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r1chardj0n3s | lifeless: lemme know if I can help | 00:08 |
r1chardj0n3s | though I know little of tempest/devstack/etc | 00:09 |
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openstackgerrit | Cindy Lu proposed openstack/horizon: Angular tables get page size from horizon settings https://review.openstack.org/219822 | 00:12 |
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r1chardj0n3s | lifeless: get anywhere? I can jump back in the fray now | 03:05 |
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openstackgerrit | Akihiro Motoki proposed openstack/horizon: Use keyword substitution in horizon framework filters.js https://review.openstack.org/223432 | 03:30 |
openstackgerrit | zhu.rong proposed openstack/horizon: Fix all the network/router/subnet/port display as name_or_id https://review.openstack.org/222902 | 03:32 |
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openstackgerrit | zhu.rong proposed openstack/horizon: Fix no tenant name in admin image panel when UpdateRow https://review.openstack.org/223554 | 07:53 |
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tsufiev | r1chardj0n3s, btw, it's not a tempest issue, solely a devstack's one | 08:44 |
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Kelfen | Hi guys, i need one workflow check on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/207963/5, how can i get it? Sorry but it is my first bugfix :P | 09:28 |
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openstackgerrit | Timur Sufiev proposed openstack/horizon: Swap and ephemeral fields should be optional https://review.openstack.org/207963 | 09:40 |
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openstackgerrit | svasheka proposed openstack/horizon: Add _save_screenshot functionality to helpers. https://review.openstack.org/194646 | 09:40 |
tsufiev | Kelfen, try pinging robcresswell once the test jobs pass again | 09:41 |
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openstackgerrit | svasheka proposed openstack/horizon: Add integration tests for Identity->Projects page https://review.openstack.org/168935 | 09:45 |
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Kelfen | tsufiev: ok thanks | 09:49 |
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openstackgerrit | zhu.rong proposed openstack/horizon: Fix Load Balancer table Subnet row displays CIDR https://review.openstack.org/222903 | 10:37 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/horizon: "scss is misspelled as css" in these scss files https://review.openstack.org/223561 | 11:17 |
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r1chardj0n3s | tsufiev: hiya, yeah, it's a devstack issue, and I have no idea how to solve it :/ | 11:37 |
tsufiev | r1chardj0n3s, maybe wait a bit until devstack devs solve it? | 11:39 |
r1chardj0n3s | Well I'm not sure they will | 11:39 |
r1chardj0n3s | It seems the view is that the check is valid, and the maybe the tempest test has always been testing the PyPI version, and not the git one. I can't verify that nor do I have any clue how to fix it if out is broken. | 11:41 |
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r1chardj0n3s | (since the problem appears to be deep inside devstack's installation of horizon) | 11:42 |
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r1chardj0n3s | tsufiev: my digging seems to show devstack installing doa from git as a doa install, but then installing 1.4.0 over the top of it from pypi during horizon install. | 11:46 |
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tsufiev | r1chardj0n3s, well, I still opt for letting devstack guys take their time | 11:47 |
tsufiev | at least a couple of days | 11:47 |
r1chardj0n3s | problem is that it was sdague's commit that broke it and he then left for vacation (he is still away, no idea when he'll be back) | 11:47 |
tsufiev | haha )) | 11:48 |
tsufiev | maybe convince them to temporarily revert it until he comes back? | 11:48 |
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r1chardj0n3s | maybe you can try to convince them while I am asleep (after the meeting) | 11:50 |
tsufiev | I'll try | 11:55 |
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r1chardj0n3s | I spent most of the day trying to figure out how it was busted with the #infra folks | 11:56 |
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openstackgerrit | Akihiro Motoki proposed openstack/horizon: Use keyword substitution in horizon framework filters.js https://review.openstack.org/223432 | 12:20 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/horizon: Fix "create failed" bug in add DHCP agent form https://review.openstack.org/222869 | 12:29 |
manas | Hi All , Can somebody help me to fix the issue of novnc on kilo three node setup ? | 12:29 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/manila-ui: Disable button 'create snapshot' if share not snapshottable https://review.openstack.org/213242 | 12:30 |
mrunge | manas, which issue? | 12:31 |
mrunge | manas, novnc is a nova feauture ;-) | 12:31 |
manas | My issue: I am not able to get the console of instance , I always get error saying "Failed to connect to server (code: 1006)" | 12:31 |
manas | mrunge: ah.. ok | 12:32 |
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mrunge | manas, you surely started novnc-proxy, no? | 12:33 |
manas | mrunge: yes it is running | 12:33 |
mrunge | manas, and it's not blocked by firewall? | 12:34 |
manas | mrunge: controller@controller:~$ service nova-novncproxy status | 12:34 |
manas | nova-novncproxy start/running, process 7645 | 12:34 |
mrunge | manas, the url to connect is returned from nova | 12:34 |
manas | mrunge: regrading firewall , I did not do anything extra on there , whatever there in KILO guide I followed for ubuntu 14.04 | 12:34 |
mrunge | manas, ok, I can't help you with ubuntu. | 12:36 |
mrunge | good luck and please file a bug with your distributor | 12:36 |
manas | mrunge: hmmm I have tried many things to debug the issue but no luck , can you point out somebody who can help me in ubuntu ? | 12:37 |
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mrunge | manas, no | 12:38 |
openstackgerrit | Masco Kaliyamoorthy proposed openstack/horizon: filter doesn't handle unicode character https://review.openstack.org/211850 | 12:39 |
manas | mrunge: hmm sure , thnx a lot for suggestion | 12:39 |
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openstackgerrit | Aleš Křivák proposed openstack/horizon: Sort order of networks in network topology https://review.openstack.org/213647 | 13:22 |
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tsufiev | david-lyle, cinder folks chimed in at show_quota thread | 13:39 |
tsufiev | it was Keystone, I knew it :)! | 13:39 |
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david-lyle | tsufiev: that lines hasn't changed since 2013, I'm confused | 13:41 |
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tsufiev | david-lyle, so it was just Cinder laying the blame onto Keystone? Clever strategy! | 13:43 |
tsufiev | 'in any circumstances blame Keystone' | 13:43 |
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david-lyle | I'm guessing they switched which privilege level they are making the request at | 13:44 |
david-lyle | hmmm | 13:44 |
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tsufiev | e0ne, ^^^ is it true? | 13:45 |
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mrunge | either blame keystone or neutron, works always | 13:48 |
mrunge | hahaha | 13:48 |
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e0ne | tsufiev: we are going to revert commit to cinder which introduced this behaviour | 13:54 |
doug-fish | I was just looking for a new translation proposal in our reviews - we should have gotten a patch based on Zanata instead of Transifex today, but I don't see any ... | 13:54 |
