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openstackgerrit | Cindy Lu proposed openstack/horizon: Adding John Papa style guide to JSCS https://review.openstack.org/185725 | 00:04 |
tyr_ | r1chardj0n3s: Thanks Richard. I got overrun with meetings today, but I can help review your re-org series before the weekend. | 00:14 |
r1chardj0n3s | tyr_: cool, thanks! | 00:16 |
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tyr_ | r1chardj0n3s: do you think it is okay for jasmine_tests.py to include from both /horion/horizon and /horizon/openstack_dashboard? | 00:19 |
r1chardj0n3s | tyr_: definitely not | 00:20 |
r1chardj0n3s | if I've missed something, it needs to be fixed | 00:20 |
r1chardj0n3s | by the end of the chain, that is | 00:20 |
tyr_ | I'm looking at the API patch | 00:20 |
r1chardj0n3s | ah, ok. I've not had a chance to review that post-rebase | 00:20 |
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r1chardj0n3s | aside: I really don't like "openstack-service-api" | 00:21 |
tyr_ | any suggestions? | 00:21 |
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r1chardj0n3s | (what was wrong with "api" - how many other apis are we going to have?!) | 00:21 |
r1chardj0n3s | it's not like angular is going to present an api, so "api" is for consumption of apis | 00:22 |
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tyr_ | fair enough | 00:22 |
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r1chardj0n3s | but yeah, we can't have jasmine-in-framework be running dashboard tests | 00:23 |
tyr_ | I was trying to justify why it wasn't part of dashboard | 00:23 |
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r1chardj0n3s | we need to split jasmine in two, I guess. the karma stuff is already heading in this direction | 00:24 |
r1chardj0n3s | altho, I'm not sure you could even run the jasmine tests in the absence of dashboard... | 00:24 |
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tyr_ | yeah. With the API move...where do we bring in the .spec files to Jasmine? jasmine_tests.py is in /horizon/test (not /horizon/horizon). | 00:25 |
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r1chardj0n3s | oh, no, the jasmine view doesn't need any of the usual base.html stuff | 00:25 |
r1chardj0n3s | yeah, we need a jasmine view under dashboard | 00:25 |
tyr_ | But you hit on it, there needs to be a way to jasmine framework separately from dashboard | 00:25 |
r1chardj0n3s | yup | 00:25 |
r1chardj0n3s | I'm *not* going to get to do that soon | 00:26 |
r1chardj0n3s | so feel free to file bug & fix it ;) | 00:26 |
r1chardj0n3s | or maybe just file a bug against the api move as tech-debt and someone can pick it up later | 00:26 |
tyr_ | Yeah. I'll do that. | 00:27 |
r1chardj0n3s | cheers | 00:27 |
tyr_ | I doubt Ryan will be able to (want to) include that as part of his API move | 00:27 |
r1chardj0n3s | (I have to run two days of python training internally in a week and I need to develop the materials for it, so that's most of my time taken up for the forseeable future) | 00:27 |
r1chardj0n3s | yeah, that patch is already big enough | 00:27 |
tyr_ | luckily down to just 1 suspicious line (but that is because there aren't many api tests :) | 00:28 |
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r1chardj0n3s | we've got a pattern now of filing tech-debt bugs to keep patches small and not need to aim for perfection in each patch | 00:30 |
tyr_ | cool | 00:31 |
tyr_ | gotta run. Have a good day! | 00:31 |
r1chardj0n3s | thanks, have a good evening! :) | 00:31 |
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openstackgerrit | Dan Nguyen proposed openstack/horizon: Retrieve domain scoped token https://review.openstack.org/148082 | 01:04 |
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tqtran | updated the angular-translate bp if anyone is interested in reading https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/angular-translate-makemessages | 01:43 |
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tqtran | its quite long, but hopefully it will shed some light on what im up to | 01:43 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/horizon: Add support for attaching interface https://review.openstack.org/175256 | 01:43 |
tqtran | gnite everyone! | 01:44 |
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openstackgerrit | Kelly Domico proposed openstack/horizon: Updated UX for project and region selector https://review.openstack.org/186193 | 02:08 |
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openstackgerrit | Kelly Domico proposed openstack/horizon: Updated UX for project and region selector https://review.openstack.org/186193 | 02:15 |
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openstackgerrit | Zhenguo Niu proposed openstack/horizon: Split admin volumes tests to it's own test file https://review.openstack.org/186631 | 03:16 |
