Monday, 2018-03-05

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osh-chatbot1<vietwow> Hi all, Can I customize the components of OpenStack-Helm when installing? I mean, I want to use OpenStack-Helm to install all openstack componenet except ceph and mysql, because these are stateful services, so I want to keep it out k8s to safety01:36
openstackgerritPete Birley proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: DNM: Armada based deploy of OSH on Promenade based K8s Cluster
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cmm_hrm, that's irritating.  In nova, pci_alias isn't a list of aliases.  I'm stuck with one alias.  :-(02:49
portdirectcmm_: its a multistring i think?02:51
cmm_portdirect, one would think so, but the VM won't schedule when I do it.02:51
cmm_Unexpected API Error. Please report this at and attach the Nova API log if possible. <class 'nova.exception.PciInvalidAlias'> (HTTP 500) (Request-ID: req-2bdb696c-bb3b-4062-81b8-b6ce72613f21)02:51
cmm_2018-03-05 02:06:36.984 1 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions PciInvalidAlias: Invalid PCI alias definition: [{u'vendor_id': u'8086', u'product_id': u'10e8', u'device_type': u'type-PF', u'name': u'1G'}] is not of type 'object'02:52
portdirectcmm_: what are you feeding into you nova.conf?02:53
cmm_let me look02:54
portdirectand whats the rendered doc looking like?02:54
cmm_portdirect, rendered, it looks like this, under [DEFAULT] section02:56
cmm_pci_alias = {"vendor_id": "8086", "product_id": "10e8", "device_type": "type-PF", "name": "1G"}02:56
cmm_that's when it *works*02:57
cmm_when it doesn't work02:57
cmm_pci_alias = [{"vendor_id": "8086", "product_id": "10e8", "device_type": "type-PF", "name": "1G"}]02:57
portdirectand how are you feeding in the values.yaml ?02:58
cmm_so, I'm not sure how to specify multiple pci_alias lines in the yaml when passing it into helm.02:58
portdirectunless there has been a regression this should help:
cmm_pci_alias: "{{ nova_pci_alias | to_json }}"02:58
cmm_it's a long story, but I've written ansible playbooks to interface with helm02:59
portdirectnice - was what we had in -infra any help?02:59
cmm_Unfortunately, I didn't look at -infra when I started.  And I'm using Kubespray instead of -infra02:59
cmm_so I have a bit of a frankenstein monster to set all this up03:00
portdirectthe playbooks dont need to use the kubeadm setup03:00
portdirectyou just decalre the charts you want to deploy:
portdirectthen run `make dev-deploy charts`03:01
cmm_yeah, I was still a noob (still am) to helm, so I wasn't too comfortable with it03:02
cmm_regarding this link,  how does it help me?03:02
cmm_I understand how conf: and DEFAULT: work, but I'm not sure how to specify two of the same thing (pci_alias)03:03
cmm_since YAML would probably only take one of them03:03
portdirectcheck out the `oslo_messaging_notifications` in the link i gave you03:04
portdirectfr an example of how to do this03:04
cmm_oh!  neat!03:04
cmm_got it03:05
cmm_Man you've thought of everything03:05
portdirectwe had to hack round it03:05
* portdirect shakes fist at silly multistrings!03:05
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cmm_can't wait for SR-IOV... I've said this already.  :-)  In the meantime, trying PCI forwarding.  I need direct access to a network interface because of the security testing we do.  802.1 MAC addresses don't flow through OVS by default.03:07
cmm_portdirect, indeed.  type: multistring works.  thank you03:21
cmm_pci_alias = {"vendor_id": "8086", "product_id": "10e8", "device_type": "type-PF", "name": "1G"}03:21
cmm_pci_alias = {"vendor_id": "8086", "product_id": "1583", "device_type": "type-PF", "name": "40G"}03:21
cmm_w00t first pci forwarded instance up and running.  :-)  I'm off to bed04:26
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openstackgerritPete Birley proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: WIP: Neutron SR-IOV support
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openstackgerritPete Birley proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Keystone Authtoken Cache: allow universal secret key to be set
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openstackgerritPete Birley proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: RabbitMQ: persist stateful data to volume
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openstackgerritScott Hussey proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Ingress - Add configmap hashes to deployments
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d|k`portdirect: about addressing pci et al. disks for ceph: would it be reasonable to use, say, IDs as under /dev/disk/by-id?14:58
d|k`portdirect i ask because it seems like all the PCI names i can find (ie, under /dev/disk/by-path/pci-*) are more-or-less just the bus-specific (scsi, frex) names with the pci location of the controller bunged on the front14:59
d|k`portdirect: ... which is really just kinda  a more-verbose way of specifying by scsi bus path.14:59
d|k`portdirect: i'm thinking here of, say, a 'bus-id' type where the location is the id.15:00
d|k`errr, block-id, but you get the id.15:00
d|k`errr, block-id, but you get the idea.  halp, too early, caffeine not yet working.15:00
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openstackgerritPete Birley proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: RabbitMQ: update to version 3.7.3
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cmm_d|k nobody asked me, but I've found that world-wide-names in /dev/disk/by-id/ are great for identifying storage devices.15:54
cmm_and it'll be pretty static15:54
openstackgerritHemanth Nakkina proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Remove Api version requirement for CronJob Curator
d|kcmm_: yah, i think it'd be a super useful addition to our plans (here: ) to do scsi/iscsi addressing16:01
d|kand yeah, the wwn IDs were exactly what I had in mind.16:01
d|kthey also have a standard way of naming partitions, which [i]scsi paths don't.16:02
cmm_I'm not a storage expert, but even LUNs on a RAID get a WWN.  They're like a MAC address.  They might be random, but the controller makes them16:02
cmm_iSCSI is something else though.  :-\16:02
d|ki _think_ even iscsi devices might get a WWN once attached, but i'm not positive about that.16:03
d|k... and at least at present we're just considering already-attached devices.16:03