doug-fish | I'm not just overlooking one, am I? | 13:54 |
e0ne | DuncanT will propose a patch | 13:54 |
DuncanT | david-lyle: Cinder added some parameter validation to the cinder API | 13:55 |
DuncanT | david-lyle: It calls keystone, but none of us realised it didn't work with the default keystone policy | 13:55 |
DuncanT | david-lyle: I'll try adding a tempest test once the revert is done, there's currently no coverage | 13:56 |
DuncanT | david-lyle: Certainly not keystone's fault | 13:56 |
DuncanT | david-lyle: Though I might be along in future asking about changing the default policy | 13:57 |
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tsufiev | e0ne, thank you! | 14:05 |
e0ne | tsufiev: you're welcome! | 14:05 |
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david-lyle | DuncanT: makes sense. ultimately it should be configurable, it is policy after all, and Horizon should be more tolerant of changes to it | 14:19 |
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david-lyle | thanks tsufiev, e0ne and DuncanT | 14:19 |
tsufiev | david-lyle, I think it's where we're starting to see value in dynamic policies | 14:20 |
tsufiev | single point of authority (keystone?) where other services get their policies + a convenient UI inside Horizon for policy editing | 14:21 |
tsufiev | get & _update_ as well | 14:21 |
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openstackgerrit | Justin Pomeroy proposed openstack/horizon: Use raw data for inline edits of boolean fields https://review.openstack.org/224123 | 14:30 |
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ducttape_ | kfox1111 mrunge are you online? is there a fix for the horizon.auth issue? | 14:51 |
ducttape_ | I have something interesting to look at | 14:52 |
ducttape_ | or david-lyle too, if you were seeing it | 14:52 |
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openstackgerrit | Daniel Bellantuono proposed openstack/horizon: Swap and ephemeral fields should be optional https://review.openstack.org/207963 | 14:57 |
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lawrancejing | robcresswell: are you here? | 15:33 |
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kfox1111 | mrunge: you alive? | 15:41 |
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robcresswell | lawrancejing: Yup | 15:43 |
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lawrancejing | robcresswell: push one new patch for horizon-cisco-ui ,https://review.openstack.org/#/c/224147/ | 15:44 |
lawrancejing | could you review it ? | 15:44 |
robcresswell | lawrancejing: Reviewed, although you wont like it :p | 15:47 |
lawrancejing | got your tips.. | 15:48 |
robcresswell | I prefer to avoid MultipleTimes(). It seems imprecise. | 15:49 |
robcresswell | Perhaps I am incorrect with that though. | 15:49 |
lawrancejing | robcresswell: i just thought that it could make the test code more clean:) | 15:50 |
david-lyle | tsufiev: ping | 15:50 |
robcresswell | lawrancejing: Yes, I appreciate you making the effort. Just not a change I agree with :p | 15:50 |
tsufiev | david-lyle, pong | 15:50 |
lawrancejing | emmm, precise is more import than clean code | 15:50 |
lawrancejing | well, it's ok:-) | 15:51 |
david-lyle | what's the latest on our devstack issues and d-o-a? | 15:51 |
david-lyle | I know ironicclient is having issues as well, are there others? | 15:51 |
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tsufiev | david-lyle, things haven't changed much since today community meeting: https://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack/commit/c71973eb04d05c2497eb930c4e1b59dcaf983085 is considered harmful, but neither I, nor Richard haven't discussed it with devstack guys | 15:52 |
tsufiev | from our point of view better to revert it until Sean Dague is back from PTO | 15:52 |
tsufiev | david-lyle, the problem is that I don't know where or who to ask about devstack (besides LP) | 15:53 |
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tsufiev | david-lyle, hm, it seems we might ask jeblair (https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/DevStack) who is currently online at #openstack-infra | 15:55 |
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lawrancejing | have some someone saw such error "ExpectedMethodCallsError" while run_tests.sh | 16:03 |
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robcresswell | lawrancejing: Just means you're missing a test mock | 16:04 |
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lawrancejing | robcresswell: such as ? | 16:07 |
kfox1111 | any ideas why compress might generate two js files, but only include one in the end website? | 16:07 |
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tqtran | kfox1111: that is interesting, could you file a bug on it? | 16:09 |
kfox1111 | well, its rdo delorean related I think. | 16:10 |
kfox1111 | but I'm trying to debug it. | 16:10 |
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kfox1111 | trying to get the app catalog ui plugin packaged for rdo, but trunk rdo horizon's javascripts broken, so I cant test the package. :/ | 16:10 |
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kfox1111 | I found one bug where horizon/static got renamed to just static in their system so code wasn't findign the right js. | 16:11 |
ducttape_ | kfox1111 - can you add this to the bottom of your settings.py? print len(HORIZON_CONFIG['js_files']) | 16:11 |
kfox1111 | I'm kind of wondering if there's somewhere else in the code doing somethign similar. | 16:11 |
ducttape_ | it should be 139 | 16:12 |
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kfox1111 | ducttape_: I did that the other day. it didn't match until I applied this patch: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1263761 | 16:12 |
openstack | bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1263761 in openstack-horizon "horizon js broken" [Unspecified,Closed: upstream] - Assigned to mrunge | 16:12 |
kfox1111 | but now it does. | 16:12 |
robcresswell | lawrancejing: Uh, I've no idea unless you post logs or something | 16:12 |
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lawrancejing | robcresswell: one minute, thanks | 16:13 |
robcresswell | kfox1111: Shouldn't it just be /static anyway? | 16:13 |
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kfox1111 | well, its crawling the file system. in git, its ../horizon/static | 16:14 |
kfox1111 | in rdo's layout, its ../static | 16:15 |
lawrancejing | robcresswell: ping | 16:16 |
lawrancejing | https://review.openstack.org/224177 | 16:16 |
lawrancejing | i post one patch.. | 16:16 |
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kfox1111 | it finds all the files after that patch is applied, but it ends up generating two files: 5bd76f646690.js 6b862e7eeeb9.js, but only includes 6b862e7eeeb9.js in the website. | 16:16 |
kfox1111 | and 5bd76f646690.js is where all the angular stuff ends up at. | 16:16 |
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robcresswell | lawrancejing: I don't have time to pull code and test it, look at your logs | 16:19 |
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lawrancejing | robcresswell: logs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12427782/ | 16:21 |
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tqtran | kfox1111: so none of the angular stuff works? | 16:23 |
robcresswell | lawrancejing: Yeah, your test code is never calling profile_list, which mox expects, so error | 16:23 |
kfox1111 | correct. | 16:23 |
kfox1111 | first thing I hit is the login page, then in the console: | 16:24 |
kfox1111 | [$injector:nomod] Module 'horizon.app' is not available! You either misspelled the module name or forgot to load it. If registering a module ensure that you specify the dependencies as the second argument. | 16:24 |
tqtran | try clearing your cache | 16:24 |
