Tuesday, 2017-03-07

*** RamT has joined #openstack-gslb15:54
RamThi all16:00
RamT@mugsie you there?16:01
mugsiesorry, was distracted :)16:09
mugsieRamT: ^16:10
mugsiewe dont seem to be having meetings on a regular basius16:12
mugsiemost of us are on other projects full time, so not much time to do on kosmos16:12
RamTwe can meet anytime it's convenient for you16:13
mugsienow is good16:13
RamTso last time we were talking about the loadbalancer_parameters16:13
RamTand you were saying that it's not a good idea16:13
mugsiebasically, anything that can be changed by a driver is a problem16:14
RamTwhat about monitor_parameters or pool or pool_member_parameters16:14
mugsiethey are predefined, and will be the same across instances16:14
mugsie(so people can use the same tools to create glbs across providers)16:14
mugsiemonitor_parameters are things like "port", "http_path", "user", etc16:15
RamTyes but they can mean different to different providers16:15
mugsieso it is different per monitor type (http monitors, will have different options to tcp)16:16
RamTas we are not setting them to be constant we might end up each provider defining them in their own way16:16
mugsiewell, kosmos's original designate was to have it do the monitoring16:16
mugsieso there was no provider involved16:16
RamTif we have monitors done by kosmos then yes16:16
mugsiewell, thats a core part of the design16:17
mugsieif you off load that, there is no point in kosmos16:17
mugsiejust stick keystone auth infront of the current API16:17
RamTwell I have a situation where it is expected to be offloaded16:17
mugsieone of the core kosmos ideas was that *it* did the monitoring16:18
RamTso can we have it work both ways16:18
mugsieas that allowed providers to swap out drivers as they see fir16:18
RamTlike leave the choice to implementor16:18
mugsieI really dont like thaty16:18
mugsieas it has the same problem I said before16:18
mugsieusers have no idea what they are getting16:19
RamTso here is what I think16:19
mugsie(that can be fine for some people - just not for an openstack project)16:19
RamTwhat if we have main parameters like port, http_path, moved to monitor object16:20
RamTwhich are common across multiple platforms and rest remain in parameters16:20
mugsiethe montor could be anything.16:20
mugsieICMP, SSH, authenticated HTTP, etc16:20
mugsiewhy does the monitoring have to be offloaded?16:21
RamTmy glsb provider does monitoring on his own16:22
mugsieremeber for this to go to openstack, the reference implementation needs to be open source16:22
RamTok let me give it another thought16:22
mugsieso, it will need to be kosmos doing monitoring, and then something like designate moving DNS records16:23
mugsiedoes your provider allow you to make rapid updates to their API ?16:23
RamTno they do not16:23
RamTthat is a bottle neck16:23
mugsiebecause you could do the monitor yourself, and then uipdate16:23
RamTLet me give it another thought16:24
RamTI'll get back to you on this one.16:24
RamTby next Tuesday I'll come up with what can be moved forward on Kosmos...16:24
RamTI would like to keep it same as upstream...16:25
RamTand figure out a way as how to integrate it with my provider.. and slowly move towards complete kosmos solution...16:25
mugsieping me / drop a comment on the review16:25
RamTwhere we can take advantage of rapid changes through the api16:25
RamTyeah sure16:26
RamTttyl mugsie16:26
RamThave a good day16:26
mugsieyou too16:26
RamTcan we save this conv.?16:26
mugsieRamT: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-gslb/%23openstack-gslb.2017-03-07.log.html16:27
mugsieit is running a bit behind, but the logs will be there16:27
RamTthank you16:27
*** RamT has left #openstack-gslb16:28

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