Wednesday, 2023-06-14

opendevreviewJan Jasek proposed openstack/horizon master: [WIP] Rewrite integration tests from scratch
vishalmanchanda#startmeeting horizon15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Jun 14 15:00:15 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is vishalmanchanda. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'horizon'15:00
vishalmanchandaHello everyone15:01
vishalmanchandaagenda of meeting can be found here
vishalmanchandalet's start the meeting15:02
vishalmanchanda#topic Notices15:02
vishalmanchandaThis week is OpenInfra Summit + PTG going on but no-one of us going there.15:03
vishalmanchandaI hope maybe next time we may travel for the PTG.15:04
vishalmanchandamoving to next announcement  15:04
vishalmanchandaI have purposed a patch to move horizon stable/stein  branch to EOL and send a mail on open-discuss and no objection is raised so far.15:05
vishalmanchandawe are good to move forward with moving horizon stable/stein branch to EOL.15:06
vishalmanchandamoving to next announcement15:06
vishalmanchandaI pushed a patch to Pin XStatic-Font-Awesome to < in openstack/requirements and it's also got merged.15:07
vishalmanchandaNow I guess next thing is to identify and pin more Xstatic packages which are not horizon deliverables to avoid any failures.15:09
vishalmanchandathat's all announcements from my side for this week.15:11
vishalmanchandamoving to next topic15:11
amotokiI am not sure pinning more xstatic packages makes sense or not15:11
rdopieraI think it does make sense for the data-only ones15:12
amotokirdopiera: +115:12
amotokiis there no issue from rhosp perspective? perhaps rhosp and other rh deliverables do not include moinmoin who is the other major user of xstatic, so it would not be a problem15:13
amotokiI don't know the situation around ubuntu and debian15:14
vishalmanchandaI think we can watch if automatic update of any Xstatic package break horizon and then decide if we need those update or not.15:16
rdopierayeah, we don't care about the moin moin wiki15:17
amotokioen question: what is the actual problem around xstatic-font-awesome and is it documented somewhere? (launchpad bug or anywhere is okay)15:18
rdopieraI didn't think about the situation of distros that need it15:18
rdopierathe problem is that when it was upgraded, the names/paths were changed for no apparent reason15:18
amotokiI see. it sounds a good reason to block the new version, but perhaps we need to make it searchable/findable anywhere.15:20
amotokihow about filing a horizon bug and add a comment on it to g-r?15:21
rdopierathe files used to be named fontawesome.css and now are named font-awesome.css15:22
vishalmanchandaamotoki: ok, I will open a open bug for that in horizon launchpad for future reference.15:22
vishalmanchandaThere is not much update on jQuery migrate this week.15:24
vishalmanchandaOnly one patch is not merged yet
vishalmanchandaI was waiting for to get merged to fix the CI.15:25
vishalmanchandabut horizon-integration jobs fails too much.15:26
rdopierawe looked into those failures a bit15:26
rdopierait seems it's failing when it clicks on the user menu to go to the settings page15:26
rdopierasomehow the menu never opens15:26
vishalmanchandahere you can find summary of failed tests
rdopieraI suspect a javascript error, but firefox doesn't let us retreve the javascript error logs, so we don't know15:27
tmazurfor different tests it's the same problem apparently: that user menu dropdown doesn't open15:28
rdopierawe looked at several different failures, they all fail trying to click that menu15:28
rdopieraof course we can't reproduce it locally15:31
vishalmanchandahmm, what we should do now?15:31
rdopieraI'm looking for a workarund to get js errors somehow, by using an error callback15:32
rdopierawe could also switch to chromium...15:33
vishalmanchandaok, we can try that.15:33
vishalmanchandaI am just wondering if these issue happening due to my jQuery update patches.15:34
rdopierait is possible, but it's hard to tell without seeing the error15:34
rdopierayou can try and see if you can reproduce it locally15:35
vishalmanchandaunfortunately I am unable to run integration job locally on my env. but I will try again today.15:36
rdopieramanual reproducer would work too, anything that lets you see the error15:37
tmazurI am going to try on my other env too15:37
rdopierait's random, so there must be some kind of a race condition perhaps15:37
vishalmanchandaok, yeah.15:37
vishalmanchandaIf we look at this data
vishalmanchanda"test_instances_pagination" integration test fails too much15:39
tmazurWe've checked test_logout failure, and it's the same issue with that menu15:39
vishalmanchandatmazur: yes15:40
tmazurBut yeah, it seems pagination triggers it way more often15:40
vishalmanchandashould we avoid recheck now on
vishalmanchandauntil we found the fix or some workaround?15:42
rdopieralooking at the commits, the jquery changes are the last patches that merged15:43
vishalmanchandaI can revert last 2-3 patches or maybe more of jquery update in a single patch and see.15:46
vishalmanchandaI think I got dropped15:52
amotokivishalmanchanda: nobody commented since you wrote15:53
vishalmanchandalet's try our best to fix the horizon integration job asap.15:54
vishalmanchandamoving to next topic15:56
vishalmanchanda#topic open-discussion15:56
vishalmanchandaDoes anyone have any other topic to discuss?15:56
vishalmanchandaThanks everyone for joining.16:01
vishalmanchandalet's fix the CI asap.16:01
vishalmanchandasee you next week.16:01
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Jun 14 16:01:27 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:01
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
opendevreviewVishal Manchanda proposed openstack/horizon master: [DNM] Revert Update jQuery Changes
opendevreviewTatiana Ovchinnikova proposed openstack/horizon master: Update cirros image to cirros-0.6.1-x86_64 to fix integration job

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