kfox1111 | yup. I did. I can see all the horizon.app code in 5bd76f646690.js, but it never tries to load it. | 16:24 |
kfox1111 | it only loads 6b862e7eeeb9.js | 16:24 |
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lawrancejing | api.senlin.profile_list( | 16:25 |
lawrancejing | IsA(http.HttpRequest)).AndReturn(profiles) i thought the statement called profile_list.. | 16:25 |
kfox1111 | for some reason it is either, 1, not adding another script tag, or 2, merging the two files together. | 16:25 |
tqtran | that is strange..... it should have merged the two files together | 16:26 |
kfox1111 | where is that code? | 16:26 |
tqtran | let me find it | 16:26 |
kfox1111 | k. thanks. | 16:27 |
lawrancejing | robcresswell: should have the code "res = self.client.get(INDEX_URL)" it will call profile_list, right? | 16:27 |
robcresswell | lawrancejing: No, thats telling mox what method calls to expect when you use replay | 16:27 |
tqtran | basically, these are the two files were scripts get inserted: https://github.com/openstack/horizon/blob/master/openstack_dashboard/templates/horizon/_conf.html, https://github.com/openstack/horizon/blob/master/openstack_dashboard/templates/horizon/_scripts.html | 16:28 |
tqtran | they are both enclosed in compress tag | 16:28 |
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lawrancejing | robcresswell: yep, | 16:29 |
lawrancejing | res = self.client.get(INDEX_URL) , this will call the profile_list. | 16:29 |
tqtran | when you enable compression, they are compressed. looks like it might generate two js files since we have two big compress blocks. let me try it locally and see | 16:29 |
kfox1111 | tqtran: yeah. I think that's generating the two js files I have. | 16:29 |
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kfox1111 | one looks like mostly angular.js, which matches the _conf.html one. | 16:30 |
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kfox1111 | the other starts with the STATIC_URL/WEBROOT stuff, which isn't getting included. | 16:30 |
kfox1111 | I'm guessing its another case of "horizon/" not being in the static path. | 16:30 |
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kfox1111 | does the code crawl the file system to look for the files to merge together? | 16:31 |
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tqtran | ok i see two compressed file as expected, but they are both included on my screen | 16:31 |
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tqtran | django takes care of this for us. if it compressed them, chances are, it should also know to include them | 16:32 |
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kfox1111 | but its not. so is there any other places in the code where its telling django where to look for scripts? | 16:33 |
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kfox1111 | what about: openstack_dashboard/templates/base.html, it has references to horizon/... | 16:34 |
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tqtran | the base.html includes both _conf and _script | 16:34 |
kfox1111 | oh. cause its templates/horizon/_xxxx | 16:35 |
kfox1111 | right.... | 16:35 |
kfox1111 | and base.html is used for the login page too? | 16:35 |
tqtran | yes | 16:36 |
tqtran | are you seeing some of the code in https://github.com/openstack/horizon/blob/master/openstack_dashboard/templates/horizon/_scripts.html ? | 16:36 |
kfox1111 | ah... there is no script tag after <div id="footer"> section... | 16:36 |
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kfox1111 | tqtran: Here's the full html source for the login page as the browser see's it: http://pastebin.com/vBVLt2rN | 16:39 |
kfox1111 | for some reason, the final script tag's missing. | 16:39 |
kfox1111 | I'm guessing there's another place in the code that may be looking for things in <root>/horizon/static instead of <root>/static ? | 16:40 |
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tqtran | kfox1111: looking | 16:44 |
tqtran | can you paste your base.html? | 16:45 |
tqtran | looks like its not including the _scripts.html at all | 16:45 |
kfox1111 | it looks right. | 16:45 |
kfox1111 | http://pastebin.com/E4tNSkCV | 16:45 |
kfox1111 | its like the block js part isn't doing anything. | 16:46 |
openstackgerrit | Davanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/django_openstack_auth: Reflect name in pypi https://review.openstack.org/224191 | 16:47 |
tqtran | can you check this path? https://github.com/openstack/horizon/tree/master/openstack_dashboard/templates/horizon | 16:47 |
tqtran | do you see a _script.html file in there? | 16:47 |
tqtran | openstack_dashboard/templates/horizon/_script.html exist? | 16:48 |
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kfox1111 | yup. and the compressed code related to it is in static/dashboard/js/5bd76f646690.js | 16:48 |
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tqtran | very strange.... can you add something to base and script and see if it shows up? | 16:51 |
kfox1111 | sure. | 16:51 |
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kfox1111 | k. I added <div>foo</div> right after the _script block in base. it showed up. let me try the other file. | 16:53 |
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kfox1111 | hmm.. the _script one didnt show up... that may be related... | 16:55 |
kfox1111 | I wonder if there is a second static_settings.py... | 16:55 |
kfox1111 | no, just the one.... | 16:57 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/horizon: Remove .tx/config https://review.openstack.org/223763 | 16:57 |
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kfox1111 | very confused... the tweaked _scripts isn't ever showing up in the compressed file... | 17:00 |
tqtran | hm.... | 17:01 |
tqtran | can you rerun the compression? | 17:01 |
kfox1111 | yeah. I removed the two files, then restarted the webserver. the two showed back up. | 17:02 |
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tqtran | and the new compressed file, does it have your modifications? | 17:02 |
kfox1111 | no. | 17:03 |
kfox1111 | I added a console.log('I LIVE'); in the final script section, and I'm not seeing that. | 17:03 |
tqtran | do you happen to have another _script.html somewhere? | 17:04 |
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tqtran | it might be getting replace somewhere else | 17:04 |
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kfox1111 | no. thats the only one I can find. | 17:05 |
kfox1111 | in fact, I'm not seeing $(document).ready(horizon.init) in the compressed code at all... | 17:05 |
tqtran | right, that is expected | 17:05 |
tqtran | the problem is that you're not seeing _script.html at all | 17:05 |
tqtran | and hence, it is not loaded | 17:06 |
kfox1111 | oh. it only compresses include script? | 17:06 |
kfox1111 | not inline? | 17:06 |
tqtran | for whatever reason, your base.html is not locating _script.html | 17:06 |
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tqtran | it compresses anywhere there is a compress template tag | 17:07 |
tqtran | but that does not mean it is included, it will only get included if it is a part of your requested html | 17:07 |
kfox1111 | oh. i see. let me try that... | 17:07 |
tqtran | kinda like an image that you have in your static folder | 17:07 |
tqtran | your html wont load it unless you have an image in your html | 17:08 |
kfox1111 | ah. there we go. when I moved it up into the compressed section of _script.html, it did get included. | 17:08 |
kfox1111 | ok. so yeah, its like base.html is not finding _script.html. | 17:09 |
tqtran | right, but compression isn't your problem here | 17:09 |
tqtran | yep, its not able to locate your script.html | 17:09 |
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kfox1111 | so what might cause base.html to be findable, but not _script.html? | 17:10 |
tqtran | if it can find base, chances are, it should be able to locate _script as well. they are relatively both in the same folder | 17:11 |