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openstackgerrit | lawrancejing proposed openstack/horizon: Add project column for admin images tables https://review.openstack.org/147997 | 04:51 |
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openstackgerrit | Neill Cox proposed openstack/horizon: Single page navigation https://review.openstack.org/137980 | 05:31 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/django_openstack_auth: Imported Translations from Transifex https://review.openstack.org/186270 | 06:02 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/horizon: Imported Translations from Transifex https://review.openstack.org/186656 | 06:21 |
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openstackgerrit | lawrancejing proposed openstack/horizon: Add project column for admin images tables https://review.openstack.org/147997 | 06:30 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/horizon: Detach interface support https://review.openstack.org/175322 | 06:59 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/django_openstack_auth: Imported Translations from Transifex https://review.openstack.org/186270 | 07:39 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/horizon: Imported Translations from Transifex https://review.openstack.org/186656 | 08:05 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/horizon: Fix TemplateDoesNotExist at manage/unmanage volumes https://review.openstack.org/186391 | 08:23 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/horizon: Allocation Pool should display a full text help https://review.openstack.org/185199 | 08:47 |
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openstackgerrit | Tatiana Ovchinnikova proposed openstack/horizon: Missing spaces in help text https://review.openstack.org/186686 | 08:58 |
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mark-os | Has anyone here had experience with getting AVOS up and running? | 10:08 |
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mrunge | what is AVOS? | 10:12 |
mrunge | I remember this question from here | 10:13 |
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mrunge | but apparently nobody knew or ever used it | 10:13 |
mark-os | Yeah I asked previously mrunge just checking to see if anyone else had used it. It's been developed by Cisco. | 10:13 |
mrunge | yes, https://github.com/CiscoSystems/avos | 10:13 |
mrunge | we even talked about this at the summit | 10:14 |
mrunge | it was proposed for inclusion | 10:14 |
mrunge | but | 10:14 |
mark-os | You did? Was a public discussion or behind closed doors? | 10:14 |
mrunge | public | 10:14 |
mrunge | but no video capture available | 10:14 |
mrunge | and I don't remember, which session that was | 10:14 |
mark-os | mrunge: Any write up about it? | 10:15 |
mark-os | I've got it working in a separate apache server than the rest of the openstack services I have installed. Struggling to integrate it with the server which I use to keep all the components running at all times. | 10:15 |
mrunge | not more like we had 3 somehow competing frameworks to be added to horizon (or not) | 10:15 |
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mrunge | mark-os, looking at the code, it looks like a fork of horizon | 10:16 |
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mrunge | mark-os, you might be able to rebase this on top of current development branch | 10:18 |
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mark-os_ | Sorry got d/c mrunge | 10:18 |
mrunge | it seems, current branch was forked from horizon early this year. | 10:18 |
mark-os_ | Yeah, I've been trying to merge the two together. I did have it working at one stage but now can't get it to work. | 10:19 |
mrunge | that's the issue with forking | 10:20 |
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mark-os_ | When it was working, it was only half working because occasionally the AVOS panel on the left hand side would disappear for no apparent reason | 10:20 |
mark-os_ | It would also occasionally complain about the url pattern | 10:20 |
mrunge | I have no idea, what's the way forward would be for this approach | 10:21 |
mrunge | it is somehow available since openstack summit in Hong Kong | 10:21 |
mark-os_ | It's been developed for Ubuntu I believe but I'm using SLES | 10:21 |
mrunge | (or Atlanta?) | 10:21 |
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mrunge | I would expect this to work on other distros, too | 10:22 |
mark-os_ | I'm just surprised it hasn't been used more if it has been around since Hong Kong summit | 10:22 |
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mrunge | shouldn't it be proposed upstream for integration? | 10:23 |
mark-os_ | Integration with Horizon mrunge ? | 10:23 |
mrunge | yes? | 10:23 |
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mark-os_ | I'm not sure if it has been suggested for an integration with Horizon | 10:24 |
