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openstackgerrit | Huang.Xiangdong proposed openstack/horizon master: fix volume status bug when restoring a Volume https://review.openstack.org/597144 | 07:21 |
openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/horizon master: Imported Translations from Zanata https://review.openstack.org/599508 | 07:34 |
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betherly_ | e0ne: looking into a feature related to a blueprint marked obsolete https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/valid-hosts-to-migrate - would you by any chance remember why it was marked obsolete and if it was fixed by another blueprint what release that was? | 13:59 |
e0ne | betherly_: I think, it could be just a cleaning up of the blueprints list. | 14:05 |
e0ne | betherly_: sometimes we mark blueprints as obsolete if there is no work on them | 14:06 |
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betherly_ | e0ne: ah ok. i thought it might be done as the status says 'complete' but i guess thats standard for closed blueprints? | 14:07 |
e0ne | betherly_: afaik, we can't set status manually, we can set only Definition value | 14:09 |
betherly_ | e0ne: thanks :) | 14:09 |
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mriedem | does horizon have any kinds of admin CLIs for managing things like upgrades? | 14:52 |
mriedem | just wondering if the upgrade-checkers goal applies to horizon at all - i'm guessing it doesn't | 14:52 |
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