*** whoami-rajat_ is now known as whoami-rajat | 14:47 | |
tmazur | #startmeeting horizon | 15:00 |
opendevmeet | Meeting started Wed Apr 3 15:00:18 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tmazur. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 15:00 |
opendevmeet | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 15:00 |
opendevmeet | The meeting name has been set to 'horizon' | 15:00 |
tmazur | Hello and welcome to the weekly meeting! | 15:00 |
tmazur | Is anyone around? | 15:00 |
vishalmanchanda | Hello | 15:00 |
tmazur | Today's meeting agenda can be found at https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/horizon-release-priorities#L48 | 15:01 |
tmazur | #topic Notices | 15:02 |
tmazur | I have only one announcement today | 15:02 |
tmazur | Today is the 2024.1 Caracal release. Thanks everyone for your effort! | 15:03 |
vishalmanchanda | +1. | 15:03 |
tmazur | As next week is vPTG happening, let’s cancel the weekly meeting next Wednesday. | 15:03 |
tmazur | I will write an email to the mailing list | 15:04 |
vishalmanchanda | yup | 15:04 |
tmazur | Moving to the next topic | 15:05 |
tmazur | #topic Open-discussion | 15:05 |
tmazur | Yesterday was the deadline for Outreachy final applications | 15:05 |
tmazur | So you might see a few new contributors | 15:06 |
tmazur | They will have some time to finish their contributions now, so please take a look at the new patches when they appear | 15:07 |
vishalmanchanda | ack. | 15:07 |
vishalmanchanda | I am looking at the patch https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/914838 | 15:08 |
tmazur | Thanks | 15:08 |
vishalmanchanda | tmazur: Do you think we should require this type of changes to all the forms if accept it? | 15:09 |
tmazur | It is a good question. | 15:10 |
vishalmanchanda | I mean for other services like Edit Volume, Edit neutron? | 15:10 |
tmazur | It looks like a good improvement, however we have lots of place where this help text can be needed | 15:11 |
vishalmanchanda | yup. | 15:13 |
vishalmanchanda | I see a issue with patch will try to drop a review comment after the meeting. | 15:13 |
tmazur | I personally prefer a good sanitizer | 15:13 |
tmazur | Thanks | 15:14 |
vishalmanchanda | Today I tested "Volume Transfer" patch, https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/914104 | 15:15 |
rdopiera | sorry I'm late | 15:15 |
vishalmanchanda | It works fine for me. | 15:15 |
vishalmanchanda | Now testing few test cases manually. | 15:15 |
tmazur | I have tested it on my environment as well | 15:16 |
tmazur | Works fine for a few cases as well | 15:16 |
tmazur | Also, please take a look at the CSV generation fix https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/914156 | 15:20 |
vishalmanchanda | tmazur: ack. | 15:21 |
tmazur | That was everything from me. Does anyone have any other topic to discuss? | 15:21 |
vishalmanchanda | nothing from my side. | 15:21 |
tmazur | Ok, then let's end the meeting. Thanks everyone for joining and see you next week on PTG! | 15:23 |
tmazur | #endmeeting | 15:23 |
opendevmeet | Meeting ended Wed Apr 3 15:23:13 2024 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 15:23 |
opendevmeet | Minutes: https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/horizon/2024/horizon.2024-04-03-15.00.html | 15:23 |
opendevmeet | Minutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/horizon/2024/horizon.2024-04-03-15.00.txt | 15:23 |
opendevmeet | Log: https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/horizon/2024/horizon.2024-04-03-15.00.log.html | 15:23 |
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opendevreview | Jan Jasek proposed openstack/horizon master: pytest-based UI tests add vCPU pCPU test https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/915029 | 21:17 |
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