mrunge | at least, it was proposed that way, iirc | 10:24 |
mrunge | mark-os_, you should maybe ask robcresswell_afk about this | 10:26 |
mark-os_ | ping robcresswell_afk | 10:27 |
mrunge | mark-os_, oh, finally: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/YVR-horizon-new-tech | 10:27 |
mark-os_ | mrunge: what's that? | 10:28 |
mrunge | mark-os_, and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/141078/ | 10:28 |
mrunge | mark-os_, that's the etherpad from liberty summit | 10:28 |
mrunge | talking about new techs | 10:28 |
mrunge | the new hot stuff from cisco is named curvature | 10:29 |
mark-os_ | Is there any screenshots / videos of this new visualization tool? | 10:31 |
mrunge | not that I know. | 10:32 |
mrunge | mark-os_, bradjones might have a pointer | 10:33 |
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bradjones | mark-os_, mrunge: sorry just seen your conversation | 10:48 |
bradjones | mark-os_: slides I used during the work session in vancouver can be found at www.caffeinatedbrad.com/curvature-presentation.html | 10:49 |
mark-os_ | Thanks bradjones! | 10:49 |
mark-os_ | bradjones: Is there any where I can find more material on AVOS? | 10:50 |
mrunge | bradjones, I assume, mark-os_ was more looking for a video... | 10:50 |
mrunge | or even pictures | 10:50 |
mrunge | mark-os_, ? | 10:50 |
bradjones | there are screenshots in the slides | 10:51 |
mrunge | oh, then i looked at a different preso | 10:51 |
mark-os_ | Yep, I've seen pictures in the presentation :) | 10:51 |
mark-os_ | I nearly missed them | 10:51 |
mark-os_ | Didn't realise there was an option to go down on some of the slides | 10:51 |
mrunge | yes, yikes | 10:52 |
mark-os_ | mrunge: did you miss the down arrow? | 10:52 |
mrunge | I did, indeed | 10:52 |
bradjones | mark-os_, mrunge : oh yeah hipster JS presentation framework sorry about that! | 10:52 |
mrunge | bradjones, did you say docker? | 10:52 |
bradjones | docker docker docker | 10:52 |
mrunge | :D | 10:53 |
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mark-os_ | I haven't head of curvature before but it looks pretty cool | 10:53 |
mark-os_ | Would you guys say there's much buzz about it atm? | 10:54 |
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bradjones | mark-os_: with regard to AVOS you want to get in contact with Alex Jonas-Holden I don't think he is on here but if you shoot me an email with what you want to know (bradjone@cisco.com) I'll put you both in contact | 10:56 |
bradjones | mark-os_: i'd say there is a bit of a buzz around getting the visualisation side into horizon but then again I wrote it so i'm biased ;) | 10:56 |
mark-os_ | bradjones: It's great seeing all the different visualization tools being added | 10:57 |
mark-os_ | Have you heard about this: https://github.com/rackerlabs/onmetal-dashboard | 10:58 |
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bradjones | mark-os_: no I haven't seen that will check it out though looks interesting | 10:59 |
mark-os_ | bradjones: yeah I heard about it recently, haven't got a chance to test it out yet though | 11:00 |
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openstackgerrit | Nikita Konovalov proposed openstack/horizon: [Sahara] Added volume type and instance locality support https://review.openstack.org/172416 | 12:34 |
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mark-os_ | Hey guys, could someone tell me where the css files are inserted into the dashboard? | 14:08 |
mark-os_ | I thought it would be in the component's (such as metadata_defs) index.html files | 14:09 |
mark-os_ | Then I search through all the files and found that none of them reference any .css files | 14:09 |
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Piet | I'm starting a Horizon Panel in about fifteen minutes. This is a group of people that can speak on behalf of users for their specific company. | 14:12 |
Piet | Does anyone have any questions for the panel about Horizon? | 14:12 |
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mark-os_ | Piet: What panel is it? | 14:14 |
mark-os_ | Piet: Is there going to be a way for us to view it or see what was said? | 14:14 |
Piet | Hi Mark, this is a group of about eight people that meet every other week. The intent is provide a feedback loop back to the team. | 14:15 |
Piet | I hope to grow the group | 14:16 |
Piet | We're just starting, so very little content yet. https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/horizon-user-panel | 14:16 |
Piet | I was also thinking that it might be cool to invite "guests" to attend the session when they have specific questions that they would like to ask. | 14:17 |
Piet | I'm also open to changing the format of the group if anyone has any ideas. | 14:18 |
Piet | For example, I'm curious to know how admins think about quotas within their companies. | 14:19 |