cmm_partitions on WWNs also get a -partX suffix16:04
openstackgerritSteve Wilkerson proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Elasticsearch: use endpoints section and lookups to set port
d|kcmm_: yeah, exactly.  annoyingly, there seems to be no such suffix for, say, scsi paths.16:06
cmm_oh  :-(16:06
d|k... but if you look at the WWN view under by-path, they have them, so that's a good feature.16:06
cmm_ah.  I wonder if udev/systemd needs an enhancement for that16:07
d|kfor scsi, i mean if you look under, say, /sys/bus/scsi you don't find partitions.16:07
cmm_or a rule file created...something like that16:07
d|kso if you have a scsi location like 'scsi@0:7.0' it's a _little_ indirect to get to partitions on that device16:08
openstackgerritSteve Wilkerson proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Fluent-logging: use endpoints section and lookups to set port
openstackgerritSteve Wilkerson proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Prometheus: use endpoints section and lookups to set port
openstackgerritSteve Wilkerson proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Grafana: use endpoints section and lookups to set port
openstackgerritSteve Wilkerson proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Kibana: use endpoints section and lookups to set port
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openstackgerritPete Birley proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: WIP: support local image registry
openstackgerritSteve Wilkerson proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Alertmanager: use endpoints section and lookups to set port
openstackgerritSteve Wilkerson proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: kube-state-metrics: use endpoints section and lookups to set port
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openstackgerritSteve Wilkerson proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: node-exporter: use endpoints section and lookups to set port
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-helm master: Horizon: use endpoints section and lookups to set port
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coboluxxalanmeadows: i've updated 548724 with support for referencing an image for a completly custom horizon theme. is this what you had in mind?16:50
openstackgerritPete Birley proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Armada: Update manifest to use common memcached service
openstackgerritPete Birley proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Armada: Update manifest to use common memcached service
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openstackgerritJawon Choo proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Cinder: add pass message for enabling application
openstackgerritSteve Wilkerson proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Fluent-logging: use endpoints section and lookups to set port
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-helm master: Congress: use endpoints section and lookups to set port
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-helm master: Mistral: use endpoints section and lookups to set port
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-helm master: Nova: use endpoints section and lookups to set port
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-helm master: Barbican: use endpoints section and lookups to set port
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-helm master: Remove some useless indents
openstackgerritHari proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Implementes: ranger-agent helm charts
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openstackgerritSteve Wilkerson proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Grafana: use endpoints section and lookups to set port
openstackgerritSteve Wilkerson proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Alertmanager: use endpoints section and lookups to set port
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openstackgerritSteve Wilkerson proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Grafana: use endpoints section and lookups to set port
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-helm master: Keystone Authtoken Cache: allow universal secret key to be set
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-helm master: RabbitMQ: persist stateful data to volume
openstackgerritHari proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Implementes: ranger-agent helm charts
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cmm_Hi all, out of curiosity, is moving to Ocata, Pike or even Queens considered really hard at this time?  What needs to happen to enable images other than Newton, aside from updating the container images?21:06
cmm_when I say update, I don't mean update an existing cluster...21:07
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lamtnot sure if I will say hard. Barring any backward incompatible changes between OpenStack versions, updating the image and necessary configuration changes *should* be all you need to newly install Pike or Queen.  However, it is not tested and OSH doesn't officially support Pike (yet), so ymmv.  If you want to try it and post your findings, that'd be great.21:30
openstackgerritSteve Wilkerson proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Alertmanager: use endpoints section and lookups to set port
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-helm master: Armada: Update manifest to use common memcached service
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cmm_lamt, cool, just wondering22:14
cmm_did we strive to keep compatibility with Kolla, or was that a non-goal?22:14
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SamYapledefine compatibility23:05
SamYaplei think kolla images are still first class citizens23:05
SamYaplehavent heard plans to change that23:06
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openstackgerritPete Birley proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Magnum: use endpoints section and lookups to set port
openstackgerritPete Birley proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Glance: use endpoints section and lookups to set port
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Update to fedora-27 for testing
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