Wednesday, 2021-03-24

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Elasticsearch Disable Curator in Gate & Chart Defaults
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sgautamgagehugo We get the error like this `Error: cannot patch "keystone-credential-setup" with kind Job: Job.batch "keystone-credential-setup" is invalid: spec.template:` and ending with `: field is immutable`07:30
sgautamWe usually see this error when there is changes in config in values.yaml or if there is any changes in chart templates that are related to template like configmaps or secrets that are used in jobs. So we have used the helm-hook post-install and post-upgrade so that jobs resources are last to be created.07:30
sgautamgagehugo: So, jobs in helm-toolkit, we send the hook values from the chart that is using it to generate template as helm metadata and for the jobs template in chart itself we have added the hook on them.07:33
sgautamFirst we were facing issue for the keystone, whose patches have been submitted earlier and merged. Now there is no issue for keystone while upgrade.07:33
sgautamWe are facing same issue for neutron right now, so we are sending the hook for others chart too along with neutron.07:34
sgautamThey have been tested on our local cluster.07:35
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jinyuanliuNow it's midnight07:39
sgautamjinyuanliu: It's afternoon my time. We can discuss later today about this. Thanks for letting me know.07:42
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openstackgerritSusanta gautam proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Added post-install and post-upgrade hook for jobs in magnum
openstackgerritSusanta gautam proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Added post-install and post-upgrade hook for jobs in magnum
openstackgerritSusanta gautam proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Added post-install and post-upgrade hook for jobs in ironic
openstackgerritSusanta gautam proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Added post-install and post-upgrade hook in jobs for barbican
openstackgerritSusanta gautam proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Added post-install and post-upgrade hook on jobs in designate chart
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openstackgerritRADHIKA PAI proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: [WIP][Update] Enable Ping in Prometheus blackbox exporter
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openstackgerritSusanta gautam proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Added post-install and post-upgrade hook for jobs in mistral
openstackgerritSteven Fitzpatrick proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: WIP Elasticsearch S3 stuff
openstackgerritSusanta gautam proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Added post-install and post-upgrade hook for Jobs on octavia
sgautamHello, Can you help us review this patch?
sgautamSo we wanted to have aws s3 glacier as remote backup options as we wanted to be able to choose between swift or aws s3/minio. We found rclone support both so we made changes in existing backup script.15:30
mnaseranyone run into "Lost connection to MySQL server during query" ?16:19
mnaserwe're seeing this happen often, wondering if the nginx ingress is acting up16:20
Deaddymnaser: if the machine has many cores (in nginx terms this is something like 4+) it might be necessary to limit the worker processes to some number lest the nginx trys to open a lot of connections per core16:48
Deaddyand then usually either restarts all the time or has some error messages with pthread and some 2 somewhere in it16:48
Deaddynot sure about the 2 though :D16:49
openstackgerritSteven Fitzpatrick proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: WIP Elasticsearch S3 stuff
mnaserDeaddy: that's pretty useful, these are all systems with MANY controllers -- im not sure if there's a default built-in limit on the mariadb ingress17:27
mnaseri think there is17:27
mnaser0 restarts, 19d age17:28
openstackgerritRADHIKA PAI proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: [WIP][Update] Enable icmp module in Prometheus blackbox exporter
openstackgerritRADHIKA PAI proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: [WIP][Update] Enable icmp module in Prometheus blackbox exporter
openstackgerritRADHIKA PAI proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: [WIP][Update] Enable icmp module in Prometheus blackbox exporter
openstackgerritJeremy Houser proposed openstack/openstack-helm-deployments master: Feature: Add Rabbitmq to Openstack-Helm-Deployments