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mark-os_ | What do you mean Piet in regards to quotas? | 14:19 |
binBASH | That Etherpad could be intressting | 14:19 |
Piet | So, how would someone want to manage quotas? This would be scenarios where there are a lot of projects. | 14:20 |
mark-os_ | Piet: Got a question - "What's the overall best visualization tool currently available for Horizon?" | 14:21 |
mark-os_ | Piet: is that the sort of questions you want to see? | 14:21 |
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Piet | Yep | 14:21 |
mark-os_ | I'd actually be curious to find out what people think the best visualization tool is, just in case I haven't came across it. | 14:21 |
mark-os_ | Another question I'd love to hear answered is "What visualization tools which is currently work in progress has the best potential in terms of it's usefulness to companies, whether it be large or smaller sized companies" | 14:23 |
Piet | I'll also plan to ask why they like it. Dovetails nicely into our discussions around redesigning the Overview panel | 14:23 |
mark-os_ | Piet: Do you know if there's any plans for a mobile based dashboard? I haven't looked into whether or not it's available for mobile devices such as tablets or mobiles but I'm generally just curious | 14:24 |
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Piet | We were hoping to do a study on use cases for mobile, tablet and PCs | 14:25 |
mark-os_ | Piet: Is it going to be sometime in the near future? | 14:26 |
Piet | Not sure yet - getting a lot of study request these days | 14:27 |
Piet | Gotta go | 14:27 |
mark-os_ | Piet: I'd like to see a discussion about supporting Ironic in the dashboard like Tuskar UI tried to | 14:27 |
Piet | k | 14:28 |
Piet | Go ahead and add to the wiki | 14:28 |
Piet | https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/horizon-user-panel | 14:29 |
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openstackgerrit | George Peristerakis proposed openstack/horizon: Generating a rdp file for a windows instance https://review.openstack.org/91394 | 14:36 |
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Piet | For the folks that are part of the user panel | 14:39 |
Piet | https://www.rooms.hp.com/attend/default.aspx?key=RP3N9Q2J9J | 14:39 |
Piet | 1-702-696-4520 or 1-866-409-2889; Conference Code (4351602479) | 14:40 |
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robcresswell | mark-os_: Aloha. Just saw the ping. How can I help? | 14:56 |
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openstackgerrit | Ryan Peters proposed openstack/horizon: ngReorg - Move API files to openstack_dashboard https://review.openstack.org/184543 | 15:11 |
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mark-os_ | Hey robcresswell, just wondering what's happening AVOS, is it being integrated with Horizon soon? | 15:22 |
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robcresswell | mark-os_: Wow, no idea. Last I checked it was a whole repo fork, and its not currently on my roadmap to tidy that up | 15:25 |
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mark-os_ | robcresswell: Yeah, I've been going through the files in AVOS comparing it to Horizon and there's quite a bit of a change | 15:26 |
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robcresswell | mark-os_: It really needs to be a pluggable dashboard for us to look into it. Otherwise it's likely to remain as a pretty demo | 15:27 |
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mark-os_ | robcresswell: Could someone else not fix it up and release it on GitHub to allow you guys to merge it? | 15:28 |
mark-os_ | robcresswell: or would they face heat from Cisco for doing that? | 15:29 |
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openstackgerrit | Zhenguo Niu proposed openstack/horizon: Remove unneeded __init__() in UnmanageVolume class https://review.openstack.org/186799 | 15:31 |
robcresswell | It's all open afaik. Nothing to stop it being cleaned up and merged. | 15:31 |
robcresswell | But it would also need to be blueprinted and discussed. I haven't looked into it a great deal. | 15:31 |
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pauloewerton | matt-borland, Hi Matt | 15:45 |
pauloewerton | matt-borland, I have a question about a patch you submitted | 15:47 |
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openstackgerrit | Zhenguo Niu proposed openstack/horizon: Add volume migration support https://review.openstack.org/186810 | 16:03 |
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openstackgerrit | Justin Pomeroy proposed openstack/horizon: Add support for Docker image format https://review.openstack.org/186824 | 16:15 |
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tqtran | matt-borland: ping pong | 16:59 |
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robcresswell | tqtran: o/ | 17:05 |
tqtran | gm robcresswell | 17:05 |
