Wednesday, 2023-12-06

vishalmanchanda#startmeeting horizon15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Dec  6 15:00:24 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is vishalmanchanda. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'horizon'15:00
vishalmanchandaHello everyone15:01
vishalmanchandalet's start the meeting.15:03
vishalmanchandaagenda of meeting can be found here
vishalmanchanda#topic Notices15:04
vishalmanchandafirst of all, a gentle reminder about the schedule. 15:04
vishalmanchandaThis week is R-17 week.15:04
vishalmanchandaFor more info. about the Caracal cycle schedule please refer
vishalmanchandaOne more update from my side, I am on vacation next complete week.15:06
vishalmanchandaSo I won't be able to chair the next weekly meeting.15:06
vishalmanchandaPlease let me know if anyone interested in chairing next weekly meeting.15:07
tmazurI am on vacation starting next Wednesday, will be back in January15:08
vishalmanchandaI think many of the folks on vacation for last 2 weeks of December.15:09
vishalmanchandaanyway I will chair 20th December weekly meeting, if no-one around I will skip next weekly meeting then.15:11
vishalmanchandamoving to the next topic15:12
vishalmanchanda#topic Release priorities15:12
vishalmanchandapytest-based selenium tests15:13
vishalmanchandaI can see few patches got merged for new pytest patches.15:13
vishalmanchandaSorry i was not around for the reviews.15:14
rdopierathe coverage is improving, and the job seems to be stable so far15:14
vishalmanchandathanks for reviewing and approving the patches.15:14
rdopierathat is, it doesn't fail randomly15:14
vishalmanchandayeah, let's check how many more tests are required for the new pytests job?15:15
vishalmanchandamoving to next topic15:16
vishalmanchandano updates on Migrate to Django version =>4.2 from my side for this week.15:16
vishalmanchandaUse placement API for the hypervisor stats15:17
vishalmanchandaI reviewed your patch, code looks fine to me.15:17
vishalmanchandabut I have few queries.15:18
vishalmanchandatmazur: your patch adds a new tab "Resource Provider" for the Hypervisors Panel.15:19
vishalmanchandabut it doesn't solve "VCPU usuage" chart issue15:21
vishalmanchandaI mean it stills shows me Used 8 of 3.15:21
tmazurThat's what Placement shows to us15:21
rdopierawould using a later microversion fix it?15:23
tmazurThere was a bug filed long ago.
tmazurAnd it was explained there that what they call "total VCPUs" is actually "cores"15:23
tmazurSo yes, it's confusing. I brought it up on PTG, maybe we should use quotas for total instead? Or just don't show the diagrams?15:24
vishalmanchandaAs of now it looks like this to me
tmazurYeah, same as before, when we were taking this stats from hypervisors15:26
tmazurStill, I'd prefer to have this patch merged, so we could have the Placement calls set up for Horizon, and decide about diagrams later. It's a huge chunk of code15:28
vishalmanchandabut I think you should update your patch commit-msg 15:31
tmazurWhat do you think we should add?15:32
vishalmanchandaIt doesn't closes the bug 1974470 and 139791715:32
vishalmanchandayou can use Related-bug or Partial-bug here.15:32
tmazurThat's right, I'll mark as related bugs15:33
tmazurJust to keep tracking15:33
vishalmanchandayou can also mentioned in commit-msg that you are adding a new tab "Resource Provider" under Hypervisor panel.15:34
tmazurIt is mentioned already15:34
vishalmanchandaohh yes.15:35
vishalmanchandamoving to the next topic15:39
opendevreviewTatiana Ovchinnikova proposed openstack/horizon master: Use Placement API along with the hypervisor stats
vishalmanchanda#topic open-discussion15:39
vishalmanchandaDoes anyone have any other topic to discuss?15:39
tmazurvishalmanchanda: I changed it to related bugs, please take a look when you have time15:40
rdopieraWe did a bit of research about performance at a customer who has a very large deployment of openstack15:40
rdopieraand we found out that the admin/network and related views make hundreds of unnecessary requests15:40
vishalmanchandatmazur: sure.15:40
rdopieraI have made two patches to help with that15:41
vishalmanchandardopiera: ack.15:42
rdopieraone removes checks for quotas, which makes sense for project/networks, but not for admin/networks, as there would be as many checks as there are tenants, and that can be hundreds15:42
rdopierathe other one adds a setting to remove the dhcp agents column, which is expensive to populate and doesn't make sense on many configurations15:43
rdopierawe would like to backport those patches for those customers who have performance problems as soon as possible15:43
vishalmanchandaI will review it asap and will add amotoki as he have more knowledge on network side.15:46
vishalmanchandaDoes anyone have any other topic to discuss?15:52
opendevreviewJan Jasek proposed openstack/horizon master: pytest-based selenium tests add host_aggregates create, delete tests
vishalmanchandaIf no other topic to discuss, let's end this meeting.15:55
vishalmanchandathanks everyone for joining.15:55
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Dec  6 15:55:32 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:55
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
opendevreviewMerged openstack/horizon master: pytest-based selenium tests add routers add, delete interface tests
opendevreviewMerged openstack/horizon master: pytest-based selenium tests add project members, roles tests
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on will be offline momentarily to restart it onto an updated replication key21:36

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