kfox1111 | I'd think, but that doesn't seem to be the case. | 17:11 |
tqtran | the only reason i can think of is.... that your _script.html is either 1) not there or 2) getting overridden somewhere | 17:11 |
kfox1111 | find | grep base.html | 17:12 |
kfox1111 | ./openstack_dashboard/templates/base.html | 17:13 |
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kfox1111 | find | grep _scripts.html | 17:13 |
kfox1111 | ./openstack_dashboard/templates/horizon/_scripts.html | 17:13 |
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tqtran | can you try this? add another file to the openstack_dashboard/templates/horizon/_test.html | 17:15 |
tqtran | then in there, use the compress tag to compress a very simple script | 17:15 |
kfox1111 | k. | 17:16 |
tqtran | then in your base.html, include _test.html via the include tag | 17:16 |
tqtran | see if that shows up | 17:16 |
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kfox1111 | yup. Did a javascript alert, and saw it. | 17:19 |
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kfox1111 | so maybe its the block js... | 17:19 |
kfox1111 | let me remove that part... | 17:19 |
kfox1111 | nope, still didn't work... | 17:20 |
kfox1111 | let me try the _test inside the block js section... | 17:21 |
kfox1111 | I wonder if _scripts.html is having an error and just skipping it silently... | 17:21 |
kfox1111 | so _test works in the block... | 17:22 |
kfox1111 | so its got to be something inside the _scripts.html its not liking... | 17:22 |
kfox1111 | maybe if I remove everythign but the compressed stuff... | 17:22 |
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kfox1111 | or maybe its some of the future stuff........ | 17:23 |
tqtran | try this, move contents from _script to _test | 17:24 |
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tqtran | if it still does not work, then remove sections of it out slowly | 17:25 |
tqtran | that should help us identify the culprit | 17:25 |
kfox1111 | yeah. I'm commenting stuff out in _scripts a small bit at a time. | 17:25 |
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kfox1111 | ok... now we're getting somewhere... | 17:31 |
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kfox1111 | I deleted all lines but the compressed stuff. I'm seeing the script tag show up now. | 17:31 |
kfox1111 | now to narrow it down... | 17:32 |
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kfox1111 | ok, if I remove these 3 lines, it shows up: | 17:36 |
kfox1111 | {% for file in HORIZON_CONFIG.js_files %} <script src='{{ STATIC_URL }}{{ file }}'></script> | 17:36 |
kfox1111 | {% endfor %} | 17:36 |
kfox1111 | :/ | 17:36 |
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kfox1111 | oh... I wonder... | 17:37 |
kfox1111 | no, wasn't a stale py[co] | 17:38 |
kfox1111 | so, for some reason, its not liking that section. | 17:38 |
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david-lyle | fix for d-o-a testing that will allow the jobs to run, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/224191/ thanks to dims_ | 17:41 |
david-lyle | upper-constraints is getting confused on the _ to - conversion | 17:41 |
david-lyle | so changing | 17:42 |
david-lyle | might need to change back after merging depending on pypi implications | 17:42 |
tsufiev | david-lyle, yay! | 17:45 |
tsufiev | well, I don't understand whether it helps, but my gut feeling says it does ) | 17:46 |
tsufiev | anyways, we'll see it by the job results ) | 17:47 |
david-lyle | tsufiev: https://jenkins02.openstack.org/job/gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-src-django_openstack_auth/79/console | 17:47 |
david-lyle | it's running the tempest tests, which is further | 17:47 |
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tsufiev | nice! | 17:48 |
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tsufiev | david-lyle, 'pypi implications' - do you mean that it might conflict with pypi repository metadata during new release? | 17:49 |
robcresswell | david-lyle: Does that patch need blind approval? :D | 17:52 |
david-lyle | that's my worry, need some more knowledgeable present to weigh in | 17:52 |
david-lyle | if we move, and it's a problem we'll have to move to either disabling that test or hope for a pip fix to move back | 17:53 |
robcresswell | I saw a name change and that was an immediate !! | 17:54 |
david-lyle | but either of those are required to move forward now without the setup.cfg change | 17:54 |
robcresswell | I'd have thought matthias will have some better thoughts on it. | 17:55 |
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tsufiev | hm, this might even result in a new package appearing at pypi | 17:57 |
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david-lyle | need to ask lifeless or r1chardj0n3s when they get up | 18:00 |
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robcresswell | david-lyle: I threw a couple of thoughts into the discussion etherpad. They're a little vague, my head turns to fluff past 7 or so. Do we normally use the etherpad to arrange meetup as well? | 18:07 |
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david-lyle | well this last time yes | 18:08 |
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lhcheng | david-lyle: I changed that in our version of d-o-a too, from _ to - | 18:12 |
lhcheng | but that will change the packaging name | 18:12 |
david-lyle | that's what I feared | 18:12 |
david-lyle | hmmm | 18:13 |
lhcheng | I changed the name because of the requirements matching was also getting confused in anvil | 18:14 |
david-lyle | we should change anyway | 18:14 |
david-lyle | just because the current name | 18:14 |
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lhcheng | I'm fine with the change, I have less in-house patch to carry :) | 18:14 |
david-lyle | ducttape_: have an opinion? | 18:15 |
david-lyle | mrunge: ? | 18:15 |
lhcheng | but don't know how much it will break for some folks | 18:15 |
david-lyle | I imagine it's the wrong time for such a change | 18:15 |
david-lyle | but I also don't want to ship with yet another login bug | 18:15 |
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ducttape_ | so the question is to rename doa to something else? | 18:16 |
* ducttape_ reading back | 18:16 | |
david-lyle | replace _ with - | 18:16 |
ducttape_ | that is something I could give negative cares about, won't impact me | 18:17 |
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david-lyle | ok | 18:17 |
lhcheng | I am afraid to change the name this late though.. | 18:18 |
david-lyle | me too | 18:18 |
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david-lyle | especially just to respond to tooling | 18:18 |
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david-lyle | I think upper-constraints shouldn't be making the conversion | 18:18 |
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lhcheng | slight getting back to me now, something in dist or rpmbuild was making the conversion too from the _. | 18:20 |
lhcheng | if possible, would be nice to postpone sean's patch to early M | 18:21 |
ducttape_ | so this change https://review.openstack.org/#/c/224191/ doesn't have a bug listed with it too | 18:21 |
ducttape_ | it would be good to describe why this is important | 18:22 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/horizon: Fix Load Balancer table Subnet row displays CIDR https://review.openstack.org/222903 | 18:24 |
david-lyle | was originally a test patch | 18:25 |
david-lyle | re the d-o-a patch | 18:25 |
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ducttape_ | that's the best kind of patch to merge at the end of a release: one that changes package names and doesn't have a lot of docs behind it :P | 18:26 |
ducttape_ | ship it | 18:26 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/horizon: Imported Translations from Zanata https://review.openstack.org/224249 | 18:38 |
