Thursday, 2024-02-22

opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/glance master: Make location URL compatible with cinder backend
opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/glance master: Add Location Import task flow
opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/glance master: Add new add location api
opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/glance master: Add functional tests for new add-location API
opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/glance master: Add new get location api
opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/glance master: Add api-ref and documentation for new location apis
opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/glance master: Bump Images API version to 2.17
*** mklejn_ is now known as mklejn08:34
opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/glance master: Make location URL compatible with cinder backend
opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/glance master: Add Location Import task flow
opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/glance master: Add new add location api
opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/glance master: Add functional tests for new add-location API
opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/glance master: Add new get location api
opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/glance master: Add api-ref and documentation for new location apis
opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/glance master: Bump Images API version to 2.17
pranaliabhishekk, rosmaita, dansmith, croelandt, mrjoshi glance weekly meeting in 10 minutes at #openstack-meeting13:50
rosmaitapranali: i have a conflict, so will be paying even less attention than usual ... apologies in advance13:50
pranalirosmaita, ack np !!13:51
abhishekkdansmith, is something changed in nova, these tests suddenly started failing for nova-ceph-multistore job14:22
dansmithabhishekk: not that I know of14:27
dansmithabhishekk: that's a 400 from glance right?14:28
abhishekkyes, but it related to http location14:28
dansmithI don't think it would be a nova thing then, maybe devstack? but no, I idk14:29
abhishekkack, will check 14:33
dansmithwe've been seeing failures related to other things, so I'd have to expect that most of those failures are unrelated to http images, but if not I'd be glad to know14:34
abhishekksurprisingly test failing in nova-ceph-multistore 'test_image_web_download_import' is passing in tempest-integrated-storage job14:39
dansmithokay, well, I'm sure you can figure out why glance is returning 400, which is probably a clue :)14:40
abhishekkI need to configure http store and use this url to add the location
abhishekkwhich is working locally :/14:50
croelandtpranali: apparently causes a failure with functional tests14:57
croelandtwell, functional-py38-fips fails but functional-py{39,310} works14:57
croelandtnot sure if that is an issue with your patch14:57
abhishekkyes, that is issue with patch14:58
abhishekkthe reason is image state transition form queued-importing-queued happens before test actually reach that point and it waits and timeouts for state transition from queued > importing14:59
croelandtbut why is it only failing with 38-fips ? :)14:59
croelandtis it just a race condition that may happen with any other interpreter?15:00
abhishekkit fails randomly for either of functional jon15:02
abhishekkcheck other patches15:02
croelandtoh ok15:04
croelandtoh yeah from the functional patch, we get failures15:05
abhishekkI will be back in couple of hours, travelling back to home15:07
abhishekkif possible please check nova-ceph-multistore failure till then15:07
croelandtabhishekk: already shows failures because of BadStoreURI16:54
croelandtunfortunately, we don't log said uri16:55
croelandtbut I think there might be a problem with the way we rewrite the location URL16:55
abhishekkyou are talking in context of nova-ceph-multistore failure?16:56
croelandtI did not realize this was from the first patch17:01
abhishekkFeb 22 12:31:29.073537 np0036837391 glance-api[105921]: INFO glance_store._drivers.http [None req-bfa9796f-fb8c-4549-b484-5a06f762d9dd tempest-ImageLocationsAdminTest-1031512512 tempest-ImageLocationsAdminTest-1031512512-project-member] The HTTP URL is invalid: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /0.3.1/cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec.tar.gz (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.H17:05
abhishekkTTPConnection object at 0x7f18a218d660>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Lookup timed out'))17:05
abhishekkthis error is further raised as BadStore from here17:06
abhishekkglance location-add 2819a9e5-3a77-4abd-b31e-70e953295a4a  --url
abhishekkHTTP 400 Bad Request: The Store URI was malformed.17:09
abhishekkif I pass --url as above I get same error message in glance logs17:09
abhishekkif I just pass it without port 80 then it succeeds17:10
croelandtwhy is this raised as BadStore? That seems buggy17:10
croelandtI guess we have no way of deciding whether the URI is bad or the server is unreachable17:11
abhishekkDon't know why it is implemented like that17:12
croelandt is indeed unreachable17:12
abhishekkyes, but what happened suddenly from today17:14
croelandtI'm not sure, probably some kind of issue with Do we know an admin there? :)17:15
croelandtdo we even specify anywhere in the tests?17:18
abhishekkI don't know17:20
croelandt this seems to be the default value... but with an added port somehow17:22
croelandtoh ok so is ok17:25
croelandtbut https + port80 is not, obviously17:25
croelandtso maybe they made httpS default or something17:25
croelandtno, does not seem like it17:27
* croelandt scratches head17:27
abhishekkworks with this17:29
croelandtyeah because https +44317:29
croelandtbut Tempest seems to be using http, not https17:30
croelandtso port 80 should be fine17:30
abhishekk_got disconnected17:33
abhishekk_so can we change the default url to http+port443 ?17:33
croelandthttp+443 will fail as well17:35
croelandtonly http/80 and https/443 can work17:35
croelandtI don't understand why http/80 does not work in this case by the way17:36
abhishekk_is it because tls is enabled?17:40
abhishekk_locally it is working with http+port8017:46
abhishekk_locations        | [{"url": "http://download.cirros-                                                |17:46
abhishekk_|                  |", "metadata": {"store":        |17:46
abhishekk_|                  | "abcd"}}] 17:46
abhishekk_I guess this is the failure18:00
abhishekk_guess not :/18:01
abhishekk_looks like related to eventlet18:16
abhishekk_the difference is dnspython-2.6.0, that last time job passed the version was dnspython-2.5.018:22
abhishekk_yes dnspython-2.6.0 is issue18:39
abhishekk_croelandt, dansmith I had dnspython 2.4.2 in envrionment and location-add was working18:40
abhishekk_I updated it to use 2.6.1 and it is failing now with same error18:40
abhishekk_So how can we blacklist this new version18:40
dansmithabhishekk_: probably need to move to -qa18:42
dansmithbut we need to put something in u-c I guess18:42
dansmithI assume propose that change with justification and raise it18:43
croelandtabhishekk_: is 2.6.1 the first version causing issues?18:45
abhishekk_no upstream it is 2.6.018:45
abhishekk_I just used pip3 install --upgrade dnspython and it has updated it to 2.6.118:46
croelandt this might be related :)18:48
abhishekk_yeah, the same issue we are facing18:49
croelandtso I guess weneed to push a patch to openstack/requirements that sets u-c to 2.5.0 and link this issue as a justification18:50
abhishekk_can you please do it, its almost midnight at my end18:50
abhishekk_I will quickly report a bug18:50
croelandtyeah sure18:52
abhishekk_that was quick18:56
dansmithcroelandt: ++18:56
croelandtabhishekk_: easier than figuring out the issue was with dnspython :p18:58
abhishekk_hopefully gate situation will change over weekend18:59
abhishekk_happy long weekend 18:59
croelandtyeah see you on Monday19:01
dansmithabhishekk_: I'm pushing in -tc now, should be merging I think19:07
abhishekk_++. thank you19:07

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