tqtran | im thinking of maybe changing the nick to ThaiT | 17:06 |
robcresswell | I'm just about finishing for the day, was hoping to catch hurgleburgler but doesn't seem she is around | 17:06 |
robcresswell | tqtran: Nooo, you have to keep the 'Q' | 17:06 |
tqtran | who is hurgleburgler? | 17:06 |
robcresswell | Just changed the nick to Quality | 17:06 |
robcresswell | change* | 17:06 |
robcresswell | Diana Whitten | 17:06 |
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tqtran | haha which is exactly why i should change it! | 17:07 |
robcresswell | tqtran: haha. but its part of who you are now. | 17:07 |
tqtran | >_> nu | 17:08 |
robcresswell | =D | 17:08 |
robcresswell | I think I'm about done for the day | 17:08 |
robcresswell | need to do some more reviews at some point... | 17:09 |
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TravT | Thai "Quality" Tran | 17:10 |
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openstackgerrit | David Lyle proposed openstack/horizon: Adding download for openrc file for keystone v3 https://review.openstack.org/186846 | 17:18 |
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tqtran | TravT: do you think matt-borland can rework his i18n patch to not depend on karma? | 17:20 |
tqtran | or is that a hard requirement? | 17:20 |
TravT | not sure. will ask | 17:21 |
openstackgerrit | David Lyle proposed openstack/horizon: Adding download for openrc file for keystone v3 https://review.openstack.org/186846 | 17:22 |
matt-borland | tqtran: TravT: I could break it off of Karma...it needs excessive rebasing regardless :) | 17:22 |
tqtran | ok, lets get it in :) | 17:22 |
tqtran | https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/angular-translate-makemessages | 17:23 |
matt-borland | Note that this only fixes refs in ./horizon, not ./openstack_dashboard | 17:23 |
tqtran | since you're working on the i18n stuff, would like to hear your feedback on it | 17:23 |
matt-borland | awesome, I'll take a look! | 17:23 |
matt-borland | tqtran: I can probably work on the i18n rebase today. It will take a little while. | 17:24 |
tqtran | thats fine, i just saw your email, you | 17:25 |
tqtran | are bogged down with THE MOST IMPORTANT TASK TO ALL OF HP | 17:25 |
matt-borland | heh heh! | 17:25 |
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tqtran_ | matt-borland: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20034256/big-js-app-testing-avoiding-multiple-karma-conf-js-files | 17:30 |
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matt-borland | cool, thx | 17:31 |
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davidmichaelkarr | matt-borland: Hey, just so it's clear, this is where require.js is useful. A good test system using karma with require.js rarely modifies the karma.conf.js file, even as new tests with varying dependencies are implemented. | 17:35 |
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matt-borland | davidmichaelkarr: sounds great. Are you interested in putting together a blueprint for use of require.js in this project? | 17:36 |
davidmichaelkarr | I'm interested in collaborating on that, but I'm very new to this environment, so building a blueprint for it right now would be a stretch. | 17:37 |
matt-borland | no problem, it's not a complex process. It's just a place to introduce new concepts and make sure they're generally accepted before plopping them into the project. It's not meant to slow things down. | 17:37 |
matt-borland | I am not comfortable starting to use require.js without some sort of blueprint support...I made the mistake of introducing Karma before a blueprint. :) | 17:38 |
matt-borland | It's easier just to write up a blueprint and shop it around. | 17:39 |
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davidmichaelkarr | I don't even know what the blueprint format and protocol is, for instance. | 17:39 |
matt-borland | No problem! I'll talk you through it. | 17:40 |
matt-borland | Your starting place is: https://launchpad.net/horizon | 17:40 |
matt-borland | we have bugs and blueprints up there. | 17:40 |
matt-borland | As stated on the homepage, the blueprint format is described at: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/template | 17:41 |
matt-borland | As long as you have a login, you can create a blueprint. | 17:41 |
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matt-borland | I need to be clear, I'm not blowing off your idea at all...I just am not a gatekeeper to anything, just one developer among many. So we use blueprints to bring things in. | 17:42 |
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davidmichaelkarr | Ok, I'll browse through that. | 17:42 |
matt-borland | thanks! Ping me or others with questions, and feel free to create patches demonstrating concepts. | 17:42 |
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matt-borland | And davidmichaelkarr: thanks for your review of the API patch, that was a good call. | 17:44 |