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robcresswell | doug-fish: ^^ \o/ | 18:45 |
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tsufiev | david-lyle: another approach to DOA issue is to temporarily make tempest job non-voting | 19:04 |
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robcresswell | tqtran, TravT_, clu_: Could one of you take a look at this? Sorry, harrassing people about rc1 now :) | 19:09 |
tsufiev | ... or wait first for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/224259/1 to land | 19:09 |
robcresswell | doug-fish: Did you look at Curvature in the end? I thought I recalled you looking into it earlier :) | 19:09 |
robcresswell | tqtran: TravT_ clu_ Sorry, would help if I posted link... https://review.openstack.org/#/c/215740/ | 19:09 |
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TravT | robcresswell: yes, i'll look | 19:11 |
robcresswell | TravT: Thanks! | 19:13 |
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openstackgerrit | Ilya Tyaptin proposed openstack/horizon: [Metering] Avoid add items to mutable query https://review.openstack.org/224271 | 19:24 |
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tqtran | robcresswell: looks like TravT will beat me to it :P | 19:25 |
tqtran | jpomeroy: ping! have a question about workflow extension | 19:25 |
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robcresswell | tqtran: There'll be more :p | 19:25 |
jpomeroy | tqtran, hey what's up | 19:26 |
robcresswell | tqtran: I'm going through the bug list and calling people out haha | 19:26 |
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tqtran | haha thats fine, we need someone to do that | 19:26 |
tqtran | jpomeroy: so doug told me you did some work on extending the launch instance workflow | 19:27 |
tqtran | can you show me? | 19:27 |
jpomeroy | tqtran, https://review.openstack.org/214306 | 19:27 |
tqtran | i attempting to do the same thing, but via the plugin and was just curious how you were inheriting/overriding the workflow steps | 19:28 |
robcresswell | BTW, I'm culling a few bugs from the RC1 list (will leave comments if necessary) *please* yell at me if I remove something that we should include. | 19:28 |
mrunge | ducttape_, lhcheng there was a question for me? I just saw my name flashing, but couldn't understand the context? | 19:28 |
tqtran | right, so in there, i see that you added the id field. but my question is, how are you overriding/extending the steps? | 19:28 |
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robcresswell | mrunge: I think it was the packaging and horizon.auth angular module bug | 19:29 |
robcresswell | mrunge: But tqtran and kfox1111 did some digging and seemed ot be making progress on it | 19:29 |
jpomeroy | tqtran, let me get you my example plugin | 19:29 |
mrunge | robcresswell, great | 19:29 |
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tqtran | jpomeroy: cool, that would be tremendously helpful | 19:30 |
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ducttape_ | mrunge I asked awhile ago about the horizon.auth issue, if you were seeing it right now | 19:33 |
mrunge | ducttape_, just a sec, on the phone | 19:33 |
ducttape_ | I think tqtran and kfox1111 have been working through the js issues in the meantime | 19:33 |
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yogesh-pc | I am having issues accessing the horizon dashboard.:http://paste.openstack.org/show/465007/ | 19:34 |
robcresswell | tqtran: Got a minute? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/223432/ :) | 19:35 |
robcresswell | tqtran: It's another rc1 bug | 19:35 |
yogesh-pc | I directly get the html content but don't see any webpage | 19:35 |
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tqtran | kfox1111: can you do a print out on the values of static_url and files? | 19:36 |
tqtran | i have a feeling the path of files might be off | 19:36 |
tqtran | robcresswell: looking | 19:36 |
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robcresswell | tqtran: Thanks! | 19:37 |
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tqtran | np, simple enough :) | 19:37 |
robcresswell | We're <20 now I think | 19:37 |
robcresswell | Down from about 45+ on monday. | 19:37 |
ducttape_ | tqtran - something to consider, while working through this file path stuff..... I use import openstack_dashboard; find_static_files(openstack_dashboard.__path__[0], HORIZON_CONFIG) | 19:39 |
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jpomeroy | tqtran, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bye7buoZvOxFN0EwTlY3Wkx2ZDQ/view?usp=sharing | 19:39 |
jpomeroy | tqtran, that includes the plugin file and then a folder that represents the plugin contents which should be dropped into a static folder | 19:40 |
tqtran | jpomeroy: cool, do i need to have your patch enabled as well? | 19:41 |
jpomeroy | tqtran, it adds some panels to the launch instance workflow | 19:41 |
jpomeroy | tqtran, yeah it will depend on that patch | 19:41 |
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tqtran | ok, i'll take a look at it today. thanks jpomeroy! | 19:42 |
tqtran | ducttape_: so the problem with _script not showing up is related to the auth issue? | 19:42 |
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ducttape_ | no, I think it's just the first js module that fails... it happens to be named "horizon.auth" | 19:43 |
openstackgerrit | Ilya Tyaptin proposed openstack/horizon: [Metering] Avoid using mutable in method defaults https://review.openstack.org/224279 | 19:43 |
ducttape_ | but what I had found was that static dirs and js locations was messed up, and create the same symptoms kfox1111 was seeing | 19:44 |
tqtran | do we have a bug filed for it? i'm not seeing it on my current env | 19:44 |
tqtran | do i have to change my webroot to see this issue? i cant seem to replicate the issue | 19:44 |
robcresswell | tqtran: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1494171 This one? | 19:44 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1494171 in OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) "Javascript error: Module 'horizon.auth' is not available!" [High,Confirmed] | 19:44 |
ducttape_ | and that link above / my trick - was to use the python module file path to locate the correct directory | 19:44 |
robcresswell | It seems to be related to packaging, not the git repos. We're not sure yet exactly why | 19:45 |
ducttape_ | yeah, it is not reproduce-able right now in master / devstack mode I think | 19:45 |
openstackgerrit | Ilya Tyaptin proposed openstack/horizon: [Metering] Avoid using mutable in method defaults https://review.openstack.org/224279 | 19:45 |
robcresswell | But its in Debian and Fedora/ RHEL? | 19:45 |
robcresswell | I'm not v familiar with redhats distros :p | 19:46 |
ducttape_ | at least in rdo, yes | 19:46 |
robcresswell | kk | 19:46 |
ducttape_ | might be in debian too | 19:46 |
robcresswell | Its definitely in debian | 19:46 |
robcresswell | That bug is from zigo, who does debian packaging | 19:46 |
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ducttape_ | yep, rw | 19:47 |
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robcresswell | doug-fish: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/224249/ Translations good to go | 19:49 |
tqtran | robcresswell: thanks for the link, ok now i have the complete picture | 19:51 |
robcresswell | tqtran: np | 19:51 |
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robcresswell | Horizon Drivers meeting over in #openstack-meeting-3 in 5 minutes. | 19:54 |
zigo | robcresswell: I think I found out already what the problem is. | 19:54 |
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zigo | robcresswell: I believe I haven't packaged that auth js file correctly. | 19:54 |
