Thursday, 2016-05-12

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spzalaHi all16:01
spzalabobh: topol: o/16:01
spzalaI believe shangxdy and tbh will be joining soon16:01
spzalawe have few topics to discuss16:02
spzalaheat-translator pypi16:02
spzalabobh: I guess you are on top of the activities related to it,16:02
spzalathe global req patch is good with jenkins16:02
bobhspzala: did you see the comment from dhellman?16:03
spzalabobh: just seeing it, was on my way to wok.16:03
spzalawell, the comment is good but not really relevant16:04
spzalaI can answer it, or if you or sridhar_ram_ want to answer, that would be even better16:04
bobhspzala: will do16:04
spzalabobh: makes sense?16:04
spzalacool, thanks! What we told was going forward parser will be backward compatible to translator16:05
spzalabut this time we are good16:05
spzalabut it's always good to make sure so that's why I believe his comments are16:05
bobhspzala: done16:06
spzalabobh: great, thanks!!16:07
spzalaso once we get that patch merged and we get a bot patch to update requirement in heat-translator,16:07
spzalaI will merge it16:07
spzalaand shoot for heat-translator pypi16:07
bobhspzala: great - thanks!16:07
spzalabobh: yrw, thank you!16:07
spzalaso the second related topic is, I will be digging more but wanted to brainstorm16:08
spzalaIt will be ideal to keep tosca-parser in sync with heat-translator as we develop parser16:08
* sridhar_ram_ pops in16:09
spzalai.e. for any patch that merge to tosca-parser, what's ideal to me is we run heat-translator so that if it break translator we know right away16:09
spzalaI am not sure what's the best way or even if we can automate it?16:10
spzalabobh: ^ any thoughts?16:10
bobhspzala: can we add a gate job that automatically runs heat-translator tests?16:10
spzalasridhar_ram_: we were talking about Doug's comment and bobh: just answered the comment16:10
spzalabobh: yes, that's what ideally we need16:10
spzalabobh: I don't know how but I guess adding gate (voting) should not be difficult16:11
spzalabobh: I guess adding gate might be our best option?16:11
sridhar_ram_spzala: I saw that...16:12
spzalaas you said16:12
bobhspzala: it would need to pull the current tosca-parser content somehow - now sure how to do that16:12
spzalasridhar_ram_: cool, thx16:12
spzalabobh: true16:12
bobhspzala: but I'm not a gate expert by any means16:13
spzalabobh: also, for backward compatibility if we run gate against master we may unknowingly break previous latest version of heat-translator too ?16:13
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spzalabobh: so I guess for gate, may be we should have it against latest pypi of heat-translator (not heat-translator master)?16:14
spzalaor both?16:14
bobhspzala: good question16:14
bobhspzala: I was thinking both - but only latest/latest should be voting?16:14
bobhspzala: or both voting I guess16:14
spzalabobh: that's a good question too :) .. voting for latest pypi for sure16:15
bobhspzala: I think to prevent breaking current h-t both need to be voting16:15
spzalabobh: well, voting for both would be the safest16:15
spzalabobh: yup16:16
spzalaI think so too16:16
spzalaI guess that's how we should start at least, and as go forward and run into anything which requires changing voting option we can discuss and change the option accordingly16:16
bobhspzala: sounds good16:17
spzalabobh: thanks, awesome. I will give it a priority and poke around to find out how to set gate16:17
spzalabobh: that was the main topic for me for the meeting16:18
spzalado you have anything else to discuss?16:18
spzalathere is a bp from shang that might needs to be discussed but he isn't here16:19
bobhspzala: nothing urgent - need to look into the LoadBalancer translation, but that's not a hot item16:19
spzalabobh: :) agree.. it's a translation to HOT but it's not HOT :)16:20
bobhspzala: lol16:20
spzalabobh: :)16:20
spzalaI will be also working on nominating new cores hopping to have it done in next couple weeks16:21
bobhspzala: sounds good16:21
spzalabobh: thanks!16:21
spzalawell, that's pretty much it16:21
spzalanone of us like long meeting :-) so let's end the meeting16:22
spzalatbh appeared for a second and he disappeared, might ran into something16:22
spzalacool, thanks for joining and discussion on gate - that was very productive16:22
spzalatalk to you later!16:22
spzalabobh: ^16:23
bobhspzala: ttyl16:23
spzalaEnding meeting! Bye all!16:23
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sridhar_ramspzala: bobh: now that tosca-parser requirement patchset is merged, what is the next step ?18:09
spzalasridhar_ram: I don't think it's merged yet but in process. Once it's merge, we should have bot sending email to update heat-translator requirement and I will merge it as soon I get that patch18:10
spzalaafterwards, I will create heat-translator 0.5.0 once that's done I guess we should be good?18:11
sridhar_ramspzala: I see gerrit 312739 is waiting in zuul..18:12
sridhar_ramspzala: the latest heat-translator version is 0.4.0 ?18:13
spzalasridhar_ram: OK, so that means it's going to merge soon right?18:13
spzalasridhar_ram: that's correct18:13