matt-borland | I just haven't got to changes yet. | 17:44 |
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davidmichaelkarr | No problem. Just trying to find ways to contribute. | 17:46 |
matt-borland | very much appreciated. What are your particular areas of interest? | 17:48 |
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davidmichaelkarr | Heh. Good question. I'm primarily a long-time Java developer, although I'm involved with the Gradle/Groovy community and nudging the use of Gradle in AT&T, along with coaching the proper use of Java-based unit tests. I got involved with AngularJS and the Javascript unit test ecosystem about 1.5 years ago, although my recent role change has moved away from | 17:56 |
davidmichaelkarr | that a bit. I'm very new to OpenStack, so for now I'll likely focus on random code reviews and test automation. | 17:56 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/horizon: Revert "Merge "Bootstrap variable overrides should only be default values"" https://review.openstack.org/186324 | 18:29 |
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ongk | tqtran, clu: are we splitting out each directive to its own file? i.e. action-list has several in one file | 19:17 |
tqtran | yes | 19:17 |
ongk | as part of the JSCS cleanup | 19:17 |
ongk | okey dokey | 19:17 |
tqtran | and apply JP's style guide as much as you can as well | 19:17 |
ongk | k | 19:17 |
tqtran | dont get too ambitious, try and break them out into smaller patches for easy review | 19:17 |
ongk | ha, yeah | 19:18 |
esp | tqtran: +1, ambition leads no where :( | 19:20 |
tqtran | esp: lol dan, your time will come | 19:20 |
esp | haha | 19:20 |
tqtran | we will rejoice and bask in your glory when you finish your work | 19:20 |
esp | btw, I’m carving out some time to look at merlin | 19:21 |
esp | so far only cloned the project and read the docs | 19:21 |
* esp sad | 19:21 | |
tqtran | oh cool, that reminds me, i should read timur's email | 19:21 |
tqtran | yeah, i havent had time to look into it myself | 19:21 |
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Drago | esp: hey! I work with timur (tsufiev). If you have any questions, I may be able to answer some of them | 19:49 |
esp | thx Drago | 19:49 |
esp | I probably will have some questions next week | 19:49 |
Drago | esp: okay | 19:49 |
esp | need to kick around the tires a bit first ;) | 19:50 |
openstackgerrit | Andrew Lazarev proposed openstack/horizon: [Sahara] Added support of placeholders in datasource URLs https://review.openstack.org/158918 | 19:50 |
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sqchen | Hello tqtran: | 19:57 |
tqtran | hi sqchen | 19:58 |
tqtran | been meaning to talk to you | 19:58 |
sqchen | Kelly told me. sorry for being offline. | 19:58 |
openstackgerrit | Eric Peterson proposed openstack/horizon: Removing last_activity session flag https://review.openstack.org/179513 | 19:59 |
ducttape_ | once DOA rolls out, that fix might be ready to go david-lyle ^ | 20:00 |
tqtran | sqchen: looking at your collection patch now | 20:00 |
david-lyle | ducttape_: ok, one more patch I'd like to see land in d-o-a before releasing and requirements bumping | 20:00 |
* ducttape_ hangs his head in shame. just proposed a change with less code and more docs | 20:00 | |
david-lyle | re: django .18 | 20:01 |
david-lyle | but if that drags, I'll just do it twice | 20:01 |
david-lyle | you know, for fun | 20:01 |
sqchen | tqtran: Let me know if you need to hangout. | 20:01 |
ducttape_ | whatever trips your trigger | 20:01 |
tqtran | sqchen: we will in a bit, let me read over your code | 20:01 |
tqtran | ok i see what you're doing | 20:03 |
sqchen | It is still an ealy prototype, we are working internally in HP to create a story for it, including writing up blueprint, setup a etherpad page, talking with you for design and etc… | 20:03 |
tqtran | im thinking that this can be done as a django command | 20:03 |
tqtran | https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/howto/custom-management-commands/ | 20:03 |
sqchen | reading the page… | 20:04 |
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sqchen | sounds really great, I love the idea! please feel free to update the patch or create a related patch. Once I get the blueprint done we can link them together their. | 20:07 |
tqtran | ok, i'll modify your code as it becomes a django command | 20:07 |
tqtran | so quick question: whats the end goal for this? | 20:08 |
tqtran | i have several ideas, but i want to hear yours first | 20:08 |
openstackgerrit | Ryan Peters proposed openstack/horizon: ngReorg - Move API files to openstack_dashboard https://review.openstack.org/184543 | 20:08 |
sqchen | I don’t have a clear idea of how it can be integrated into the system. So it can be quite up to you I will create an etherpad page, then we can have our design document written there. | 20:10 |