zigo | I didn't have time to test much, but I'll figure it out. | 19:55 |
zigo | This week, I've been working on doing the backport for Jessie for all of Liberty. I'll eventually go back to fixing Horizon. | 19:55 |
robcresswell | zigo: Sure, no problem, just trying to close up our RC so apologies for hte pings. | 19:56 |
robcresswell | for the* | 19:56 |
mrunge | zigo, could you please add your findings to the bug? | 19:56 |
zigo | mrunge: Will do when I have time to investigate. | 19:56 |
mrunge | i did the same mistake... | 19:56 |
zigo | mrunge: Of not packaging these files? | 19:57 |
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mrunge | yes/no/? | 19:57 |
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mrunge | i dont know | 19:57 |
mrunge | i did not change packaging | 19:57 |
mrunge | but just updated from m3 to rc1 | 19:58 |
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mrunge | i did use setup.py | 19:58 |
lhcheng | mrunge: I think the question for you is related to renaming the d-o-a in here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/224191/ | 19:59 |
lhcheng | and the packaging of the horizon too :) | 19:59 |
mrunge | cough. | 20:00 |
mrunge | a rename | 20:00 |
mrunge | we have a process for this | 20:00 |
ducttape_ | pipin' ain't easy | 20:00 |
mrunge | at least, it's not a '.' | 20:00 |
mrunge | like in oslo | 20:00 |
lhcheng | yeah, I am not a fan of it especially late in the release | 20:00 |
mrunge | same here | 20:00 |
mrunge | zigo, are you using python setup.py install in packages? | 20:01 |
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zigo | mrunge: Sure ! | 20:01 |
mrunge | I'm not sure if that's used in devstack | 20:01 |
mrunge | that might be a difference to devstack, and it is a difference to just git checkout | 20:02 |
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zigo | mrunge: Do you know what's happening with manila-ui? Is it being integrated directly in Horizon? | 20:11 |
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mrunge | zigo, nope. it's not. | 20:12 |
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mrunge | and I think it won't | 20:12 |
zigo | mrunge: There's been so far only a single tag from April 29th. | 20:12 |
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zigo | I was wondering why there was no Liberty b3 tag... | 20:13 |
mrunge | zigo, I can't answer that | 20:13 |
zigo | k | 20:13 |
zigo | I asked in #openstack-manila, no answer so far. | 20:13 |
zigo | mrunge: BTW, do you also package murano-dashboard? | 20:13 |
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mrunge | until now, I did not | 20:14 |
zigo | Ok. | 20:14 |
zigo | I did... :P | 20:14 |
mrunge | nobody asked for it | 20:14 |
zigo | And app-catalog? | 20:14 |
zigo | apps | 20:14 |
mrunge | but apparently I packaged some deps, which I don't need yet | 20:14 |
mrunge | app-catalog? I believe kfox1111 was on that | 20:15 |
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mrunge | but I may be wrong | 20:15 |
mrunge | kfox1111, if you need support there, feel free to ping me | 20:15 |
zigo | There's no tag for it either ... | 20:16 |
mrunge | I believe, that's something we can fix | 20:17 |
mrunge | at least, app catalog receives a bit attention | 20:17 |
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Fin1te | Hi all, does anyone know when python-django-openstack-auth 1.3 will be in the Kilo RDO repo? | 20:25 |
Fin1te | Still running into https://bugs.launchpad.net/django-openstack-auth/+bug/1453754 | 20:25 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1453754 in django-openstack-auth "cannot login after automatic logout" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 20:25 |
mrunge | Fin1te, it is not fixed upstream | 20:25 |
Fin1te | Oh | 20:25 |
mrunge | once that is fixed, I'll backport the fix to kilo | 20:25 |
lhcheng | TravT: is there already a nova scheduler that consume the image metadata atm? | 20:26 |
Fin1te | Cool, thank you mrunge | 20:26 |
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mrunge | Fin1te, I currently don't have the launchpad bug at hand | 20:26 |
mrunge | Fin1te, oh, last comment: there won't be a python-django-openstack-auth version 1.3 at all | 20:28 |
mrunge | liberty will be 1.4 | 20:28 |
TravT | lhcheng: the image metadata is primarily pre-populated with metadata that nova understands | 20:29 |
Fin1te | Oops, just skimmed the beginning. Sorry about that. Is there anything we can do in the mean time, mrunge? | 20:29 |
TravT | lhcheng: that's where it came from and is 90% of the point | 20:29 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/horizon: Angular Magic Search defaults for filterStrings https://review.openstack.org/222710 | 20:29 |
mrunge | Fin1te, help with reviews? | 20:29 |
TravT | some of it is dependent on what drivers you have enabled, but you can selectively enable | 20:29 |
mrunge | or what do you mean? | 20:29 |
lhcheng | TravT: cool, haven't looked at scheduler til now | 20:30 |
lhcheng | TravT: got the big picture now | 20:30 |
Fin1te | I guess what I was trying to imply was will there be a fix for Kilo? | 20:30 |
mrunge | maybe? | 20:30 |
mrunge | as I said, I will do my best to backport the fix to kilo | 20:30 |
TravT | i can talk you through it if you'd like. | 20:31 |
TravT | i'd be happy to do that. lhcheng | 20:31 |
Fin1te | Fo sho, thanks mrunge I wish I could help, but my python skills are lacking... | 20:32 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/horizon: Swap and ephemeral fields should be optional https://review.openstack.org/207963 | 20:34 |
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lhcheng | thanks for the offer TravT, is there a high level document I could read up about it? :) | 20:38 |
TravT | http://docs.openstack.org/developer/glance/metadefs-concepts.html | 20:39 |
TravT | but probably as easy to look at some of them | 20:39 |
TravT | just pull a devstack and go look under what you can do on flavors, images, and host aggregates | 20:40 |
TravT | or peruse here: https://github.com/openstack/glance/tree/master/etc/metadefs | 20:40 |
lhcheng | ah mapping to host aggregates | 20:40 |
lhcheng | this stuff didn't make sense to me before | 20:40 |
lhcheng | good stuff | 20:40 |
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lhcheng | I know I've read this before, but didn't makes much sense since I haven't look at the scheduler stuff before. | 20:42 |
lhcheng | TravT: going to read this again | 20:42 |
lhcheng | thanks :) | 20:42 |
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TravT | lhcheng: for most of those metadefs, i had to find them be combing through nova code. | 20:45 |
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openstackgerrit | Timur Sufiev proposed openstack/horizon: Check element's existence in angular unit tests in a proper way https://review.openstack.org/221283 | 20:47 |
openstackgerrit | Timur Sufiev proposed openstack/horizon: Fix angular pie charts appearance https://review.openstack.org/221368 | 20:47 |
openstackgerrit | Timur Sufiev proposed openstack/horizon: Enable Launch Instance NG for the case when Nova quotas are disabled https://review.openstack.org/215196 | 20:48 |
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openstackgerrit | Justin Pomeroy proposed openstack/django_openstack_auth: Allow user to select initial services region at login https://review.openstack.org/116016 | 20:53 |
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robcresswell | Thanks for meetin all. Night o/ | 21:04 |
TravT | g'night rob | 21:04 |
mrunge | night robcresswell | 21:04 |
hurgleburgler | night robcresswell | 21:04 |
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mrunge | g'night all | 21:06 |
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zigo | I got an interesting traceback here: https://liberty-jessie.pkgs.mirantis.com/job/murano-dashboard/6/console | 21:24 |
