Thursday, 2021-06-24

opendevreviewXinxin Shen proposed openstack/glance_store master: setup.cfg: Replace dashes with underscores
opendevreviewMerged openstack/glance master: Refactor SynchronousAPIBase for more cases
*** bhagyashris_ is now known as bhagyashris05:13
opendevreviewMerged openstack/glance master: Update image.size after conversion
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-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Our Zuul gating CI/CD services will be offline starting around 14:00 UTC (in roughly two hours from now) in order to apply some critical security updates, and is not expected to remain offline for more than 30 minutes.12:01
opendevreviewMerged openstack/glance_store master: Allow any Keystone domain for cinder store
abhishekkdansmith, do you have specific direction for policy tests refactoring?13:24
abhishekkI would like to start the work13:25
dansmithsorry, I never commented on your spec lite13:26
dansmiththe specific direction is what I have been doing -- we could refactor all the tests to use the current defaults, but then we have to re-refactor them for the new changes we're making13:26
dansmithso I've been taking the approach of converting one policy check at a time, along with setting policy.yaml to equal the default, and fixing the tests as needed13:27
abhishekkSo I how could I assist in your work13:28
dansmithwell, like I said before, it's tough because everything is so interdependent :/13:29
dansmithI'm disappearing later today and gone tomorrow, so if you want to work on stuff on top of what I have, now is a good time13:29
dansmithpick another policy check that makes sense to do next and go for it13:29
dansmithI have largely avoided writing tests to fill the gaps in my WIP patches, so I can probably spend a good amount of time next week working on that, without altering the surface of what you're trying to work on13:30
abhishekkI will try to go for delete check13:30
dansmithcool, sounds good13:30
abhishekkthank you and have a good time off13:31
abhishekkrosmaita, jokke_, dansmith, smcginnis, weekly meeting in 5 minutes at #openstack-meeting13:53
rosmaitaabhishekk: ack13:54
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Our Zuul gating CI/CD services are being taken offline now in order to apply some critical security updates, and are not expected to remain offline for more than 30 minutes.13:56
* abhishekk dinner break15:31
dansmithrosmaita: re your comment just now on the policy spec,16:01
rosmaitai'm here16:01
dansmithrosmaita: do you realize that the policy.yaml abhishekk is talking about is *totally* wide open? (basically) all the policy rules are blank which means "anyone can do anything"16:01
rosmaitaand that's what we're using for testing?16:01
dansmithnot that it changes your feedback, just wondering if you realized that based on what you said was the intent before and after16:01
dansmithrosmaita: correct.16:02
dansmithrosmaita: different from the default production sample file, and different still from the actual defaults in code :/16:02
rosmaitaat the risk of insulting someone, holy shit16:02
dansmithI was floored when I realized16:02
rosmaitajust goes to show, there is always something new to learn about glance16:03
dansmiththe unit tests also use the fake policy which is an object that just returns pass unless there is a specific rule overridden,16:04
dansmithwhich means basically all the unit tests assume the same empty rules, but don't even check that the rule is one we support16:04
rosmaitawell, i am glad to see this getting fixed, that's for sure16:06
dansmithyeah, and i think rbac is a good excuse to do it, since we really need things changed for it to work properly anyway.. so while we're touching everything we might as well get it closer to correct16:07
dansmithbut, it's going to be a lot of work obviously, since there are plenty of tests that assert the wrong behaviors or won't work if we're actually checking policy16:07
dansmithlike the one yesterday,16:07
abhishekkrosmaita, the hole is lot bigger than it seems16:07
dansmiththat test was testing something that shouldn't work, but no policy was testing something invalid16:08
abhishekkI think we will find more such tests going forward16:09
dansmithfor sure16:09
abhishekkrosmaita, if you have time, please have a look at
opendevreviewPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed openstack/glance master: Document domain-related cinder backend options
opendevreviewMerged openstack/glance master: Make image stage set image.size

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