Friday, 2016-03-18

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ddejagood news, Mistral in Mitaka realase have a bugfix that make it more HA
openstackLaunchpad bug 1502120 in Mistral mitaka "Task stalls in state RUNNING in case of service dies" [High,Fix released] - Assigned to Nikolay Makhotkin (nmakhotkin)07:53
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haukebrunomorning aspiers \o/08:47
aspiersmorning :)08:48
haukebrunojust from reading the guide + 1 regarded question on -> is the collapsed setting a common one for production? maybe I don't understand it right, but it sounds like all services (haproxy, nova-*, also galera) are on 1 node09:01
haukebrunoah, and also another question :p the guide point out that someone should disable writes to all galera nodes except one. we were also facing thos multi-master write issues but I switched to different ports pointing to different galera nodes so that are nova controllers could write to 1 node, all keystones to another and so on. could be an improvement (worked for us quiet well)09:03
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ddejahaukebruno: for the first question on should setup at least 3 controllers with galera, nova-* services etc. when you want to have HA09:11
haukebrunoddeja, yes of course, but I just wondering why to put haproxy and also galera nodes on the same node where the openstack services live09:12
haukebrunois it just for figuring stuff out or a real production scenario?09:13
aspiershaukebruno: IMHO you can have a small production cloud with a 2-node cluster running everything09:13
ddejahaukebruno: oh, ok I get it now09:13
aspierswe support that in SUSE OpenStack Cloud09:13
haukebrunoaspiers, ok. support wins here :) just wondering, because from my experiences someone could have lot of trouble with even a galera cluster or rabbitmqs eating up inodes or RAM. so I ever seperate them09:15
haukebrunobut yeah, it depends on the use-case I guess.09:16
aspierswell, of course the nodes have to be sized correctly :)09:17
aspiersbtw we use postgresql in SOC09:17
ddejahaukebruno: I think it depends on number of servers that you have. I have small production-like setup and if I would want to separate galera cluster from Openstack controll cluster I will end up with 1 or 2 compute nodes ;)09:17
aspiersright :)09:18
haukebrunoddeja, I see09:18
haukebrunoaspiers, why postgres over mariadb?09:18
aspiersbecause of SUSE's relationship with postgres I think09:18
haukebrunoI also took a look on postgres some time ago because one customer asked about it. but the documentary especially for all that cluster stuff is hard to find09:19
aspierswe have relationships with both companies of course, but IIRC we are closer with postgres business09:19
aspiersICBW though09:19
haukebrunomakes sense09:19
haukebrunofor a smaller env it also make sense to put the other galera nodes to backup. I think I got it now, not every folk has the ability to spin up big and spreaded clusters for the control plane09:22
aspierswith SUSE OpenStack Cloud, we let the operator choose the exact number of clusters they want, and the size of each09:23
aspiersand which services go where09:23
aspiersit's totally flexible09:23
aspiersvia drag and drop :)09:24
haukebrunoI even split the balancers for galera and rest. fear of DB connection resets is huge :p09:24
haukebrunoaspiers, that drag and drop thing sounds a lot better than the "apt-get install foo" stuff I am currently doing /o\09:24
aspiersugh yes09:24
aspierswe can build HA clouds from bare metal in ~30 minutes09:25
aspiersfor the next release it will be more like 15 minutes :)09:25
aspiershaukebruno: interesting, can you expand on that? I am currently looking at DB connection resets09:25
haukebrunoaspiers, because we still want the flexibility to change the config for all openstack services, for example after adding more keystone nodes or adding new services. from what I see even a haproxy reload will cause some connection resets for the mariadb/galera stuff09:27
haukebrunothats the only reason why I seperated them. (also we use a lot of smaller timeout values on the openstack balancers than on the DB ones, but that isn't the big deal)09:27
aspiersadding more nodes / services in SOC is also a few clicks of the mouse :)09:28
* haukebruno cries09:28
aspiershehe sorry09:28
aspiersI'll stop now09:28
haukebrunojust curious, what about the new stuff or maybe the smaller projects like tap as a service? does SOC also supports that or the other way around: is it possible for an operator to manually add openstack projects to a SOC that aren't in SOC itself?09:29
aspiersit's possible09:30
aspiersalso, Crowbar is extensible09:30
aspiersand we gladly accept pull requests for new plugins :)09:30
haukebrunoseems that it all comes down to coding /o\09:31
aspierswell you can deploy manually09:31
aspiersbut as Florian points out, that's a really bad idea09:31
ddejahaukebruno: you are deploying openstack HA cloud manually?09:31
ddejaI'm not sure if I understand correctly09:32
haukebrunoddeja, yep09:33