tqtran | ok, i think this is a really good first step though | 20:11 |
tqtran | right now, we have a command to create a dashboard boilerplate in python | 20:12 |
tqtran | i think going forward, we will need one for the angular dashboard as well | 20:12 |
tqtran | so the file discovery (and then population) will be very very useful | 20:12 |
tqtran | and the other thing we can use for (and i think this is your intention) is to auto-populate the specs and scripts | 20:13 |
sqchen | Yes, and templates if we want to preload them. | 20:13 |
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tqtran | oh right, templates too | 20:14 |
tqtran | cool cool, i'll go back to my corner and hack away :) | 20:14 |
sqchen | ok, thx. :) | 20:14 |
tqtran | do you want me to draft the bp sean? | 20:15 |
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sqchen | I am in it already. all most fiinished, a very simple one. you can edit it later. | 20:20 |
sqchen | thx. | 20:20 |
tqtran | ok cool | 20:20 |
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Piet | Kelly posted a patch upstream with the proposed menu redesign for Horizon. Take look - let us know what you think! | 20:25 |
Piet | Proposed menu redesign - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/179337/ | 20:25 |
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sqchen | Hi, tqtran: here is a bp for the auto-js-finding: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/auto-js-file-finding | 21:02 |
tqtran | ok i'll modify as needed, thanks sean! | 21:03 |
sqchen | np. :) | 21:03 |
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openstackgerrit | David Lyle proposed openstack/horizon: Adding contrib directory for plugins https://review.openstack.org/186916 | 21:17 |
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tqtran | omg | 21:27 |
tqtran | fml | 21:27 |
tqtran | i just spent like an hour writing the bp | 21:27 |
david-lyle | which bp? | 21:27 |
tqtran | series goal and its all gone | 21:27 |
tqtran | then i clicked on series goal... | 21:27 |
tqtran | apparently its not ajax, it redirects me | 21:28 |
david-lyle | write the bp in a text file and copy and paste, says the voice of experience | 21:28 |
david-lyle | :( | 21:28 |
tqtran | sigh... yeah | 21:28 |
tqtran | should have done that | 21:28 |
tqtran | gr...................... | 21:28 |
david-lyle | you are not alone | 21:29 |
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openstackgerrit | Cindy Lu proposed openstack/horizon: JSCS Cleanup - Legacy JS files https://review.openstack.org/186921 | 21:39 |
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openstackgerrit | Cindy Lu proposed openstack/horizon: JSCS Cleanup - Legacy JS files https://review.openstack.org/186921 | 21:40 |
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tqtran | sqchen: whats the link to the etherpad? | 21:45 |
tqtran | i accidentally overrode it | 21:45 |
tqtran | https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/auto-js-file-finding | 21:45 |
openstackgerrit | Kahou Lei proposed openstack/horizon: Port should not be detached when changing port name only. https://review.openstack.org/185796 | 21:46 |
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sqchen | tqtran: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/horizon-auto-js-finding I add it as a spec link now. | 21:48 |
tqtran | oh ok, cool | 21:48 |
tqtran | take a read through what i wrote and make changes where you think is needed | 21:49 |
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sqchen | I just finish reading it, it become so awsome after you editing! :) | 21:52 |
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TravT | tqtran: you were asking for a link with a searchlight demo video | 21:54 |
TravT | still want that? | 21:54 |
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tqtran | yes sir | 21:55 |
TravT | Screencast link can be found here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Searchlight | 21:56 |
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tqtran | ok coolios thanks TravT | 21:59 |
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openstackgerrit | Cindy Lu proposed openstack/horizon: JSCS Cleanup - Legacy JS files https://review.openstack.org/186921 | 22:42 |
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r1chardj0n3s | hey all, happy Saturday morning. I hope you're all eating pancakes like me :) | 23:01 |
r1chardj0n3s | on a more serious note: I've got some spare time this afternoon so I'll look at addressing the ngReorg comments then. y'all will be asleep, but hey :) | 23:02 |
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openstackgerrit | Cindy Lu proposed openstack/horizon: JSCS Cleanup - Legacy JS files https://review.openstack.org/186921 | 23:46 |
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