Wednesday, 2019-06-12

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openstackgerritpengyuesheng proposed openstack/horizon master: After deleting the image, jump to the correct page
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openstackgerritpengyuesheng proposed openstack/horizon master: After deleting the image, jump to the correct page
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openstackgerritVishal Manchanda proposed openstack/horizon master: Replace "group type spec" with "group spec"
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openstackgerritVishal Manchanda proposed openstack/horizon master: Replace "group type spec" with "group spec"
openstackgerritpengyuesheng proposed openstack/horizon master: After deleting the image, jump to the correct page
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/horizon master: Do not try to access sets by index
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/horizon master: Image Name is optional parameter on create and update image form
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openstackgerritZiyu Bai proposed openstack/horizon master: Add ovf container_format when updating image. Closes-Bug: #1539722
openstackbug 1539722 in OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) "Image "container_format" incorrectly modified when editing image" [Medium,Fix committed] - Assigned to Ziyu Bai (baiziyu-inspur)09:00
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openstackgerritpengyuesheng proposed openstack/horizon master: Adjust filter_type to query when does not have the list_users permission
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openstackgerritpengyuesheng proposed openstack/horizon master: After deleting the image, jump to the correct page
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openstackgerritZiyu Bai proposed openstack/horizon master: Edit image changed to when editing image, the image_format is vhd,  change the container_format to ovf, which was 'bare' before.
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/horizon master: Fix tenant floating_ip_allocation call in neutron rest api.
openstackgerritMerged openstack/horizon master: Blacklist sphinx 2.1.0 (autodoc bug)
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openstackgerritAkihiro Motoki proposed openstack/horizon master: Update the constraints url
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openstackgerritVishal Manchanda proposed openstack/horizon master: Replace "group spec" with "group type spec"
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openstackgerritDavid Hill proposed openstack/horizon master: Get the timezone offset for the current day instead of January 1st.
openstackgerritDavid Hill proposed openstack/horizon master: Get the timezone offset for the current day instead of January 1st.
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/horizon master: Update the constraints url
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