haukebrunowe started investigating and exploring openstack and business things came quicker than we could handle the automation stuff09:34
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ddejaI see09:35
aspiershaukebruno: you could have deployed in one or two days with SOC ...09:36
aspiers(or even <1 hour with someone who has experience of the product)09:36
ddejaand to have some choice, Fuel probably would also do the work in 1-2 days09:36
haukebrunowell in 2 days with enough coffee and beer I could do it also :p09:37
ddejahaukebruno: Been there, done this :)09:38
haukebrunoimho openstack distros have a lot of advantages but also some disadvantages. I am looking forward to consider things out (tm)09:38
haukebrunocurrently without too much pressure on myself I would say deploying our standard platform needs 4 or 5 days. (at least about 30 nodes for the control plane stuff)09:39
haukebrunobut time isn't the big deal for me/us. human errors are the most annoying stuff in here09:39
ddejaWhen I was very inexperienced, configuring pacemaker was really painfull for me and distros do it automatically09:39
haukebrunothe chances aren't that small to miss something while doing everything from scratch09:40
* ddeja spend once 2 days looking for typo in confs...09:40
haukebrunoddeja, yes I can understand that. I used pacemaker/corosync/haproxy a lot before I started to play with openstack, that was definitively a plus09:41
aspiersyes the main point about automation being important is to avoid human error, typos etc.09:41
ddejahaukebruno: oh, so you have much better start09:42
aspiersthe fact that it's a lot quicker is just a bonus09:42
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haukebrunobut anyway, things becoming bigger in the company. the next platform will have about 700 compute nodes in the beginning, means I need regions or cells to seperate everthing and doing _that_ from scratch would be hard pain09:43
haukebrunoa collegue is now looking into the ansible project09:43
aspiershaukebruno: please consider SOC too :)09:50
haukebrunoaspiers, do you support running SOC on ubuntu? :-D it is hard for me (personally) to work on non-apt distros :p09:52
haukebrunobut that wouldn't be a showstopper at all, because it is just me. other collegues are fine with suse, red hat also09:53
aspiershaukebruno: why isit hard for you?09:54
aspiersmaybe we can help make it easier09:54
ddejahaukebruno: if you are stick to ubuntu, you can try juju (I have very small expertise with it) or Fuel (it also works with Centos; I can't tell if it handles 700 servers setup)09:54
aspiersI use Ubuntu too, and personally I find zypper much nicer UI09:54
haukebrunoaspiers, I never used other distros than debian or ubuntu (for my work stuff). it is always hard to break that old relationships :p09:55
aspiershaukebruno: nah, it's easy :) be brave ;-)09:55
ddejaat this point I have to agree with aspiers - it's always good to have some new experience09:56
haukebrunoddeja, the scalability is a must-have. 700 is just the first order we did. more are coming for sure09:56
aspiersddeja: exactly, learning multiple distros really helps improve your Linux knowledge09:56
ddejahaukebruno: I understand. I just want to give you some hitns what to look at but I can't recommend it's fully since I never run it in such scale09:57
haukebrunosorry for asking, but since I ever used any openstack distro: are there any downsides? regarding root access to the maschines for debugging, logging et ceterea?09:57
aspiershaukebruno: no, you get full access10:00
haukebrunoaspiers, does config changes need to perform from the gui or is it also possible to do it directly on the nodes?10:02
aspiershaukebruno: strongly recommend if you didn't watch the whole thing10:02
haukebrunoI really need to check out a demo or something10:03
aspiershaukebruno: Crowbar also has CLI and REST API10:03
haukebrunoah. that talk is on my notebook, but didn't see it so far :p10:03
haukebrunois crowbar the deployment part of SOC?10:04
haukebrunoah cool10:04
aspiersthat website is very very new though10:04
haukebrunoI will see the talk, I guess the most of my questions could be answered then10:05
aspierswe are still working on making it more helpful / welcoming10:05
aspiersthere are also two videos on that website10:05
haukebrunolet me check that out, I will come back for questions for sure ;)10:06
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/ha-guide: Updated from openstack-manuals
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ha-guide: Updated from openstack-manuals
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haukebrunoaspiers, firstly -> crowbar looks amazing! but now I have a lot of questions!13:39
haukebrunowell, two: a) it works just with suse distros right? and b) what about config options in nova.conf for instance? could someone push it via crowbar into the controller nodes?13:39
aspiersa) currently yes, it used to work with Ubuntu and RHEL but noone was maintaining support so we removed that code. however we would love to add it back13:40
aspiersin a working fashion13:40
aspiersa lot as changed since then13:40
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