Tuesday, 2016-07-12

*** venkat has joined #openstack-gslb10:37
venkatHi Doug10:39
venkatI went through Kosmos info available in github on specs etc and had a question on kosmos client i.e, whether kosmos will have a seperate client or will be adding api commands to openstackclient ? just want to know any plan on this etc..10:44
bmidgleyhi venkat12:36
venkathi brad12:39
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bmidgleyDoug will get a notification if we say dougwig13:05
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bmidgleydougwig, so a CLI client belongs in the new openstackclient? or would it be standalone14:12
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mugsiebmidgley: it should be in openstack client15:32
mugsieas a plugin15:32
mugsiein the same repo as the python bindings15:32
dougwigbmidgley: i agree on the osc plugin; i tend to like to see them in separate repos, because pulling in server requirements onto client machines is a sucky experience. unless there's a way to not do that, that works with infra tooling.15:40
dougwigmugsie: &&15:40
mugsieyeah, and (IMHO) they are separate deiverables - the client should work with a few different versions of the server15:41
mugsie(for basic operations, obviously new features wont be in old clients)15:41
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bmidgleyyeah to decoupling these17:02
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bmidgleydougwig: the existing time might actually be ok, this just wasn’t a good week with people out of office20:11
dougwigbmidgley: ok21:27
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