Friday, 2020-09-04

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whoami-rajat__ping dansmith17:30
whoami-rajat__so for the functional test we have to setup the single store and create image then stop server (which i'm not able to find) and setup multiple stores then get the image17:31
whoami-rajat__how do i refresh the conf and restart the service there?17:31
whoami-rajat__i saw this msg
whoami-rajat__but still didn't get a good idea17:32
dansmithyeah, you don't really need to restart it because it doesn't really start anything anyway17:32
dansmithif there's something in the init process that looks at the config, then you can just run start_server() again and it should be fine,17:33
dansmithbut unless something is cached somewhere, there's probably not even a need to do that,17:33
dansmithjust tweak your config and run another api operation17:33
whoami-rajat__oh ok17:37
whoami-rajat__sounds good17:37
dansmiththat's the benefit of this base class. it's very direct into the api17:37
whoami-rajat__and can you provide an idea about how do i unset the config options of single store?17:37
dansmithwell, you just need to change some configs back to their default values or something right?17:38
whoami-rajat__yeah i was thinking the same but i thought there was a way to unset things17:40
whoami-rajat__ok i will try that17:40
dansmithnot sure about that, I think just setting them back to their defaults is all I'd try to do17:41
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openstackgerritRajat Dhasmana proposed openstack/glance master: Support cinder multiple stores
openstackgerritRajat Dhasmana proposed openstack/glance master: Support cinder multiple stores
openstackgerritRajat Dhasmana proposed openstack/glance master: Adding gate job for glance cinder store
whoami-rajat__dansmith: ^^ I've updated the patches with functional tests and moved the gate job to a different patch (to remove devstack dependency while merging), can you please take a look19:21
dansmithwhoami-rajat__: left some comments19:43
dansmithfunctional test is nice, thanks for doing that19:43
dansmithFYI, US holiday on monday and I'll be heading out of here in a little bit19:44
whoami-rajat__your comments might take some time to fix19:52
dansmithI think they should be pretty straightforward, so if I'm not around on monday and abhishekk is happy with it, then he can just go for it19:54
dansmithno need to wait for me19:54
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openstackgerritRajat Dhasmana proposed openstack/glance master: Support cinder multiple stores
whoami-rajat__dansmith: ^ updated20:50
dansmithwhoami-rajat__: looks better, but I'm still not sure why you're passing in identical values in the unit test, and why you seem to be asserting things that are wrong (unless I'm missing something)21:00
dansmithyou're asserting that the url is not changed, which is good, but the url is still wrongly formatted, AFAICT21:00
whoami-rajat__dansmith: if there is no valid store configured for the image then the url remains the same21:04
dansmithwhoami-rajat__: you mean if store_instance.is_image_associated_with_store() returns False for all of the locations right?21:05
whoami-rajat__suppose we have 2 stores with type1 and type2 as cinder_volume_types and there's an image-volume with typ3 then location url won't change for this image i.e. no imgration21:05
whoami-rajat__for a particular image when it returns false then the location values aren't updated21:05
dansmithokay, I guess maybe I'm thinking about this differently,21:06
whoami-rajat__dansmith: also doesn't functional tests install test-requirements?21:07
dansmithI'm thinking of the top case as the "needs migration" case and the bottom one as "migration is already done",21:07
whoami-rajat__no, both are legacy images but for 1st case a valid store exists and 2nd case no valid store exists21:07
dansmithbut I think what you're saying is that the bottom one is "no migration can/should be done because that store does not have a volume_type set" ... is that right?21:07
whoami-rajat__kind of, yes21:08
dansmithwhat does "nov valid store exists" mean in reality?21:08
dansmithlike, what real world situation causes that to happen21:08
whoami-rajat__the cinder multiple stores are differentiated on the basis of cinder_volume_type, take the example above of two stores defined with type1 and typ221:09
whoami-rajat__suppose a legacy image exists whose image-volume has volume type as type321:10
whoami-rajat__there is no valid store in which it can be moved21:10
whoami-rajat__i.e. bad upgrade21:10
whoami-rajat__i think abhishek has put up a document recently explaining how to handle all these upgrade cases21:10
dansmithright, but what does that mean? after someone has upgraded to V, and then changes their stores to point to something other than what the default volume type was in their U deployment where the images are created?21:11
whoami-rajat__also in U, it is not mandatory to set the cinder_volume_type21:12
whoami-rajat__so the image-volume's created could be of any type21:12
whoami-rajat__therefore we need to define all possible stores that exist in our image-volume's to migrate alll images21:12
dansmithokay, I see now21:12
dansmithI really think more words in here would help make that clear, because I really thought you were testing two different scenarios here than I guess you are21:14
whoami-rajat__yeah i'm not very good with words/explanation stuff, i think Abhishek's document would clear things more21:15
dansmithI'm commenting with suggested words, just a sec21:18
dansmithwhoami-rajat__: can you answer my question about why you're always passing in metadata, store, and expected as identical things?21:18
whoami-rajat__dansmith: i also don't remember exactly, i think i wrote some tests earlier with different values and this is a residue, i will move them inside the helper method21:25
dansmithwhoami-rajat__: do those words on the test I commented make sense?21:25
whoami-rajat__that's like a documentation for the tests :P but if it makes the tests easier to understand then works for me21:29
dansmithsure, the tests should be like further documentation for the code... they should be readable to understand why something is tested, which helps understand why the code is doing what it is21:30
dansmithbut like I said, it makes sense to put some of that in the docstring as well21:30
whoami-rajat__ack, it's very late here so i will probably update it on monday, thanks for the reviews dansmith21:32
dansmithack, have a good weekend!21:32
whoami-rajat__you too have a great weekend!21:33
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