zigo | SError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xstatic/pkg/angular_gettext/data' | 21:24 |
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zigo | Horizon is tryiing to access a folder which I explicitely removed in the favor of /usr/share/javascript/angular.js | 21:24 |
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zigo | This clearly is a bug: it should use whatever I've set in BASE_DIR instead. | 21:25 |
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kfox1111 | zigo: any more thoughts on https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1494171 ? | 21:28 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1494171 in OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) "Javascript error: Module 'horizon.auth' is not available!" [High,Confirmed] | 21:28 |
zigo | kfox1111: Not yet, I got to investigate more. | 21:28 |
kfox1111 | the patch I posted there almost fixed things. | 21:28 |
kfox1111 | if I can figure out why the compress and the base template are functioning differntly, I think we've got it solved. | 21:29 |
r1chardj0n3s | morning | 21:31 |
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hurgleburgler | morning r1chardj0n3s | 21:34 |
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tqtran | jpomeroy: just saw your plugin, very cool. i had something else in mind but what you did will work also. | 21:38 |
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tqtran | i'll take a closer look at your patch | 21:38 |
jpomeroy | tqtran, it's open to feedback =] | 21:38 |
tqtran | no, i really like what you did | 21:39 |
openstackgerrit | Rajat Vig proposed openstack/horizon: ContextActions directive for dynmaic action list https://review.openstack.org/222493 | 21:40 |
openstackgerrit | Rajat Vig proposed openstack/horizon: Adding row action to delete single image to angular images panel https://review.openstack.org/217949 | 21:40 |
openstackgerrit | Rajat Vig proposed openstack/horizon: Adding Create and Edit Image Action to angular images panel https://review.openstack.org/217828 | 21:40 |
openstackgerrit | Rajat Vig proposed openstack/horizon: Adding multiple row actions for the Image table https://review.openstack.org/217964 | 21:40 |
openstackgerrit | Rajat Vig proposed openstack/horizon: Launch Instance Modal should be exist as a Service https://review.openstack.org/220214 | 21:40 |
openstackgerrit | Rajat Vig proposed openstack/horizon: Adding action to delete multiple images to angular images panel https://review.openstack.org/217422 | 21:40 |
kfox1111 | zigo: I'm packaging the app-catalog-ui plugin for rdo. | 21:41 |
tqtran | jpomeroy: my only suggestion would be to perhaps move the workflow extensions logic out so that actions and quotas can also reuse it | 21:41 |
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kfox1111 | Do you have time to do it for deb? It doesn't have any dependencies, so I think it wouldn't be too hard. | 21:41 |
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jpomeroy | tqtran, yeah i suppose that logic might be reusable for the most part | 21:43 |
jpomeroy | though it is somewhat specific to thing that would depend on position | 21:43 |
jpomeroy | actions and quotas might be less dependent on that sort of thing, but maybe not | 21:45 |
ducttape_ | I don't see any patches for https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1494171 , is that still trying to find consensus ?? (Module 'horizon.auth' is not available) | 21:45 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1494171 in OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) "Javascript error: Module 'horizon.auth' is not available!" [High,Confirmed] | 21:45 |
ducttape_ | sorry about the bot, who is smarter than I am | 21:45 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/horizon: Use keyword substitution in horizon framework filters.js https://review.openstack.org/223432 | 21:47 |
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kfox1111 | ducttape_: see comment #7 | 21:48 |
ducttape_ | yep | 21:48 |
kfox1111 | that fixes part of the issue. I'm not sure exactly why it still isn't working, but have narrowed it down quite a bit. | 21:49 |
ducttape_ | my workaround was in #12, but it's not ideal for all situations I expect | 21:49 |
kfox1111 | _scripts.html breaks on this chunk of code: | 21:50 |
kfox1111 | {% for file in HORIZON_CONFIG.js_files %} <script src='{{ STATIC_URL }}{{ file }}'></script> | 21:50 |
kfox1111 | {% endfor %} | 21:50 |
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ducttape_ | yep, I'm with ya | 21:50 |
kfox1111 | but as far as I can tell, HORIZON_CONFIG.js_files is correct. | 21:50 |
ducttape_ | I'm thinking maybe find_static_files() needs to take in the collectstatic output dir - right? | 21:50 |
kfox1111 | hmm... | 21:51 |
ducttape_ | and you have recent horizon code too, right? I recall the first version of this code was that the order of the files was not correct | 21:51 |
ducttape_ | first version of this bug I should say - it required a certain order | 21:51 |
kfox1111 | openstack-dashboard- | 21:51 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/horizon: Imported Translations from Zanata https://review.openstack.org/224249 | 21:54 |
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kfox1111 | question, can you do something like this: | 21:58 |
kfox1111 | {% for file in HORIZON_CONFIG.foo() %} | 21:58 |
kfox1111 | ? | 21:58 |
ducttape_ | kfox1111 - your file layout, I have questions on - it's pretty much like the git repo? | 21:58 |
kfox1111 | its the one from the rdo rpm. | 21:58 |
kfox1111 | thats why static_settings had to be patched. | 21:59 |
ducttape_ | kfox1111 - I think for that, you'd need a slightly different version - but conceptually this is possible | 21:59 |
kfox1111 | in git, there is horizon/static. in rdo, its just static | 21:59 |
ducttape_ | right, so this is the bug then: https://github.com/openstack/horizon/blob/a3ad2754dc9268bbc7c041e5818174f157a6bc9d/openstack_dashboard/static_settings.py#L147 | 21:59 |
ducttape_ | that will fail for sure with rdo | 21:59 |
kfox1111 | I'm tryingto make it call my function so that I can inspect exactly what its going to see. | 21:59 |
ducttape_ | the code up there will fail, trying to access horizon/static on the filestystem | 22:00 |
kfox1111 | yes, that line. which is what my patch: https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1494171/comments/7 | 22:00 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1494171 in OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) "Javascript error: Module 'horizon.auth' is not available!" [High,Confirmed] | 22:00 |
kfox1111 | fixes. | 22:00 |
ducttape_ | right. I gotcha | 22:00 |
kfox1111 | HORIZON_CONFIG looks good after that patch. | 22:01 |
ducttape_ | ok, so then I can think of a decent fix then | 22:01 |
kfox1111 | but for some reason, _scripts.html works for compress, but breaks on page load. | 22:01 |
ducttape_ | you want find_static to take in both the horizon_home_dir (where static resides within there) and a openstack_dashboard_home_dir (with another static in there) | 22:01 |
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kfox1111 | the js scripts tat are returned aren't rooted. | 22:02 |
kfox1111 | that | 22:02 |
ducttape_ | so we could still pass in openstack_dashboard.__path__[0] and also horizon.__path__[0] | 22:02 |
kfox1111 | so it shouldn't matter? | 22:02 |
ducttape_ | that would be the same code, no matter the install | 22:03 |
kfox1111 | the exact values of HORIZON_CONFIG.js_files is at https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1494171/comments/13 | 22:03 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1494171 in OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) "Javascript error: Module 'horizon.auth' is not available!" [High,Confirmed] | 22:03 |
