Thursday, 2025-03-13

opendevreviewMerged openstack/glance stable/2024.1: Remove S3 credentials from debug log
mrjoshiabhishekk, rosmaita, dansmith, croelandt, pdeore glance weekly meeting in 10 minutes at #openstack-meeting13:50
croelandtrosmaita: can you help us fixing tips jobs by having a look at ?15:24
rosmaitacroelandt: ok15:25
rosmaitacroelandt: there is probably a quick way to fix that15:26
rosmaitachange the py313 jobs to use pyenv, like the 3.12 jobs do15:26
croelandtpyenv will bring py313?15:26
rosmaitapyenv can do all the pythons, man15:26
rosmaitathat's what we did to get py31215:29
croelandtamazing, man15:31
opendevreviewCyril Roelandt proposed openstack/glance master: Use pyenv for the periodic jobs running on Python 3.13
croelandtTried to do it with yq but it was too much of a pain15:47
atmarkhello, does ceph driver for glance support rbd namespaces?19:55

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