Wednesday, 2024-10-30

opendevreviewAbhishek Kekane proposed openstack/glance-specs master: New API to list nodes where image is cahced
opendevreviewTakashi Natsume proposed openstack/glance master: Replace deprecated functions in datetime
*** jcosmao is now known as Guest795513:22
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croelandtrosmaita: Hey! We need your wiseness. We decided during PTG to run a user survey, but we're not sure exactly how to do that. Is it just about sending an email to the mailing-list? How much time should we give people to answer us? Is there anything specific to know about this process?15:20
rosmaitacroelandt: i can dig up some info ... what i usually did was use a free survey tool to create a focused survey (keep it short), then send a message to the ML that the survey was open, then send a reminder a few days before it closed, and then send a summary of the findings later15:22
croelandtBy "a free survey tool" you mean, to create some kind of form? Is it not enough to let people answer the email?15:23
croelandtI'm a bit worried that such a form would not be archived alongside the email (espescially if it depends on a 3rd party service)15:24
rosmaitadepends on what you're asking, how many responses you expect, and how much time you have to put the results into some kind of format to draw conclusions from15:24
croelandtI see. If there is anything else to "dig up", can you come back to me whenever it's convenient for you?15:26
rosmaitai have a few minutes right now, i will look to see what notes i have ... haven't done this in a few years15:27
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/glance master: Make glance able to require disk_format match
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/glance master: Run safety checks on uploaded content
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/glance master: Add GPT disk_format
opendevreviewCyril Roelandt proposed openstack/glance master: Deprecate the glance-cache-prefetcher command
rosmaitacroelandt: here's what i've got ...15:56
rosmaitalooks like the link to the survey still works:
rosmaitai can't remember why i used wufoo instead of google forms, maybe something to do with the analytics tools15:56
rosmaitai used wufoo over other tools because if you only have one form, you can collect up to 100 responses15:56
rosmaitaall the other tools were way more limited at the free level15:56
rosmaita(that's all)15:56
croelandtSo did anyone actually use the wufoo form?16:02
rosmaitacroelandt:  yes, got 10 responses to that one, got 27 responses to the "Ceph version survey" we did in 202017:21
rosmaitanot overwhelming, but something17:21
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-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on will be offline momentarily at 20:30 utc (half an hour from now) to apply a configuration change20:02
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on will be offline momentarily to apply a configuration change20:30

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