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kfox1111 | maybe the code parsing base.html doesn't know where to find them? | 22:04 |
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ducttape_ | so wait, you have static which location? there should be 3 | 22:04 |
ducttape_ | there should be the horizon static, the opestack_dashboard static, then the output where they all get collected - right? | 22:05 |
ducttape_ | ./openstack_dashboard/static, ./horizon/static and ./static | 22:05 |
kfox1111 | whats in git's horizon/static seems to be at /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/static | 22:05 |
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ducttape_ | no, it just seems that way | 22:06 |
ducttape_ | ok.... tell me this then - within apache - where is it serving the /static url from ? | 22:06 |
kfox1111 | static_settings is at /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/static_settings.py | 22:06 |
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kfox1111 | let me check. | 22:06 |
ducttape_ | Alias /static "/var/www/horizon/current/static" something like that | 22:07 |
ducttape_ | it will be an alias | 22:07 |
ducttape_ | maybe even two of em ;) | 22:07 |
kfox1111 | Alias /dashboard/static /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/static | 22:07 |
kfox1111 | and webroot's /dashboard | 22:07 |
ducttape_ | ah ok. good | 22:07 |
ducttape_ | so /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/static is really an output dir, from collectstatic | 22:08 |
kfox1111 | /dashboard/ actaully. | 22:08 |
kfox1111 | could be. not sure. | 22:08 |
ducttape_ | and you still need the horizon/static stuff from somewhere | 22:08 |
kfox1111 | but compress is generating the correct two javascript files. | 22:08 |
ducttape_ | no - I am sure of this- /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/static is your output dir | 22:08 |
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kfox1111 | there is also a bunch of stuff in: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/horizon/static | 22:10 |
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ducttape_ | bingo!!!! | 22:10 |
ducttape_ | thats it! | 22:10 |
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ducttape_ | thats what you want, my solution will fix ya up here | 22:10 |
ducttape_ | do this.... | 22:10 |
ducttape_ | we will want find_static_files(openstack_dashboard.__path__[0], horizon.__path__[0], HORIZON_CONFIG) | 22:11 |
ducttape_ | and within find_static_files at https://github.com/openstack/horizon/blob/a3ad2754dc9268bbc7c041e5818174f157a6bc9d/openstack_dashboard/static_settings.py#L145 we want to change that | 22:11 |
ducttape_ | def find_static_files(ROOT_PATH, HORIZON_CONFIG) should have a new signature of def find_static_files(openstack_dashbaord_home_dir, horizon_home_dir, HORIZON_CONFIG) | 22:12 |
ducttape_ | and the os.path.joins should point to those new spots | 22:12 |
ducttape_ | know what I mean? | 22:12 |
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ducttape_ | I can write the patch quickly if you like kfox1111 | 22:13 |
kfox1111 | double up the file_discovery.populate_horizon_config so it looks in both places? | 22:13 |
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kfox1111 | one rooted at openstack_dashbaord_home_dir, and one at horizon_home_dir? | 22:14 |
ducttape_ | I'll place a patch up in 2 mins | 22:15 |
kfox1111 | ok. thanks. | 22:16 |
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kfox1111 | oh, the second poplulate_horizon_config probably needs a different root path? | 22:17 |
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openstackgerrit | Eric Peterson proposed openstack/horizon: WIP for kfox1111 https://review.openstack.org/224328 | 22:19 |
ducttape_ | boom! | 22:19 |
kfox1111 | looking | 22:19 |
ducttape_ | kfox1111 ^^ | 22:19 |
ducttape_ | give that bad boy a spin | 22:20 |
* ducttape_ places imaginary 5$ bet that it works | 22:20 | |
openstackgerrit | Eric Peterson proposed openstack/horizon: WIP for kfox1111 https://review.openstack.org/224328 | 22:21 |
kfox1111 | ah. I see what your saying... | 22:21 |
kfox1111 | testing... | 22:21 |
ducttape_ | that is a quick hack job, but I am 845.564346% sure it will work | 22:22 |
lhcheng | ducttape_ at its best :) | 22:23 |
kfox1111 | I think that worked. | 22:23 |
kfox1111 | let me dig a bit more. | 22:24 |
ducttape_ | there are some problems, that ducttape_ is especially suited for | 22:24 |
lhcheng | haha good one | 22:24 |
kfox1111 | hehe | 22:24 |
kfox1111 | its so true! :) | 22:24 |
ducttape_ | so this works kfox1111? | 22:25 |
ducttape_ | I can cleanup some more | 22:25 |
kfox1111 | it didn't report any errors on the console. | 22:25 |
ducttape_ | http://www.memecreator.org/static/images/memes/3714627.jpg | 22:27 |
kfox1111 | trying to unwind some of the hacks I had to put in for testing to make sure. | 22:27 |
kfox1111 | +1 :) | 22:27 |
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kfox1111 | but I can't authenticate.... | 22:29 |
kfox1111 | invalid credentials each time... | 22:29 |
kfox1111 | I know i didn't fat finger it that many times. | 22:29 |
ducttape_ | beware: my fix does not win any style points, and I'm not sure about python 3 compatibility | 22:29 |
ducttape_ | kfox1111 - close your browser | 22:29 |
ducttape_ | I think the cookie is messed up | 22:29 |
kfox1111 | oh. ok. | 22:30 |
ducttape_ | its another problem richard has been working on | 22:30 |
* lhcheng witness to ducttape_'s work, it always does the job :) | 22:30 | |
ducttape_ | it just works®™ | 22:30 |
doug-fish | a translation related bug fix that I think is ready to go: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/223773/ | 22:30 |
kfox1111 | there we go... authentication worked... | 22:31 |
openstackgerrit | Eric Peterson proposed openstack/horizon: Improving find static robustness https://review.openstack.org/224328 | 22:32 |
ducttape_ | that should be ready for review now ^ | 22:33 |
ducttape_ | good luck rdo :D | 22:33 |
kfox1111 | I think that did fix it. :) | 22:34 |
ducttape_ | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBg478jtpus kfox1111 | 22:35 |
kfox1111 | oh.... shoot... "Blocked loading mixed active content".... | 22:36 |
kfox1111 | yeah.... | 22:36 |
ducttape_ | say what? so it's broke or not? | 22:36 |
kfox1111 | no, I think its fine. tried the app catalog ui. | 22:36 |
kfox1111 | the apps.openstack.org only supports http and I've got the plugin loaded into an https horizon... | 22:37 |
ducttape_ | ah ok. I can only fix so many problems. my work here is done ;) | 22:38 |
kfox1111 | yup. thank you very much. :) | 22:38 |
kfox1111 | are you going to fix up that review further? | 22:38 |
ducttape_ | I did / have | 22:38 |
kfox1111 | k. I'll add my vote. :) | 22:39 |
ducttape_ | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/224328/ should at least pass tests now | 22:39 |
ducttape_ | though, it wins no style points | 22:39 |
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openstackgerrit | Eric Peterson proposed openstack/horizon: Improving find static robustness https://review.openstack.org/224328 | 23:16 |
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openstackgerrit | Kyle Olivo proposed openstack/horizon: WIP: Add angular flavors panel subflows https://review.openstack.org/214294 | 23:27 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/horizon: Moving translation to HTML for launch-instance key pair step https://review.openstack.org/215740 | 23:37 |
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openstackgerrit | Dan Nguyen proposed openstack/horizon: Displays horizon's auth url for keystone v3 https://review.openstack.org/224350 | 23:39 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/horizon: [Sahara] Unified job interface map UI https://review.openstack.org/209683 | 23:39 |
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