Thursday, 2024-08-08

abhishekkrosmaita, dansmith as and when you will get time, or we should wait for direct use of format inspector from oslo.utils?17:10
abhishekkI think if we get this in then I can backport it till Antelope upstream17:11
dansmithabhishekk: I've already started on doing this for nova and it isn't hard.. I was going to propose something against glance as well17:12
dansmithbut I'm not going to backport it in nova, and I think we should leave glance stable alone as well17:13
dansmithwe'd be adding a new library requirement for those backports, which would be uncool17:13
abhishekkthen should I abandon that or wait until your work is up for review?17:14
abhishekkI was talking about this patch, sorry missed to add it in 1st line :facepalm:17:15
dansmithoh sorry are you asking about iso?17:15
dansmithgotcha haha17:15
dansmithwe should go ahead with this yeah, lemme look17:15
abhishekkack, thank you!17:16
dansmithabhishekk: so I thought you were going to block iso for conversion entirely?17:17
dansmithrunning convert on an iso and telling qemu it's a raw won't really do much useful I think17:17
dansmithI think nova will want to see that it's an iso to do proper cdrom boot, so changing the disk_format afterwards will also be bad17:18
abhishekkit will not run conversion in this patch17:18
abhishekkit will return from line 18517:19
dansmithif I have target_format=qcow2, it looks to me like it will treat the iso as raw, convert to qcow2 and set disk_format to qcow2 no?17:19
dansmithonly if raw17:20
abhishekkthen there I need to check if source_format is iso and target_format is raw then treat it as raw17:21
dansmithI think it needs to do: "if disk_format==iso and format_inspector==iso: return without any action" right? 17:21
abhishekkelse perform the converson17:21
dansmithI think you should never convert iso at all, just make it an exclusion17:21
dansmithand leave it as disk_format=iso17:21
dansmith*but* only do that if format_inspector agrees it is an iso17:21
abhishekkmakes sense,17:22
dansmithotherwise you could hide stuff claiming its an iso and have it not be converted17:22
dansmithI'll comment17:22
abhishekkthanks, will do those changes tomorrow and push a new PS17:22
opendevreviewAbhishek Kekane proposed openstack/glance master: Add iso file format inspector
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/glance master: DNM: Test dependency on devstack-plugin-ceph changes

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