Monday, 2022-08-08

*** tobias-urdin5 is now known as tobias-urdin06:03
johnsomvishalmanchanda Hi. I have been working on that patch a bit last week.15:47
vishalmanchandajohnsom: hello15:48
johnsomWould you know how to clear the click events for the "Filter-Select controller should initialize and remove listeners" test? Under firefox there seems to be clicks already there before the test starts.15:48
vishalmanchandajohnsom: sorry no idea:(15:49
vishalmanchandajohnsom: maybe tmazur know.15:49
vishalmanchandatmazur: ^^15:49
johnsomOk, well, I am going to keep poking at that patch today to see if I can fix more of these issues switching to firefox engine.15:52
vishalmanchandajohnsom: thanks15:52
tmazurI can't tell anything from the top of my head. I'll take a look later today when I have some time. 15:54
johnsomtmazur Thank you. I will be around so ping me if you would like15:54
tmazurNP. Is it the patch we're talking about? ^^15:55
*** tosky_ is now known as tosky19:25

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