openstackgerritNafiz Haider proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: feat(tls): Enable TLS for OpenStack RabbitMQ
DeaddyI think then one has to check the logs17:54
Deaddypretty evident if that is the case iirc, you can just grep for pthread17:54
openstackgerritSophie Huang proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Set strict permission on mariadb data dir
openstackgerritSophie Huang proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Set strict permission on mariadb data dir
openstackgerritGage Hugo proposed openstack/openstack-helm-images master: Add ubuntu bionic mariadb file
openstackgerritSangeet Gupta proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: memcahced: Enable TLS for the memcached-exporter
openstackgerritSangeet Gupta proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: memcahced: Enable TLS for the memcached-exporter
openstackgerritchinasubbareddy mallavarapu proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: [ceph-provisioners] Update ceph_mon config as per new ceph clients
openstackgerritGage Hugo proposed openstack/openstack-helm master: Move stein to periodic, update to train
openstackgerritArina Stebenkova proposed openstack/openstack-helm-images master: Prevent python2 installation
openstackgerritSophie Huang proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Set strict permission on mariadb data dir
openstackgerritSophie Huang proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: Set strict permission on mariadb data dir
openstackgerritStephen Taylor proposed openstack/openstack-helm-infra master: [ceph-osd] Update directory-based OSD deployment to use python3
openstackgerritGage Hugo proposed openstack/openstack-helm-images master: Add ubuntu bionic mariadb file
mnaserDeaddy: nothing for pthread :(23:20
mnaserand seeing this across *all* OSH deployed envs23:20
mnaseri've actually forced nginx worker proceses to be 4 instead of auto because we ended up with way too much that would spawn23:25
mnasergagehugo: fyi wrt to the jobs, you upgrade fine cause i think airship takes care of deleting those jobs :P23:25
gagehugoyeah probably23:28
portdirectmnaser: another reason for this is the health checks sometimes, which can be pretty rude and just 'hang up'23:31
mnaserportdirect: yeah i've seen that, but in this case, no restarts on the pods :(23:32
portdirectAnd yes - the original thing armada provided was clean up of jobs for upgrades23:32
mnaserthe ONLY thing is because we're slowly transitioning from osa to osh23:32
mnaserso it's the *host* talking to a container23:32
portdirectIf you have a ps for doing that via helm lcm hooks, would be happy to +223:32
mnaserportdirect: they're all sitting in the review queue :)23:32
portdirectWill have a look 1st thing23:33
mnaser2021-03-24 23:29:21.186 9443 ERROR oslo_db.sqlalchemy.engines [req-b68a49f8-e802-4d93-9645-66824d2d33c8 067b81c25b4d4ee5bcdc243032c6ed25 20ecded9c8b54c83afe7f8e459df0681 - default default] Database connection was found disconnected; reconnecting: DBConnectionError: (pymysql.err.OperationalError) (2013, 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query')23:33
mnaser[SQL: SELECT 1]23:33
mnaserportdirect: fyi
portdirectOh, that's the other way round to how I've seen this in the past...23:33
portdirectI misread above23:33
mnaserbut yeah, i've seen this issue in all of our environments, and i think i even see it inside our container=>container services23:33
portdirectYeah, that's not pretty23:34
mnaserim wrong, this seems to only happen in host => container communication23:34
portdirectI presume you surviving for now with retry's, but that's no way to live :(23:34
mnaseryeah -- and it's causingh some 503s for us and occasionally marking some agents as down23:35
mnaser(our monitoring deploys a vm every 5 minutes and we saw it significantly get 'worse' after we moved)23:35
mnaseri think this may not be an OSH thing but a calico thing perhaps23:35
portdirectPossibly, I have a few people I can tap and see if they have any ideas23:36
portdirectAre you using iptables or ipvs for kube service ips23:36
mnaserwould love to switch to ipvs but that's work(tm)23:37
mnaseralso, we're running kernels new enough for cilium which i'd love to look into23:37
portdirectAnd for node to node traffic in calico, is that encapsulated, or direct?23:37
mnaserportdirect: in this case, i think we have a setting of CrossSubnet, and those systems are all in same L2 context23:38
mnaserso there's a bunch of 10.244.x.x/26 routes directly to each other host23:38
portdirect503s ain't cool23:39
mnaseryeah, kinda just almost wanna push-through and switch everything to k8s quickly23:40
mnaserbut that seems very brute force-y23:40

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