Friday, 2025-03-28

fricklerI assume that fix needs to go into 2025.1, too? but maybe not worth an rc2, could be released in the first point release instead?09:52
frickler(deadline for rc2 would be today)09:52
croelandt$ git branch -a --contains b5a3075c8a9ea53958020b4edb5a8c70362d4965 | grep origin remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master remotes/origin/master14:15
croelandtfrickler: I don't think the faulty commit is in 2025.114:15
fricklercroelandt: ah, you are right, I just read the discussion and it sounded like it was an older issue, then nevermind, thx for double-checking14:18
croelandtyou're welcome14:21
croelandtAre requirements patches all merged at a specific time? Or should I actively ask for reviews on ?14:47
fricklercroelandt: it is mostly just "when someone gets to them", you are always free to ask for reviews in the reqs channel. I had mostly concentrated an the master branch for the last weeks, approved that one now and will look at the othe open stable branch updates soon, too14:51
croelandtah thanks14:52
croelandtI saw verfy few patches against 2024.2, so I was indeed wondering whether you reviewed them all at once at a given time :D14:53
opendevreviewCyril Roelandt proposed openstack/glance master: Doc: add validation data for GET /v2/schemas/image

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