Thursday, 2019-08-08

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openstackgerritCyril Roelandt proposed openstack/glance master: When deleting an image, also delete the associated encryption key
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openstackgerritAbhishek Kekane proposed openstack/glance master: Change location metadata key 'backend' to 'store'
openstackgerritAbhishek Kekane proposed openstack/glance master: Lazy update stores information
openstackgerritAbhishek Kekane proposed openstack/glance master: Make location API compatible with multiple store
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openstackgerritAbhishek Kekane proposed openstack/glance master: Adding member to image fails for multiple stores
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openstackgerritGrégoire Unbekandt proposed openstack/glance-specs master: Spec to import image in multi stores
openstackgerritGrégoire Unbekandt proposed openstack/glance-specs master: Spec to import image in multi stores
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openstackgerritCyril Roelandt proposed openstack/glance master: When deleting an image, also delete the associated encryption key
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openstackgerritErno Kuvaja proposed openstack/glance master: Cluster aware Glance with RabbitMQ
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smcginnisjokke_: Any thoughts on moving the team meeting into this channel now that that is more accepted? I lurk in too many channels and never remember to join meeting-4 in time.14:38
smcginnisjokke_: Nope, you haven't thought about it, or nope, not interested? :)14:41
jokke_later, we've had our meeting so long in the meeting channel that not really interested to mix things up. We can consider it if there is strong urge to move the timeslot as well14:45
davee_I prefer to have the meeting in the meeting channel so it is not interrupted with user support questions14:54
davee_and system notifications14:55
jokke_davee_++ that as well14:57
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hpulavHello, the image conversion plugin in glance doesn't seem to be executing for me. From the logs, I can see that it is receiving and pushing it to the staging area appropriately but not converting the image. It is pushing the unconverted image (not raw) into ceph. I have explicitly enabled the image conversion options in the glance-image-import.conf21:58
hpulav file. I can give more details if needed. Glance version 18.0.0 is being used here.21:58
rosmaitahpulav: can you put a copy of your image-import conf and glance api conf in  (make sure you XXXX out any passwords & identifying IP numbers)22:31
rosmaitahpulav: i will be afk for a few hours, will take a look later22:33
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hpulavThank you rosmaita glance-api.conf - and glance-image-import.conf -
hpulavplease let me know if you need anything else :)23:43

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