27
jokke_yeah I was looking through that as well16:28
jokke_I do agree that changing it will get messy ... I just don't like the domain model and that's one less thing to worry about if we ever get to refactor that stuff out of glance16:30
jokke_like API consistency wise it would make sense not to accept update on the checksums, ever. Once it has been set anything but the same values should be rejected16:31
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imacdonnOK, I can live with that16:32
imacdonnThe three top-level questions are still open16:33
jokke_Also what comes to the mandatory 3 fields. I do agree that it's problematic non of the consumers utilizing anything else than the checksum atm. I'm just not sure if that should be something mandated (lets remember currently there is no values/validation on any of these). I guess my big question is do we want to handhold the user by making all the fields mandatory on a cost of making yet another AP16:35
jokke_I change when we don't want to have the checksum populated anymore16:35
jokke_And is the multihash reasonable being mandatory, when it's not consumed by anyone16:35
rosmaitaconsumers will be using multihash with the next glanceclient release16:38
rosmaitathat will include nova and cinder16:38
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jokke_rosmaita: and it just falls back to checksum (if there's one) in case the multihash doesn't exist?16:40
rosmaitadoes that automatically16:41
jokke_So I think we should deprecate checksum after that release and not demand it (and likely stop calculating it in Glance at T)16:41
rosmaitathat's up to you, the feedback i got when we proposed multihash was please do not ever remove the checksum16:42
jokke_I think it's ok to let it be set by this change (for example that might make testing easier)16:42
jokke_rosmaita: yeah, we won't be removing the property nor the fallback to keep support for the old images16:42
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jokke_I just don't see point of wasting the compute resources to keep calculating it upon upload16:43
imacdonnlost network connectivity for a few mins .. sigh16:43
imacdonnmissed anything since ~163516:44
jokke_imacdonn: ok TL;DR multihash will be consumed from next client release as default and checksum will be just fallback, so IMO we should not demand setting it and likely stop populating that field when image is uploaded to glance somewhere around T16:45
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jokke_the property nor the fallback mechanism will not be removed to maintain support for all the images created prior16:46
jokke_and it might make the testing life easier in some cases to use that instead of multihash16:47
jokke_but really it should be just deprecated, never removed property in the image16:47
imacdonnrosmaita: are you ok if with "if validation_data is provided, multihash must be included, but checksum is optional" ?16:48
jokke_the reason I'd like to make it officially deprecated it so send clear signal "We have better options now, don't use md5 checksums anymore"16:48
rosmaitai personally do not like that16:49
rosmaitaif we're never going to remove it, just leave it there16:49
imacdonn"leave it there" meaning "make it required"? doesn't seem like the same thing16:50
rosmaitai mean, the point is that these images should be just like all the others16:50
rosmaitaso they should all have all 3 properties populated16:50
imacdonnfor me, the point is not exactly that16:50
imacdonnfor me, the point is "there needs to be a way to enable integrity checking on image contents"16:51
jokke_rosmaita: but we do not have all 3 properties populated anyways16:51
rosmaitayes, but we do from Rocky onward16:52
jokke_rosmaita: we still have the old ones that does not have multihas, we have all the images that has none of the properties populated and then we have the ones that are created with the data flowing through Glance that has the 316:52
rosmaitayeah, but we don't want to make policy based on pathological cases ... the "typical" image from rocky on should have all 3 populated16:53
openstackgerritLiang Fang proposed openstack/python-glanceclient master: Show the backend store info
jokke_mandating the 3 on this call will just make it "Either there is none or there is all 3 or there is just checksum" which will not improve the security at all vs. making it possible to have only multihash which is consumed by default anyways16:54
jokke_rosmaita: the Nova & Glance using common Ceph use case will still have neither16:55
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jokke_on snapshots that is16:55
rosmaitawell, my opinion is all 3 for this particular case16:57
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jokke_I do not see the point for that, but tbh it will be extremely unlikely for me to ever use this anyways so imacdonn if you're fine with that as a consumer of this API I'm fine with that ... we can direct any external complaints to rosmaita :D17:01
imacdonnI'm OK with requiring both until we get to the point where checksum is no longer of value - i.e. when cinder uses multihash to validate contents when creating a volume from an image17:03
imacdonnwhen we're at that point, it seems like unnecessary burden to require the checksum, if it's not going to be used for anything17:04
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jokke_that's the thing, we will reach that point when this feature is released ... in Stein which is also the point when Cinder and Nova will for sure use the client that prefers multihash ;)17:06
imacdonnif that's true, then I really don't think checksum should be required .. I'm almost leaning towards removing it entirely17:07
jokke_removing it entirely won't happen17:07
imacdonnI mean from this smuggling mechanism17:08
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jokke_I see17:10
imacdonnbut O'17:10
imacdonnI'm OK with including it, if it's optional17:10
jokke_I think rosmaita's current stand is if you provide any, you provide them all17:12
imacdonnwe have to change his mind ;)17:12
jokke_which, like said I'm fine with as it won't affect my life really. And if that's what's needed to get consensus to move this forward, someone else can spend the time fighting about that @D17:13
imacdonntell me about it ... I've been chasing this for 2 months now ... every time I seem to be getting close, we take a big jump back .. or sideways .. or something17:14
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cranges_mcbasketGetting error in Rocky trying to create image:19:36
cranges_mcbasketERROR glance.common.wsgi AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'add_to_backend_with_multihash'19:36
cranges_mcbasketideas where to look?19:36
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openstackgerritiain MacDonnell proposed openstack/glance-specs master: spec-lite: Embed validation data in locations
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openstackgerritiain MacDonnell proposed openstack/glance master: Embed validation data in locations
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