Wednesday, 2024-07-03

opendevreviewMerged openstack/glance master: Fix import job to provide valid disk-formats list to tempest
opendevreviewAbhishek Kekane proposed openstack/glance stable/2024.1: Fix import job to provide valid disk-formats list to tempest
abhishek_dansmith: ^^01:47
dansmithabhishek_: it is too late for you to be up01:49
opendevreviewAbhishek Kekane proposed openstack/glance stable/2023.2: Fix import job to provide valid disk-formats list to tempest
dansmithabhishek_: also I don't have core on glance stable01:49
abhishek_put +1 and I will approve01:50
dansmithif you do I think it's reasonable to self-approve, it's just a job change01:50
opendevreviewAbhishek Kekane proposed openstack/glance stable/2023.1: Fix import job to provide valid disk-formats list to tempest
abhishek_ack, thank you!01:50
dansmithoh, it's actually so late it's early for you, sheesh01:50
dansmithgot them all01:51
abhishek_cool, will approve it one by one, I guess I should avoid recheck until nova patch merges01:52
abhishek_should I initiate backport for nova if you are not around?01:52
dansmithsure, sean may be around to hit them earlier but if not I'll do it when I get up unless more stuff explodes overnight01:53
dansmithhere, let me just do it real quick so they're ready01:54
dansmithno reason not to01:54
opendevreviewAbhishek Kekane proposed openstack/glance master: Reject qcow files with data-file attributes
opendevreviewAbhishek Kekane proposed openstack/glance master: Extend format_inspector for QCOW safety
opendevreviewAbhishek Kekane proposed openstack/glance master: Add VMDK safety check
opendevreviewAbhishek Kekane proposed openstack/glance master: Reject unsafe qcow and vmdk files
opendevreviewAbhishek Kekane proposed openstack/glance master: Add QED format detection to format_inspector
opendevreviewAbhishek Kekane proposed openstack/glance master: Add file format detection to format_inspector
opendevreviewAbhishek Kekane proposed openstack/glance master: Add safety check and detection support to FI tool
opendevreviewAbhishek Kekane proposed openstack/glance master: DNM Import test failing check
opendevreviewMerged openstack/glance stable/2023.1: Fix import job to provide valid disk-formats list to tempest
opendevreviewAbhishek Kekane proposed openstack/glance master: DNM Import test failing check
*** gaudenz_ is now known as gaudenz13:49
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opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/glance master: WIP Add safety check and detection support to FI tool
abhishek_not so optimistic about getting glance patches in quickly16:29
abhishek_lots of dependencies to unblock gate, two tempest patches for master then frequent timeouts on other jobs :/16:31
abhishek_also not s16:31
abhishek_also not sure whether tempest patches are allowed to backport till antelope, if not then need to find other workaround 16:31
abhishek_just wondering is it possible to disable tempest jobs and get those patches in and fix tempest and then enable the jobs again?16:33
abhishek_dansmith: any suggestions?16:41
fricklerwe were just having a slightly similar discussion in #-nova. with the amount of rechecks that has been done and always different jobs failing, I'd also consider just force-merging be a valid option16:50
dansmithforce merge will break further gating in this scenario16:51
dansmithabhishek_: might be best to skip the tempest tests in glance patches if we need to, especially for the backports16:51
dansmithand maybe queue a patch to re-enable them that depends-on the tempest fix to make sure we re-enable those later16:51
abhishek_problem is we don't have the list of tests which are failing, for example some tests are causing timeouts16:52
dansmithI meant for the image_conversion qcow/raw issue16:53
dansmithfor the timeouts, we're all struggling with those16:53
dansmithif we want to force merge those then that might be fine, but I wouldn't force merge when we have blocking fails like the qcow/raw thing16:53
abhishek_Ok, I think we can skip the import tests then16:54
dansmithwe *cannot* forget to fix those though since those are exercising the thing we're changing here16:55
abhishek_So ideally I should create blacklist file or submit a patch in tempest to skip those?16:55
dansmithabhishek_: do you have tempest fixes up that we just need to get mergeD? maybe force merge of those would be best16:55
dansmithgmann: ^16:55
abhishek_dansmith: yes those are up16:56
dansmithabhishek_: let's go to qe and beg for fast merge and maybe frickler or fungi can put those in the gate queue16:56
abhishek_ and
abhishek_already asked in qe16:57
fungifollowing up in the qa channel then16:59
opendevreviewRajat Dhasmana proposed openstack/glance master: Increase timeout for tempest-integrated-storage-import job
opendevreviewAbhishek Kekane proposed openstack/glance master: Skip import related tests from tempest run
abhishek_dansmith: ^17:31
dansmithabhishek_: want +2+W or should we loop in another?17:32
abhishek_NO this is enough to skip tests IMO for jobs other than nova-ceph-multistore17:33
abhishek_I just hope skip expression is correct 17:33
dansmithso "no" means "yes +2+W" ?17:34
dansmithokay I'll queue for nova17:35
dansmithit'll take me a bit17:36
opendevreviewAbhishek Kekane proposed openstack/glance master: Make import jobs non-voting
abhishek_need to put +2W again 17:43
abhishek_ack, thanks17:49
abhishek_fungi: ^^17:49
fungiworking on it17:54
abhishek_thank you!17:54
fungidansmith: abhishek_: it's enqueued into the gate now, should that change be pushed to the front of the queue as well?17:58
dansmithfungi: probs, if you don't mind17:58
abhishek_good if done, otherwise, I put hold on glance rechecks for now17:59
dansmithabhishek_: so once glance patches merge with that through nova will start failing ceph-multistore right? I dunno if nova will want to skip that17:59
fungii'll give that requirements change at the top of the gate a minute to wrap up, its only remaining job is uploading logs now18:00
dansmithI pinged kopecmartin downstream in case it happens to get more attention18:01
fungiif there's any other reordering desired in the gate, now would be the time to do it since every change's builds are going to get restarted18:01
abhishek_I have made nova-ceph-multistore non voting as well18:01
fungigoing once... twice...18:01
fungiyep, done now18:02
fungi923433,2 is at the front of the queue18:03
abhishek_++ thank you18:03
abhishek_even though tempest change merges I think we should keep some jobs non voting for time being, until we get timeout sorted18:15
* abhishek_ signing out for the day18:17
opendevreviewMerged openstack/glance stable/2024.1: Fix import job to provide valid disk-formats list to tempest
fungidansmith: do you know whether there's a reasonable expectation that the glance master changes for ossa-2024-001 would pass now behind the other adjustments already in the gate?22:48
dansmithfungi: I believe that all the deps have merged yeah so I assume we're just fighting the flaky stuff22:49
dansmithlemme just have a survey and check hang on22:50
fungino problem, just wondering if i should enqueue them directly to the gate or whether you wanted to wait for another round in check to complete22:50
dansmithso the top one hasn't even had a clean check run because of the tempest import thing.. we're expecting it to pass, but .. you know22:52
dansmithfungi: also the top-most two patches in the glance series are not required,22:52
dansmithI included them at some point for clarity since I was using them in nova and people were yanking the detection parts into cinder,22:53
dansmithbut they're not actually required for glance22:53
dansmithso I could -2 those for clarity until the storm blows over if you want, or you can just ignore them, whatever you want22:53
fungiit's 8 changes total across all 4 branches, so not that many in the grand scheme of things22:54
dansmithyep just sayin'22:54

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