sridhar_ramspzala: yes, it merge ... in about an hr18:13
sridhar_ram*it should merge18:13
spzalasridhar_ram: sure18:13
sridhar_ramspzala: does heat-translator 0.4.0 works fine with tosca-parser 0.5.0 ?18:14
spzalasridhar_ram: I am not sure how long it takes bot to send requirement update to specific project, but I believe it should be quick18:14
spzalasridhar_ram: no, 0.4.0 won't work with 0.5.0 of tosca-parser18:14
spzalathat's where we want to backward compatible going forward with 0.5.018:15
sridhar_ramspzala: sorry for going over this again ... please bear w/ me ..18:16
spzalasridhar_ram: :-) no problem at all18:16
sridhar_ramspzala: tacker has tosca-parser >= 0.4.0 and heat-translator >= 0.4.018:16
sridhar_ramafter the requirement patchset merges ... both heat-translator and tacker will get bot up to move to ...18:17
sridhar_ramtosca-parser >= 0.5.0 and heat-translator >= 0.4.018:17
sridhar_ramis this correct understanding ?18:17
sridhar_rams/bot up to/bot update to/18:18
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spzalasridhar_ram: well, so after requirement patch merges, I will create 0.5.0 of heat-translator18:18
spzalasridhar_ram: so it should be  tosca-parser >= 0.5.0 and heat-translator >= 0.5.018:18
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spzalasridhar_ram: something that we want18:18
sridhar_ramspzala: ah, that is what I was trying to understand .. didn't ask properly :)18:18
spzalasridhar_ram: :-) I see, no problem at all.18:19
sridhar_ramspzala: so, if I understand this correctly, tacker needs to move to tosca-parser 0.5.0 and heat-translator 0.5.0 for its gate jobs to work18:19
spzalasridhar_ram: so once we have both moved to 0.5.0, we should in future doesn't need to change requirement if we can properly support backward compatibility18:20
spzalasridhar_ram: Yes, that's correct18:20
sridhar_ramafter you release 0.5.0 heat-translator, you still need a requirements repo patchset to bump its version to 0.5.0 ?18:20
spzalasridhar_ram: for master, it automatically picks up the latest pypi. so once I have heat-translator 0.5.0 published and given that there is no pypi mirror issue (something I had no idea till we found out first time last week)18:21
sridhar_ramspzala: gotcha !18:21
spzalathe master should pick up 0.5.0 automatically but yes I will update a patch to change global req. to 0.5.0 of heat-translator18:21
sridhar_ramspzala: btw, are you still manually pushing to pypi or are you going to go through release team ?18:22
spzalaand then based on bot patch,  Tacker should change requirement to 0.5.0 of heat-translator18:22
spzalasridhar_ram: right now, manually. I wanted to keep it manually to be more flexible and quicker, but that's what I was taking to Doug the other day when we were on release channel that down the road I would automate it with release team18:23
sridhar_ramsounds good..18:23
sridhar_ramone last thing..18:23
spzalasridhar_ram: cool, thanks.18:23
sridhar_ramI like the idea you where discussing this morning of co-gating heat-translator and tosca-parser18:24
spzalaCool, thanks! Any suggestion there? I guess we need tosca-parser project gates added, one to run against latest pypi of heat-translator and one to run against master of heat-translator18:25
sridhar_ramif that works and settles, we can even consider adding "helloworld" tacker test in tosca-parser / heat-translator. what do you think ?18:25
spzalasridhar_ram: sure, that's a good idea. So 'helloword' test to make sure Tacker runs against tosca-parser and heat-translator and if it break we try to fix it18:26
spzalasridhar_ram: that sounds good, I am not sure how exactly we can add test without a gate job but that's something we can figure out once we have gates added in tosca-parser for heat-translator18:27
spzalaHave you created a gate job before?18:27
spzalaI haven't so it's something I need to learn and I guess possible work with infra team but if you done it would be very helpful to understand the process.18:28
* sridhar_ram looking up something on this...18:28
spzala:-) Thanks18:28
sridhar_ramtake a look at this
sridhar_ramneutron runs some gate jobs to make sure it doesn't break LBaaS APIs...18:30
spzalasridhar_ram: sure, nice I will look at it18:30
spzalasridhar_ram: that's just result of gate?18:31
sridhar_ramspzala: yeah, I just picked a random neutron patchset ..
spzalasridhar_ram: OK, gotcha but other thing I wondering was about process to create a new gate in a particular project?18:32
sridhar_ramspzala: you need a patchset in project-config.. take a look @
spzalasridhar_ram: I gotta go and will be offline for 30 mins or so. Anything with Gate related if you find out please let me know18:35
sridhar_ramspzala: sure, ttyl !18:36
spzalasridhar_ram: NICE18:36
spzalasridhar_ram: OK, that's helpful. Thanks!!18:36
sridhar_ramspzala: you are welcome !18:36
spzalasridhar_ram: ttyl !18:37
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/heat-translator: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/heat-translator: Updated from global requirements
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spzalabobh: around?22:54
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