Friday, 2016-08-05

*** RamT has joined #openstack-gslb07:01
RamTdougwig/mugsie: domain_id is not null in all the tables just like project_id.  This field is filled in from keystone project.domain_id ?07:02
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mugsieRamT: yeah, that was the plan10:11
mugsienot sure what it happening with keystone domains anymore thought, we might remove it10:12
RamTload_balancer has a single pool associated with it13:03
RamTI want to make a different table load_balancer_pools13:03
RamTand provide an option for multiple pools associated with a single load_balancer13:03
RamTand load_balancer should have it's own parameters as well to carry any provider specific parameters13:05
RamTlike sticky, internal/external etc...13:05
RamTMy recommendations are based on the ATT specific GSLB13:05
RamTLet me know your thoughts on this13:06
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dougwigfyi, i'm at glacier national park next week, no network access.  someone else will need to run our meeting, or consider it canceled.22:24

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