Monday, 2022-09-19

rosmaitarm_work: make sure you read through before doing anything else12:45
rosmaitarm_work: there's a glance-manage command that will do what you want ... it's separate from the 'glance-manage db purge' command because of ^^12:46
rosmaitarm_work: but if you decide you really do want to re-use image ids, there's 'glance-manage db purge_images_table'12:46
rosmaitarm_work: finally found it, I thought this was documented somewhere:
rosmaitaactually, start reading here:
rm_workThanks a ton! Will read through that.13:08
rm_workI think that OSSN-0075 doesn’t really apply because we’re doing this as part of a deployment automation thing. We delete and immediately recreate, and if the recreate failed (admittedly not atomic) we would see a broken pipeline13:12
rm_workIt’s for an ironic boot image that must be specified by uuid in the actual service config13:12
rm_workWish we didn’t have to purge literally all of them, just the single one13:13
opendevreviewBrian Rosmaita proposed openstack/glance-specs master: Fix redirects
rosmaitarm_work: you might want to put something on the PTG etherpad, about a 'targeted purge' that could take an image_id as input13:17
rm_workHmm, ok13:18
rosmaitaother thing might be using the age parameter on the existing command13:18
rm_workWell, it’s going to be like … ansible deletes the image, purges, makes the new image13:18
rosmaitayeah, the age parameter is age_in_days, so not very fine-grained13:19
rm_workSo I’d need to limit it to “only stuff deleted in the last 5 mins”, which I think is the opposite of how that option works :(13:19
rm_workWell, also it’s a “greater than X” right?13:19
rm_workI’d need “less than X”13:20
rosmaitayeah, you're right13:20
rm_workTo be honest, this is really just because there’s no “relaxed image”13:20
rm_work… uhh sorry, autocorrect13:20
rm_work“Replace image” command13:21
rm_workWhich would solve the security issue since only the owner of the image could do it13:21
rm_workThough would allow for a malicious switch out I guess13:21
rm_workCould be admin only? :/13:21
rosmaitayeah, i don't know ... would definitely require some discussion13:23
rm_workYeah for now I think it’s ok to just purge… users here don’t really use custom images so my concern is very low13:24
rm_workBut I’ll add it, thanks for the link13:24
rm_workLooks more complex than just dropping a single line like I’m used to in Octavia, heh13:26
rm_workI’ll do it after I get my coffee and am on my laptop13:26
rosmaitarm_work: btw, the link to the spec mentioned in the docs above isn't working ... this may be helpful in why this isn't an easy issue:
rm_workYes, useful, thanks. I do understand the issue, and I think you probably made the right choice here. I’m going to debate a bit about whether there’s an easy way for us to avoid this altogether.13:33
rm_workMaybe we can just force a reconfiguration of ironic and restart the services every time we replace the image (likely the right call, thinking about it now)13:33
rm_workI think the issue was in the past the two deployments were not really connected, so in isolation it made sense to just reuse the ID.13:34
rosmaitarm_work: if you come up with a workable solution, would be nice of you to update the docs to describe the use case/solution, because I imagine other operators have this same issue13:35
rm_workI think it might just be us doing something dumb because of a series of innocuous decisions that led to this state of affairs 😅13:35
rm_workIn retrospect13:35
rm_workThe more I consider it, the more reusing the image ID seems unnecessary13:36
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: As of the weekend, Zuul only supports queue declarations at the project level; if expected jobs aren't running, see this announcement:
opendevreviewBrian Rosmaita proposed openstack/glance-specs master: Fix redirects
jokke_rm_work: Wouldn't it be easier to tell ironic use the new image id after the recreate 14:01
jokke_rm_work: Glance does allow you to specify the image id whn creating (as long as it doesn't collide) so you could just used different IDs between the runs when you actually need different images14:02
jokke_just a thought14:03
opendevreviewBrian Rosmaita proposed openstack/glance-specs master: Fix redirects
rm_workRight, yes, we’d upload a new image and then tell Ironic to use it14:26
rm_workIt’s just a little backwards right now the way we deploy things, so need to figure out how/if we want to fix it14:26
*** EugenMayer8 is now known as EugenMayer17:33
opendevreviewCyril Roelandt proposed openstack/glance master: docs: hw_rng_model: Document that it has no effect since 'Ussuri'

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